Escape The Drake!: Part 4

A spike of like went down to the drake and slammed against it.

It cried out in pain from the strike, shaking the surrounding canyon area more.

Lydia went to Lelia and asked her about the other students but was interrupted by her.

"Your finally here!"

As she said that, Lelia collapsed and showed extreme signs of exhaustion.

Lydia up her hands on her and used her healing to give Lelia strength again to get up.

Helping her up, Lydia asked again.

"I heard that there were two other students with you that were your teammates, where are they."

"They went to where we first came from and are resting there. I came from there too."

"Can you show me?"

"Yes, please follow me! One of my friends needs healing."

They left to go to Roseline and Emma while Atlas faces the drake.

Lucas backed off as now the fight wasn't going to be at his level.

Holding the light sword, Atlas pointed at the drake and spoke.


Chains made of light started to form from behind he and a few wrapped around his sword.

The rest charged to the drake, holding it down.

Atlas didn't know if this would be effective against something like this shadow drake.

Something like that should't exist, nor be as powerful as it was.


Atlas reinforced his chains with an energy that came from the ground, masterfully integrating itself in his mana.

The drake broke through the chains after struggling for a while.

It used its shadow to cover the ground and make it it's territory.

Atlas acted quickly and made several bursts of light explode over the area, stopping the shadow from growing more.

But in the dark environment of the canyon, it only stopped the shadows from getting close to Atlas.

He burned more of his mana to make his light brighter than it already was.

In response, the drake used it's physical body to get closer as it was unaffected by the light.

Atlas struck with his sword to the drakes head that had been slightly injured by Emma's attack.

As the sword hit the scales, the light penetrated through and hit its insides.

The drake shook violently to move the opponent away, swinging its body against the canyon walls and making huge rocks and boulders fall.

The terrain of the canyon quickly changed in the chaos of the fight.

Atlas chased the drake down while occasionally sending attacks to damage the drake's scales more.

'Just what kind of weakness would this type of anomaly have?'

Seth watched the fight with his aura-sight on and looked at the drake.

It's aura was strange, the color was off.

What should have been red was mixed with a rusty color, constantly fighting against itself and the red aura.

The aura was also twisted and patched together like a doll.

An aura was the outward projection of the soul.

And this was clearly done by a human.

'A human strong enough to do this to a drake but weak enough to past the array…'

There definitely isn't a good reason for doing this.

'We need to find who's doing this.'

Atlas shouldn't have any trouble with the drake but because of it being an anomaly, they had to prepare for the worst.

Shadows and light fought each other, the clouds in the sky had lightning going through it faster and faster with the destruction of the canyon.

'I should focus on the corruption left behind here while I can.'

Grabbing out Heaven-Breaking Will again, Seth covered the sword in spirit mana and activated it's ability.

Seth's mana was quickly absorbed into the sword's guard where a gem was located.

The white gem was filled with a invisible liquid and when it got full, stucked the sky like a firework.

Immediately after, a giant sword appeared in the sky, crashing down on the array and corruption in the canyon.

The sight was mind-shaking.

The clouds split and lightning struck the sword.

But nothing happened with the sword made of spirit mana.

It continued on its path until the dark clouds were fully split into two.

It dissipated after and sunlight poked through the line in between the clouds.

With the sunlight touching the canyon's ground, the power of the drake lessened and Seth had gotten his confirmation on the array's purpose.

Flames green and red shot from the ground.

'So it was a seal.'

The flames engulfed everything it touched, spreading with the wind.

But Seth saw this and thought nothing of it.

There was probably something that kept the flames here for a reason.

Or it was probably part of the corruption infecting this place.

Not much is known about corruption, other then that corruption can happen and come from beings that reached the fourth stage.

Humanity knew nothing about that stage, or if it even existed.

But Seth remembered something his teacher had told him about the forth stage.

Regardless, this corruption was quite old so it was easy to remove it.

Like taking off the dead skin from a fully healed scar.

With the clouds gone and the sunlight coming in, Atlas silently thanked Seth and fought the drake more intensely.

The light sword glowed brighter with the sun shining on it.

With every hit, the drake felt its insides turn into mush.

Soon Atlas had cornered it and was ready to send a last blow to the near-dying beast.

In a last ditch effort, the shadows around it went around its claws in layers, making it huge, and clawed towards the bright glowing human.

Atlas brought the sword to one of his side before swinging the sword in a horizontal line.

The sword strike cut through the drakes claw like butter, ending the life of it fully.

With its fall, the canyon started collapsing in a mass scale.

The history of this place would be buried like the rest of the desert and never see the light of day again.

Atlas turned to Seth and said.

"Let's get the students out now."