[It has been detected that host has issued a death threat...
Scanning to confirm if host is justified...
Scan complete...Host is justified...
Calculating the punishment host issued...
Scan complete...
Ruination confirmed...the cost of system enforced punishment shall be 1,000,000 dollars...
Accept or reject]
In the cab with my sis and mom, I looked through the system announcement and I there was a sharp glint in my eyes. I was normally a laid back dude who didn't like confrontations but when my bottom lines where crossed, I tended to be very cruel in my retribution. It has only happened once when I was an early teenager and someone from the family I used to live with called my biggest sister a slut who sold her body to the highest bidder to be able to move and cater for her family by herself. He was at least a decade older and should have been stronger but that day I broke his jaw and almost ripped off one of his hands so he had to spend six months in various casts. That was all to say, my family was a soft spot for me and I didn't joke about it.
I asked the system how ruined they will be and the system replied with just two words, 'utter ruin'. I accepted the system enforcement.
[Utter ruination has commenced and will adher to the deadline issued by host]
[Decree loading 1%]
'Oh so it begins', I thought with a terrible smile on my face.
"Sly", I turned to see my sister who called me and I saw she wanted to say something but in the end chose not to. Everyone both in my small family and the extended family knew I was usually laid back and calm but turned into a terrifyingly vengeful person when I was wronged so she recognised the smile on my face but then had to keep quiet on the matter because this time she also had similar sentiments. My mom didn't know what had just transpired because she was out of it at this point and things became quiet until we got to the hospital and had her checked out. Since she didn't want to spend the night there, she was given some injections which directly reduced the symptoms and prescribed some drugs before she was discharged. My sister at one point had to leave to pick up her kid so my mom and I went back home by ourselves. It was a quiet ride home and my sis had already gotten back with my nephew already. We all went to bed early that night and I woke up very early to have a talk with everyone body.
We all sat at the living room and I placed the titles to both shops along with the business titles on the centre table. My mom and sister looked at each other and looked back at me for an explanation but I didn't say anything and only pointed at the file. I could tell they were nervous at my silence and couldn't decide who would pick the file first. After a lot of deliberation, my mom picked it up and started looking through it. As time went by, tears started sliding down her cheeks and just dropped the file and rushed into my arms.
This was the first time in our lives we saw my mom break down completely. It felt like roles had reversed and we had achieved a full cycle of life. Whiles my mom let out everything she was feeling in my arms, my sis also joined after she saw what the file contained. We all felt like we were finally at the light of the tunnel and the darkness was behind us. We spent all morning at home and my nephew didn't even go to school that day. Surprisingly, no one asked me where I got the money from or how I did it because at this point, they knew I was responsible and I wouldn't do anything illegal. They wanted to respect and show appreciation for the things I was doing rather than question me at every turn. My mom gathered herself and wiped her face before making breakfast for all of us. At the dining table, I looked at my sister and asked if there was any problem transferring her kid to another school closer to her shop. She didn't have a problem and I told her we had to finish the transfer process before the end of the year so that he could start at the school this coming new year. My mom wanted us to go see the new place and I texted everyone involved to meet us there. They saw me texting someone and asked and I told them that I had people help me do everything. I was anticipating the looks on my mom and sister's face when they saw who helped me set everything up. I invited Monica as well since everything wouldn't have been easy wouldn't her. After we all got ready, we took a cab there and just as I anticipated, the shock on their face was priceless. My sister was acting like a kid chasing her best friend and Monica demanding why her best friend didn't tell her when they were practically next to each other every week day and Monica because she knew her before me . My mom was also pleased to see these people who she considered her true friends for all they did for her when they worked together and even after. She also didn't forget to give me the dirtiest side eye she could muster for not informing her of her friends' arrival.
After everyone was done catching up, we all finally went up to the store fronts and marveled at the place. Both were 200 square metres in size which for the first time I recognised just how huge they were inside. My mom's was filled with every stationery item I could think of and things I hadn't even seen before with colour theme of the shop being on the dim side. My sister's looked more vibrant and bright with everything coming together to create an explosion on the senses. I thought it seemed too much but my sister looked like she was in paradise so I guess the aim was achieved. Looking at the seer size, they would have to hire more hands to effectively run but that was their problem. I had done my part.