Shadow Abilities


All the classes for today had just ended.

Roseline slept through all the classes after the events that happened on planet Olreon.

Even when she slept for a while, she was still tired mentally.

But she knew it will go away in a few days with proper rest.

For now though, she wanted to try out the new abilities that came with the affinity she had finally gotten.

Getting to one of the training arenas, Roseline put on her gauntlets and pulled up the System.

——— SYSTEM ———

Shadow Abilities unlocked:

1. Shadow merge

2. Shadow blink

3. Shadow pocket


'Guess I start with Shadow merge.'

— Shadow merge is to become one with shadows —

'Become one with shadows?..'

Seeing the description, she couldn't help but think of the unpleasant memories of those bats become part of her shadow and taking control over her body.

Thinking about becoming one with the shadow had become kind of unnerving for her after all that.

'Maybe next time.'

— Shadow blink is to use the shadow nearest to you and 'teleport' or move to it —

Looking at the shadow of a tree near her, she moved to another shadow and used her mana for the first time.

As it was her first time, she had to get a hang of manipulating it, but she quickly learned.

Stepping into the shadow, once she got through it fully Roseline felt her location change and she stepped out of the tree's shadow.

— -10 Mana —

'It's really similar to how blink is described to work.'

Blink from the space affinity works by 'folding' space so that point A and B get closer enough to head there without much work.

Think of space like a piece of paper.

Point A is one side of the paper while point B is on the other side.

Folding the paper will make a 'wormhole' of sorts.

Through that wormhole, one can go anywhere they want as long as they can see it.

Shadow blink did it similar but instead of space, it does it through shadows.

All shadows are connected one way or another after all.

After trying it again and again for a few moments and getting used to it, Roseline moved onto the last Ability.

— Shadow pocket is a small space you can use to store non-living objects in —

Roseline found a connection between Shadow pocket and Shadow merge through the two's descriptions.

'If I put my gauntlets in the Shadow pocket, can I take it out and put it on through Shadow merge?'

As much as she wanted to try that out, she still felt an aversion to using Shadow merge.

Roseline took off her weapon and activated Shadow pocket.

Pushing the weapon through the tree's shadow, it went in and didn't come out

— -20 Mana —

'That used up way more mana. I should be able to take it out too.'

Using Shadow pocket again, she took out the gauntlets and put them back on herself.

'What a good set of Abilities.' Roseline happily thought.

——— SYSTEM ———

Name: Roseline Hart

Species: Vampling

Level: 2 Star ( 1/10 )

XP: 355/1000

Affinity: Shadow

Health: 400/400

Mana: 100/150


Strength: 42

Agility: 39

Dexterity: 34

Defense: 35

Stamina: 38

Charm: 24

Free Stats: 0


Now that she looked at the profile of herself, she looked at Vampling.

'Right what was a Vampling? I missed the notification before, too much was happening.'

Roseline went to check on the important notifications she had missed.

It was too hectic for her to keep an eye on the System.

——— SYSTEM ———


A Blooded human that is slowly transforming into a full Vampire, relies more in blood and can eat food but has lost all taste in it.

Chance of becoming a Vampire (100%)


——— SYSTEM ———

You have become a Vampling and gained the Shadow affinity.

Unsealing of the Cells: 50%


'25% straight up? Gods..'

She had a feeling that becoming a Vampire will take much more time than anything else.

She didn't really care about losing her taste to food.

'I will just have to bear it, I guess.'

She had checked everything and was going to go back when she heard a shaking from a bush far away.

A normal human definitely wouldn't be able to see what Roseline was doing while in a bush.

But one has to remember that this base belonged to many different awakeneds, far from a normal mortal human.

She stood for a few seconds, looking around before using Shadow blink to get away.





Aiden was sitting at one of the gardens of the base looking around nervously.

He had just remembered about Jake's 'request'.

He hadn't been able to do it because of the cave but was a bit relieved deep inside.

Though he was still scared to dead by Jake, he had awakened now.

Perhaps they would go easier on him.

Someone familiar to him had noticed he thought, running up and slapped his back.

"Heyy, what are you doing here being all nervous. It's so obvious."

"Hahha..ha, Lucas…."

Lucas sat next to Aiden and started to talk Aiden's head off.

"Yap yap yap…".

Aiden had already had the words go through one ear through the other.

Then he had gone silent.

"Hey, how do you think Roseline survived that cave? Or did we just picked the wrong side to go? Damn, we didn't even get anything out of that 'trial'."

Roseline surviving…

That was definitely unexpected.

Aiden had an insane thought that he told Lucas.

"Do you think that maybe… Roseline is an awakened?"

"Hm? Nah, the military's IDs would have picked that up. Unless your saying that Roseline somehow got past that."

Aiden still thought that it was something to think about.

"Oh umm..Lucas?"


"Can you walk together…."

"Ah, this has something to do with Jake's gang right? Sure."

Aiden felt embarrassed to even ask that, he had a weird image of him in a girly dress asking Lucas like a maiden to 'walk him home please~'

Lucas continued to talk while Aiden sat there with his… thoughts.