Chapter 42: Singular Group

As the sun set, Matheus and Li walked back to the Arcadia barracks. Although the team leader wanted to say something, he preferred to give Li some space. After all, despite getting along well, they had only known each other for less than a day. 

The imposing building, resembling a castle, stood out in the square. Streetlights scattered around began to light up one by one, illuminating the streets. Just like in another world, in ordinary neighborhoods, families walked freely along the sidewalks. Li was impressed by the similarity to a big city. 

As night approached, the stones that made up the main gate of the facility were no longer red but wine-colored. 

"Let's go." Matheus didn't head back inside the barracks but instead went along the side of the building. "The quarters for the lower hierarchy ranks are in a separate part." 

Reaching the back, Li encountered just over half a dozen simple wooden houses. Some had lights on, but most seemed empty.