Chapter 35: The Arrival of the Gothic Lolita

Let's rewind the clock about twenty minutes earlier, to the Great Tomb of Nazarick, on the tenth underground floor, inside the Throne Hall.

A petite girl in a black dress was kneeling before Ainz, speaking in a soft voice, "Lord Ainz, may I wear the magical contact lenses to share my vision and then capture EeDeChi? This way, you can directly see that unidentified adventurer."

Standing next to Ainz, a beautiful woman in a white dress frowned and scolded, "Shalltear, Lord Ainz doesn't want to see that adventurer woman, he just wants to know her combat strength."

The girl in the black dress raised her head, her disproportionately large chest trembling with indignation, "Big-mouth gorilla, I'm talking to Lord Ainz, why are you butting in? Don't worry, Lord Ainz won't be interested in that woman."

Just as the woman in the white dress was about to retort, Ainz raised his hand to stop their argument, "Alright, alright, stop fighting. I'm just curious about that girl named EeDeChi's strength. All surveillance magic has failed, and Sebas hasn't sent much information either. Shalltear, go ahead with your plan."

Shalltear shot a triumphant look at the woman in the white dress, Albedo, as if she had won this inexplicable contest for favor. She then saluted and left, teleporting out of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Albedo, with her hands behind her back, pouted angrily, while Ainz could only press his skeletal forehead with his bony fingers in exasperation.

Having been an older virgin before crossing over, he had no idea how to handle this situation where two women were vying for his attention. But fortunately, Shalltear and Albedo were only playfully bickering and hadn't had any excessive fights due to jealousy.

Both were utterly loyal to Ainz and understood that the overall interests of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were above their personal desires.

Before long, Shalltear sent a message. Ainz received it, and a large magical screen floated up in front of his throne, showing Shalltear's first-person perspective.


"So, you're the one in charge?" EeDeChi looked at the petite girl in the black dress before her, feeling that the main character had finally appeared, and couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile.

Just a moment ago, a pipette-like long spear had suddenly stabbed down from the sky, forcing her to withdraw her sword to defend. Now, she was facing off against this black-dressed girl wielding a huge spear.

Here in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz was watching the magical screen in front of him. On the screen, the girl in black clothes and black hair was also leisurely looking at him, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Ainz's first impression of her was that she resembled Boogiepop from the anime "Boogiepop and Others."

Like Boogiepop in "Boogiepop and Others," this adventurer was also dressed in a black robe with black hair, but no hats.

However, her eyes had an added sense of righteous determination. Her sharp, honest gaze seemed to pierce through the screen, directly targeting Ainz.

Ainz's eyes glowed red as he began flipping through a dossier on the indigenous inhabitants, trying to figure out who this person was.

EeDeChi looked at the black-dressed, silver-haired Lolita in front of her, frowning slightly, as if assessing something internally.

The Lolita she was facing, Shalltear, was dressed as usual in a black dress. The crinoline under her skirt made the dark red rose patterns on it bloom, and white lace ribbons were embroidered on the ruffled hem.

Her pale little face was adorned with dark eyeliner, and a pair of bright red pupils looked at EeDeChi. A large black and red bow was tied in her neat white hair.

Most striking was her chest, which was disproportionately large compared to her petite figure. She looked like a royal handcrafted porcelain doll, exquisitely detailed yet lacking much life.

EeDeChi sized up Shalltear's outfit and nodded, "Oh, a Gothic Lolita."

Gothic! Lolita. Ainz was startled. Shalltear was created by one of the 41 Supreme Beings—Peroroncino, a lover of adult games. Peroroncino indeed designed Shalltear with an orthodox Gothic Lolita style.

But this is an isekai! How could someone from an isekai know the meaning of "Gothic"? This implies that she must be a player who also crossed over! And she's a—female player!

Ainz pondered this silently, continuing to watch EeDeChi on the live screen.

EeDeChi swung her giant sword, performing a flourish, and said carelessly, "Little Lolita, it's dangerous to carry such a weapon. Hand it over, and I'll adjust your Justice Value, making you a good girl!"

She held her sword with one hand, standing with her legs apart, her previously cold and graceful demeanor completely gone.

Hmm... Ainz thought to himself. She doesn't seem like a female player, but her gender is indeed female.

Could it be... Ainz speculated, a cross-dressing man?!

Of course, besides the possibility of a cross-dressing man, there's also the chance that when creating a character in the game, this person chose a female avatar and ended up crossing over into the game world.

