Chapter 32: Weight

"I hope that you have a good explanation for what's happening here... Wang!

The forest, which had fallen silent, stirred with Li's words, as if the very environment sensed the tension cutting through the air. Sunlight filtered through the tree canopies, creating beams of light that danced in the air, highlighting the two men. 

Standing up and letting out a slight sigh, still with his back turned, Xu responded without looking at Jihan: 

"An 'explanation'? I thought it was obvious. I'm just following what was proposed in the test." Answered the man. 

"Test!?" Li retorted furiously, pointing to the mutilated body near the unconscious Irmin. "Where was it written that you should mutilate people?" 

"That? Hahaha, they were annoying me." Xu turned his head 90 degrees, glancing sideways at Li. "So, I carved some respect into their bodies." 


"What's the problem, Jihan? Why are you acting like I did something wrong!?"