Settling Down In A Better Place

The apartment was fully furnished and there had only been one family who previously lived here for a short while before moving across states so everything in the house was essentially new and didn't need any major redo so it was ready to be moved into at a moment's notice. After deciding on this apartment, we brought our mom to have a look at the new place. She loved it and the community it was in. At this time the money from the book site had come through and the final amount was 45 thousand since I last checked. After confirming that we all wanted the place, the agent contacted the property owner and because initially the rent for 6 months was 25 thousand dollars and I wanted to take advantage of the cashback and put in more money for bigger cashback, I renegotiated for 40 thousand dollars for 10 months. He agreed and the contract was drawn up and signed that day. Before paying I selected the 10× cashback.


[It has been detected that host wants to consume the 10× cashback ticket. Confirm yes or no]



[Your cashback for this transaction is 400 thousand dollars]

I got a message on my phone that confirmed that the money had been deposited.

The payment came on Friday of the last week of September and we began moving during the weekend. There wasn't much to move since everything in our new place was better than what was in the old place so by Sunday we were done and by Monday on the new month of October, we were settled in our own first luxury apartment. It was eight in the morning when I woke up and I was confused at the fact that I hadn't woken up with the ruckus they made in the morning before leaving the house. It took a while before I came to the realisation that we were at a new and better place now so unless someone came knocking on my door, I'll be in a room without knowing much of what was going on outside. I didn't even know how such living conditions can help with promoting and stabilising good mental health until now. I took my time to stretch and become fully awake before heading to the bathroom in my room to start my day, which was also a first. After I came out of my room, I realised that mom had made scrambled eggs and oatmeal and left it on the dining table. This was a first too and I was totally fine with that. After eating eating breakfast and washing the dishes, I sat on the comfy couch which was a first as well and began to think. I had gone through a whole lot of firsts this morning, and it all started with the system. I was becoming more and more grateful for having the system in my life because things were getting better and was bound to get even better in the future so for now I had to think of what I was going to do with my life since I no longer had to worry about money. For starters I knew I wasn't going to continue living in Philly for long. There was a whole world out there that I wanted to experience and I could do it with the existence of the system and the freedom it brought me. I was practically unbound from the norm of society and I wanted to find out the kind of person I truly was if I wasn't bound by all the ties society put on us. For now, my immediate goal was to settle the home front and make sure everyone in the family had financial freedom or at least were not in desperate need of money and could live comfortably. I guess I could start with my mom. She had a stall that she sold stationery items which was what she had been doing for some years now. It brought a decent income which kept us from staving to death. Anything else usually came from the money the first born,Veronica sent or the little that the second born,Lydia made. As for the third born Linda,the distance she kept from the family applied in all things including money. Not saying she was doing fantastic but she had at something going on for herself which paid the rent and put food on the table for her so she could afford to stay away. It had been like this for years and that was the status quo and I wanted to change it. I called the agent whose name by the way was Monica and let her get started on finding a big shop I could buy. Yes this time I wanted to buy a shop since it was a business investment which will be profitable in the long run. Monica said she had in her possession some stores and shops that she meant to pass to some interns but had been too busy so she never got aroundto it. It was quite a coincidence which totally worked in my favor. She said was out the moment and will get back to me the moment she got back to the office.

After about an hour had gone by she called to inform me that several of the shops had actually been rented out and the few she had were quite expensive since they were on busy streets. I had no problem with that and we met in the city centre and after the rest of the morning and afternoon bouncing around from store to store, I decided on a store that was closer to a high class residential area. I chose the place because after walking around talking to people and studying the area, I came to the conclusion that this was not a place for rich upstarts and everyone in the place minded their business. It was a lovely place.