Ainz remembered that in the game, there were plenty of otakus who picked female characters, flaunting feminine IDs to deceive other players into giving them special treatment.

Could it be that this person got more than they bargained for, and when they crossed into this isekai, their gender actually changed to female? That would be an even worse fate than his own.

Ainz himself had chosen an undead character, and after finally crossing into the isekai, ended up with a skeleton body that couldn't eat or sleep with the girls.

Ainz couldn't help but entertain this malicious thought, but honestly, who would expect to suddenly cross over while playing a game?

"Hey," EeDeChi stared at Shalltear's overly ample chest, "those boobs are fake, right? How could someone your age develop like that?"

On the screen, Albedo, who was watching the first-person live feed with Ainz, grinned, showing her pearly whites and laughed, "Lord Ainz, see, anyone can tell Shalltear's chest is padded!"

It was true. Shalltear had always been unhappy with her figure, often using cotton or similar materials to pad her flat chest.

"How dare you!!" Shalltear's face, usually pale, turned red with anger, "They're not fake! I developed early, so what?"

Her face was full of rage. She lifted her giant pipette-shaped spear and lunged at EeDeChi. EeDeChi raised her sword to block the strike. The two exchanged blows, the spear clashing with the giant sword, testing each other with a few moves.

EeDeChi stepped back, her expression a bit serious. From their brief exchange, she could tell that this Gothic Lolita girl, Shalltear, had near-perfect strength and speed. She was the strongest enemy EeDeChi had encountered since crossing into the isekai!

Neither of them had used their full strength, only engaging in simple weapon clashes without any special skills. It was hard to predict the outcome if they fought with all their might.

Although this Gothic Lolita's Justice Value was -450, which made EeDeChi extremely uneasy, she was hesitant to unleash her full power to take her down.

Among the enemies she faced in the manor today, there was first an iron fist maid whose combat power had reached the pinnacle among ordinary people. Then there was an insect maid who was equally matched with the iron fist maid. And now, there was this suddenly appearing Gothic Lolita with a long spear.

EeDeChi didn't know what formidable enemies might pop up after this girl in the black dress, so she cautiously launched probing attacks.

What the EeDeChi didn't know was that Shalltear was equally shocked.

It had been a long time since she had encountered such a powerful opponent. Among the indigenous inhabitants of this world, this adventurer named EeDeChi was already at peak combat level. And it was clear that EeDeChi was still holding back, not using her full strength.

Of course, Shalltear hadn't gone all out either. Due to her previous underestimation of the enemy, she had only brought her Spuit Lance into battle, leaving the divine weapon crafted specifically for her by the Supreme Beings back in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

If they were to fight at full strength, the outcome would still be uncertain.

The two of them circled each other, their spear and sword pointed at each other, each looking for an opening.

Outside the manor, Sebas saw that Shalltear had already rescued the insect maid Entoma and had begun fighting EeDeChi. He quickly sent a message: "Yuri, don't get involved, retreat immediately. This is not a battle you can intervene in!"


Barrett's Adamantitekite shield was full of dents, and a broken longsword was stuck in the ground beside him while he held another one-handed broadsword.

He thought he would die here, but he hadn't expected to withstand the iron fist maid's storm-like attacks. He still didn't dare to let his guard down, slowly adjusting his breathing, preparing for the maid's next wave of attacks.

The iron fist maid's face remained dignified, though a few strands of hair had fallen over her forehead due to the intense battle, adding a touch of charm to her elegant demeanor.

She smiled gently at the sweat-covered Barrett, lifted the dirty hem of her maid's dress, and took a light step back, suddenly disappearing from Barrett's sight.

The surrounding swarm of insects also retreated one by one, and the chaotic manor returned to calm. Barrett gripped his sword tightly, nervously looking around, wondering if it was really over.

In the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz pondered for a moment, tapping his skeletal finger on the table, and gave an order: "Come back, Shalltear. EeDeChi is very likely a player and might possess unknown high-tier items. Don't seek to defeat her now.

"We're unsure whether she is a friend or enemy, or if she has other forces behind her. We need to gather more information before making any plans."

"Understood, Lord Ainz." Shalltear received the message and, under EeDeChi's watchful gaze, flipped and jumped into the air, her fluffy black dress billowing like waves. She leaped into the air, a brief flash of white light, and disappeared in front of EeDeChi.

"Another high-tier teleportation spell?" EeDeChi looked in the direction the Gothic Lolita had left, deep in thought.