Chapter 33: The One Wearing Wolf Tooth Gloves

Chapter 33: The One Wearing Wolf Tooth Gloves

The window in the room was sealed by someone, making the surroundings dark and silent. Only EeDeChi's arrogant laughter echoed through the room, breaking the stifling air.

Her laughter was unrestrained, with a boldness that was quite abrupt but also somewhat comforting, slightly easing the fears of Barrett, Stella, and Sean.

After all, the captain's formidable combat prowess was well-known. Even a necromancer with 4th Tier magic abilities was killed by her in a single strike, so there seemed little to worry about.

It was a known fact that among humans, elves, and other races, those who wielded magical powers belonged to the affluent class, as their extraordinary abilities could amass endless wealth.

Barrett understood this well, so once his fear subsided a bit, he began pursuing the side job of an adventurer.

He rummaged through the unowned house, pulling out drawers, yanking down curtains from the windowsill, and toppling over the rosewood tables and cabinets, quickly yielding results.

He found an ivory snuff bottle inlaid with gold; a ruby ring that seemed to have some kind of inexplicable magic; four gold coins found in the gap of a soft chair, along with six silver coins and two copper coins.

Barrett kept rummaging through the cabinets; Sean stood guard beside Stella, who was kneeling by the body of Mage James, trying to figure out how to take her teacher's body out; EeDeChi sat crouched on a chair, engrossed in reading "The Mystery of Magic."

In this eerie and dim living room, there was a strange moment of peace. If the castle's original owner saw this, they would probably be furious, wondering whether these people came to complete an adventure mission or to take a vacation.

EeDeChi turned another page, reading with great interest; Barrett put the two newly found fragments of magic crystals into his spatial ring; Sean arranged the limbs of Mage James's body; Stella was drawing a magic circle around the body, intending to create a temporary storage space for her teacher's body.

Everyone was doing their own thing, undisturbed and harmonious.


"Knock, knock, knock... knock, knock, knock," a knocking sound echoed.

EeDeChi looked up from her book, Barrett stopped his actions, Stella put down her wand, and Sean picked up his crossbow, all four looking towards a tightly closed door in the living room.

The door, made of red sandalwood with dark golden patterns, was where the knocking sound originated from.

"Knock, knock, knock." 

The knocking sounded again, neither too fast nor too slow, as if the person knocking was very courteous.

"May I come in?" After the knocking ceased, a clear and pleasant female voice came from behind the door.

The four in the living room looked at each other, momentarily unsure how to respond, even the usually thick-skinned EeDeChi was a bit bewildered.

"Come in?" Barrett said tentatively.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it, wanting to slap himself. After all, as a seasoned elite adventurer, how could he agree so hastily? In such a strange situation, they should definitely prepare for battle quickly!

In a manor filled with undead and vampires, where even the owner of the manor was dead, if the person knocking wasn't a highly dangerous creature, could it be a maid delivering coffee?

Creak~ The not-so-heavy wooden door gently opened, and a figure stood at the entrance. Barrett, holding his long sword, looked over and... it was indeed a maid!

Outside the door stood a young woman, dressed in a black-and-white maid outfit. A light gray corset was tied around her waist, and white embroidery adorned the neckline and cuffs. Her smooth black hair was tied into a bun at the back of her head, and a pair of narrow-rimmed glasses rested on her high-bridged nose.

She looked dignified and composed, the ideal maid for any noble family. However, what set her apart was the three-finger-wide diamond-encrusted steel collar tightly fastened around her slender neck. It clung to her neck as if to prevent something from falling off.

In this ominous and dangerous environment, the sudden appearance of an elegant maid left the four adventurers momentarily stunned.

But they quickly noticed that the maid wore a heavy steel glove on each hand. The gloves were as big as an adult's head, with steel spikes as thick as fingers welded onto them, gleaming coldly.

What huge wolf tooth gloves! Barrett swallowed hard. This maid, wielding such dangerous weapons, was definitely not here just to serve tea and clean the rooms.

EeDeChi waved her hand, signaling everyone to stay calm. "Don't worry, her Justice Value is 150, which means she's 'good.' She's a good person..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the maid moved. She strode into the living room, raising her massive steel gloves and swinging them directly at EeDeChi.

If EeDeChi hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that such a dignified maid could launch such a perfect attack in an instant.

Seeing the wolf tooth gloves coming at her face with the sound of wind, EeDeChi didn't retreat a single step. She drew her giant sword from her back and met the punch with a loud "clang."

