Escape The Drake!: Part 2



The cave shook violently with the student being chased by the giant lizard.

Ice was formed behind Emma in attempt to slow down the drake.

But it simply just ignored it with its big body breaking through it.

Emma kept running back to the entrance, never turning back or stopping once.

Doing so would mean death.

The cave around them broke and collapsed with their chase.

Emma soon got close enough to the entrance and saw Lucas and Lelia ready with their weapons.

Aiden had sweat fall down his brows while he manipulated the earth to create a favorable environment.

Getting close enough to the blockade covering the entrance, Emma turned to face her opponent and materialize an ice sword.

The drake continued to Emma, its mouth opening up upon seeing her pray stopping.

Emma threw the ice sword in its mouth to pierce it.

It hit the drake's throat and caused immense pain, making the drake close it's mouth and back its head a bit.

Emma used this chance to get to one side of the drake's body and created a huge boulder of ice that slammed against the body.

It wasn't enough to send the beast's body flying, but the boulder pushed her more near the entrance.

The drake turned to face Emma, fury deep within its eyes.

It was intense enough to make Emma feel the burning fear brought to her by just looking.

She planted her feet to the ground and hold the sword in her hand, looking back at the drake's eyes.

A deep breath left her as she took the form of Steady Mountain.

The drake was moving insanely fast towards her out of wrath.

She raised the sword above her head and waited until the drake was close.

As soon as the drake took another step towards Emma, she brought the sword down that was 10x the size it should have been.

The ice sword smashed against the drake's scales and cracked them.

A long screech followed with the tremors of the impact.

It was enough that even Roseline would have be able to feel.

That is, if she wasn't asleep by now.

The cave trembled more and more from

The fight.

It could fall anything soon.

With the damage done to the drake, Emma backed off.

Lucas had his teleportation spell ready for them and only needed the entrance to be unblocked.

Emma got to Lucas's side with Lelia and applied both ice and wind magic on his spear.

The drake had its back on the path's opening and was about to get back up.

A green-blue flash of light came right to her face and slammed the back of her head to the rubble behind the drake.


The entrance was now open, a peak of light seeping through the hole made.

Seeing this, Lucas activated the spell and grabbed the two ladies.

In a flash of bright purple light, they disappeared.

With the drake's pray escaping and even harming it, a deep roar of anger came from her.


The cave started to break down, it had endured far too much pressure to continue staying up.





The deafening roar woke Roseline up from her slumber.

Getting up, she found the cave shaking and going into ruin.

Giant cracks from the floor to the ceiling appeared and broke apart from each other.

It was an earthquake to all the surroundings, changing the terrain and destroying everything in its path.

Roseline dodged the falling pieces of giant rock and looked at the skeletons that were being drowned in dust and debris.

They weren't a concern anymore with this situation going on.

She ran off to the path she was on originally at the start.

Seeing that the first passage's entrance wasn't blocked anymore, she passed through it and continued on her way.

Roseline was much faster then those in her Star level, mainly because she was of a superior species.

She was now outside of the cave and in the dark canyon.

Seeing the sight she saw a few days ago, Roseline thought she could relax.

But one should never relax until they reached their safe place.

Another loud roar came from the cave and bursted out the drake.

The drake looked at Roseline and chose to take it's anger out on her.

Roseline's eyes widen as she jumped as far as she could to avoid the drake's claw.

'What is that?!'

Looking at the lizard, Roseline first thought of a dragon but didn't see the iconic dragon wings.


With the drake free from the cave, it freely used it's affinity against her.

Shadows from all over came under it and shook the canyon.

Roseline felt a shiver crawl up her spine.

'What up with the shadows here?!? Shadows, shadows, SHADOWS DAMN IT!'

As it was about to attack her, a wall of ice surrounded Roseline and blocked the attack for her.

Roseline whipped her head to see Emma and the rest.

"Roseline your still alive?" Emma asked in confusion.

"Hahhahh.. hi?"


The ice wall shattered and a claw-shaped shadow headed to Roseline.

She was able to dodge though because of the time given by Emma.

"Next time I'm not following you." Lucas said to Roseline.



Emma kept the drake distracted while Lucas told Roseline where they were going to go.

"We're going back where we came from. Do your remember the path back?"

"Uh.. yeah."

"Then let's go!"

Lucas grabbed Roseline's shoulder and dragged her with them.

"What about Emma?" Lelia said ran with them.

"We'll get back to her after getting the teachers!"

"Are you insane? You think she can take that alone?"

"No… of course not, but we don't have much time anymore."

A flash of blue passed them as they said it.

It hit one of the canyon's rock formations and immediately crumbled.

Emma's head was bleeding and she was unable to get up, having exhausted her body.


Behind them, the drake quickly caught up to them.