Chapter 5: The Magic Repeater

EeDeChi curiously sized up Pilar, a bald sorcerer with a gray beard. His face, full of wrinkles and black spots, resembled dried pine bark.

He wore a black wizard's robe embroidered with twisted red threads, forming peculiar sigils and patterns.

His hands were as withered as branches, holding a pitch-black staff topped with a white skull. The skull's eye sockets flickered with dark red ghostly fire, creating an eerie sight.

EeDeChi pointed at the bandits before her. "You guys have Justice Values ranging from -100 to -500. Wiping you all out is justified."

In this world, there is something known as Innate Talent. Innate Talent is an ability people are born with. Nearly one out of every two hundred people in this world possesses such talent.

Most of these talents are simple and convenient, like forecasting the weather, but only a few are powerful rare skills.

After traveling to this world, EeDeChi discovered she had a unique Innate Talent: she could see each person's Justice Value (also referred to as Karma in the Overlord anime).

In her vision, every person has a number above their head, ranging from -500 to +500. Based on her experience, the Justice Value roughly corresponds to a person's moral compass:

-500: Extremely Evil

-400: Evil

-300: Extremely Evil

-200: Malicious

-50: Neutral

0: Neutral

+50: Neutral

+150: Good

+300: Extremely Good

For instance, the bald wizard holding a skull staff had a number of -460 above his head, indicating he was extremely evil, likely harming many innocent lives in the past.

Seeing EeDeChi's curious gaze, Pilar felt a surge of anger. It had been a long time since anyone dared to look at him so rudely, not even the rogue bandits in the group would dare to look him straight in the eye.

EeDeChi made the first move, waving her fingers to cast a newly learned offensive spell.

First Tier Magic: Ice Cone

A mass of ice-blue frost gathered at her fingertips and then solidified into an ice spike, shooting toward Pilar.

Pilar sneered, and with a slight tap of his staff, a shield formed, shattering the ice spike into pieces without even touching Pilar.

Seeing Pilar easily block her spell, EeDeChi's eyes lit up, and she said haughtily, "Interesting. So, you're that Magic Caster, huh? Come on, hit me with your highest-tier magic, don't hold back."

It wasn't that EeDeChi enjoyed being attacked; she had been operating around the borders of human civilization since she arrived in this world. The most advanced offensive magic she had witnessed was Second Tier.

Now that she had finally encountered a "great Magic Caster," she wanted to see more and assess her own strength.

"Courting death!" Pilar was thoroughly enraged. He raised his staff and unleashed his most practiced spell, aiming to annihilate this girl in one blow.

Third Tier Magic: Hellfire Serpent!

A crimson serpent of flame burst from the top of the staff, instantly crossing several meters to engulf EeDeChi in flames.

Nearby, Aaron watched in fear. He recalled George, who had been burned to a crisp earlier, and mourned for the girl as she stood engulfed in flames, including the grass beneath her feet.

The flames gradually dissipated, and to everyone's astonishment, EeDeChi remained standing, unscathed. If not for the circle of scorched grass around her, no one would believe she had just been enveloped in flames.

"This is Mid-tier Magic Immunity!" Pilar took a deep breath, realizing he had met his match today.

Despite being a human, EeDeChi possessed the Mid-tier Magic Immunity attribute, which was unique to high-level magical creatures, making her a formidable opponent.

"Hmph, so what if you have Mid-tier Magic Immunity? Let's see if you can withstand High-tier magic!" Pilar raised his staff, chanting a spell. He was preparing to use the ultimate magic he had mastered to defeat this audacious human.

The skull atop his staff, originally pitch-black, exploded with a red light, like ghostly fire swirling in its sockets. Magic rippled through the surrounding space, and the ghostly fire spread like ripples.

Even Pilar's bandit comrades who were supposed to guard him stepped back, not wanting to be caught in the magic.

EeDeChi frowned, pulled out a pen from her pocket, and pointed it at Pilar, who was preparing to cast his spell. She said:

"Magic Repeater."

Magic Repeater? Pilar was stunned. Was this the name of a spell? He had never heard of it.

To know his opponent, Pilar had studied almost every mainstream spell in the world, even those used by priests. He was familiar with their casting forms and effects.

But what was this "Magic Repeater" spell?

He looked around but saw no magic effects or signs of magic power. EeDeChi still stood there, holding a pen-like object.

Was she bluffing? Pilar felt a surge of anger. A little adventurer dared to fool him. He raised his staff and swung it down hard.

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

A piercing screech echoed through the forest like the screams of demons in hell.

Thick red mist sprayed from the eyes of the skull atop the staff, filling the sky. The mist transformed into a giant humanoid figure wearing a red hood, arms spread like the grim reaper reaching for EeDeChi.

The mist, like a torrent of blood, engulfed EeDeChi. The surrounding bandits fled in panic, fearing the mist might reach them.

Pilar stood leaning on his staff, waiting for the mist to clear to admire his work after casting his ultimate magic.

EeDeChi should be lying on the ground with her eyes bulging and limbs twisted out of shape. The lack of her screams suggested she had bitten off her tongue in the agony of death.

As Pilar imagined the miserable fate of the one who had dared to fool him, a breeze blew through the woods, dispersing the red mist.

The grass had withered, and the forest seemed to have entered winter early. Leaves had fallen, and only bare branches pointed at the gray sky.

Nearby, a thief who had inhaled some of the red mist was clutching his throat, writhing on the ground in pain, and convulsing.

"Achoo!" In the dispersing mist, someone sneezed.

EeDeChi was still standing firmly, holding a pen.

"Achoo!" She sneezed again, and two streams of red mist puffed out from her nostrils, silently mocking Pilar.

"How... how is this possible!" Pilar's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he howled, "How could you be immune to my High-tier magic!"

But he soon fell into despair.

After sneezing, EeDeChi raised her pen toward the stunned thieves and said, "Start repeating."

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

Fifth Tier Magic: Reaper's Reflection!

The red mist representing death surged violently, like a torrent of blood flooding the entire space. Grim reapers wearing red hoods covered the entire forest.

In an instant, the sky became overcast, and the forest turned into a hell of wailing ghosts, filled with ear-piercing screams from both the demons and the bandits.

Aaron, the captain of the cavalry, wanted to escape but his legs were trembling, and the knight's sword he had been holding slipped from his grasp. He fell to his knees in this misty hell, ready to meet death.

"Hey, that young man with a Justice Value of 153, stop playing dead on the ground!"

In despair, Aaron heard a girl's voice calling from afar. He felt someone rushing to his side, dragging him out of the mist.