The maid blocked EeDeChi's sword with one hand while retracting the other, then aimed a punch at her abdomen. EeDeChi gripped her sword with both hands, slashing it diagonally to deflect the maid's steel glove.

The maid's failed attack didn't affect her expression. She pulled her fist back in a defensive stance, quickly stomped her feet, slid forward, and swung her right fist at the adventurer captain's head.

Despite having the advantage of weapon length, EeDeChi found herself at a disadvantage. She had to step back and turn to avoid the punch, then swung her giant sword again, colliding with the maid's wolf tooth gloves.

The two exchanged blows, countering each other's moves. The maid's floor-length dress didn't hinder her speed at all. She moved with incredible agility, like the nimblest of boxers, getting close to EeDeChi repeatedly and throwing powerful punches.

But our adventurer captain was no pushover. Her giant sword cut through the air, breaking through the maid's attacks time and again.

The living room was far from an ideal battleground. The space was narrow and cramped, yet it didn't restrict EeDeChi's long weapon.

Wherever her sword went, everything was shattered. The round table was split, the crystal chandelier was smashed into glass powder, the bookshelf was halved, books scattered like butterflies, and even the walls were marked with sword cuts.

Sean wanted to shoot arrows to support, but EeDeChi and the maid moved too swiftly for him to aim, so he gave up. Stella, dragging her teacher's body, and Barrett huddled in a corner to avoid their captain's wild sword swings that did not distinguish friend from foe.

At this moment, a fierce battle raged inside the castle, while outside, the elderly gentleman who had commissioned the mission for "The Last Defender of the Way" adventurer team, Sebas Tian, stood at the gate of the manor.

He looked towards the castle within the manor, his expression serious, and asked the blonde woman beside him, "What's the situation now?"

The blonde woman was Solution Epsilon, a member of the battle maid squad Pleiades from the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Level: 57, Justice Value: -400; Race: Shapeless Slime.

Ainz had assigned her to cooperate with Sebas Tian, traveling outside to gather intelligence for the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Normally, she played the role of a noblewoman, while Sebas played the role of the old butler. But in reality, in terms of level and status, Sebas was her superior.

Solution waved her delicate hand, unfurling a message scroll, and said, "Lady Shalltear has exhausted all the undead and vampires created from the living beings in the castle. Now, Yuri has gone inside. We don't know the current situation."

At this point, the usually proud Solution showed a hint of anxiety.

Yuri Alpha was the dignified maid with the gloves. Like Solution, she was also a battle maid from the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Moreover, Yuri was like the big sister in the Pleiades battle maid squad. Solution couldn't help but worry about who would win after Yuri clashed with the adventurer of unknown strength.

With a loud "bang," a huge hole broke open in the second-floor wall of the castle. Marble fragments and brick dust scattered everywhere, and a black-and-white figure leaped out of the hole—it was Yuri Alpha in her maid outfit.

Seeing her companion looking somewhat disheveled, Solution anxiously wanted to go and support her, but Sebas placed a hand on her shoulder, advising, "Wait a bit longer. Yuri broke the wall herself; she wants to fight outside. Let's observe for a while."

Sebas, responsible for leading the battle maid squad, was also concerned seeing his subordinate at a slight disadvantage.

However, Lord Ainz had tasked him with observing and recording. With monitoring magic and tools currently malfunctioning, he needed to record EeDeChi's battle in detail, so he couldn't intervene rashly.

The much-anticipated EeDeChi finally appeared. She jumped out of the wall hole after the maid, and the two moved into the birch forest outside the castle. Their giant sword and steel gloves clashed as they continued their fierce fight.

The adventurer captain swung her giant sword in wide arcs, pressing the battle maid Yuri into constant retreat. Overall, it seemed EeDeChi had the upper hand, but she hadn't yet managed to completely defeat Yuri.

Sebas watched their fight from afar. As one of the four most skilled hand-to-hand combatants in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, he calmly assessed EeDeChi's combat power.

"Yuri's race level combined with her class level totals 51. Judging by the current battle, EeDeChi is around level 56. She wields a two-handed giant sword and excels in close-quarters combat, without using high-tier magic. Hmm, that's about it."

Standing beside him, the blonde girl, the maid Solution, quickly scribbled with a black feather pen, carefully recording Sebas's words on a parchment scroll.

Seeing that the time was right, Sebas nodded and said, "Send in Entoma. Have her cooperate with Yuri and capture EeDeChi to bring back to the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Hopefully, Lord Ainz won't harm her."