Aren’t Shadows Cool?

She walked over the gate and looked around the castle.

Gardens of unknown flowers spread over the entire outside area of the castle.

The sweat smell of pollen entered her nose but Roseline showed no interest in them.

A human may not be able to resist the urge to smell them and suffer an unknown fate by getting near them.

But the smell wasn't strong enough to severely effect humans.

Trees was yellow leaves spread out across the garden sparsely.

The leaves reflected sunlight and scattered them everywhere, creating shadows where it shouldn't have been there.

The sunlight had gotten stronger under this area, making Roseline bring out the umbrella.

With the umbrella up, Roseline knew her idea was a smart one.

The shadow that was formed near she supported her and could be used as a weapon in the future if she gets an ability to manipulate the shadows and make them into physical weapons.

The umbrella block the sunlight also made the affect of it not harm her.

The umbrella was a basic black one that people would buy in the stores, nothing fancy.

She continued on and looked around the ever so bright surroundings.

'Not as bright as that damn building.'

From all the shiny things she saw today, Roseline thought that she had to take a break on looking at anything.

In the past, she wasn't the biggest fan of those shiny cars, the moment to took a peak at them it was like getting flashbangged for her.

Having eyes more sensitive than others had its pros and cons after all.

Getting inside the castle itself, sunlight seemed to pasted through the walls.

The source of that sunlight was from the long stained glass windows on the hallways walls.

The stained glass windows reminded her of that experience in the cathedral and made her hairs stand up.

She refused to look at them any longer, moving on through the castle.

Stopping near a shadow and observing the knights guarding the door to the next area, she thought about their description.

This one's, unlike the beasts from before, were real golems.

Well golems in the term that they were metal protectors that weren't living.

Because they weren't living, she had to deal with them the old fashioned way.

Going through the shadow she was on, she appeared behind the left guard's shadow.

She threw a punch without holding back.

The fist slammed against the metal and struck through it, getting slightly stuck.


The swing from the right's sword almost decapitated her arm but missed.

She stepped back 10 steps away from the knight.

Roseline breath in a deep breath and lifted the scrap metal body of the knight stuck on hee arm.

Using it's shadow, she used it to appear behind the other's shadow and grabbed its head, smashing it against her knee.

Roseline's first victim had fallen to the floor as Roseline went through the shadow and had not brought it.


With them both gone she was able to pass thw door now.

With this fight, she realized just how suited the shadow affinity was for her.

If she didn't have this affinity but rather another one, this fight wouldn't have gone so easily.

'Damn, other then those bats from before, shadows are pretty cool.'

The System reacted to the door infront of Roseline after she walked to it.

——— SYSTEM ———

Defeat the Castle of The Bright.

Reward: +100 XP, 2 Star Light Affinity Beast Core

Defeat: Disapper together with the dungeon.


——— SYSTEM ———

You have found a dungeon for the first time.

+ 50 XP


'Kind of late isn't it?' Roseline said frowning.

— You have gotten to the starting point of the dungeon, which the SYSTEM used to recognize that it was a dungeon. —

Roseline put her attention back to the door and push it open.

Roseline had to use a little bit more force then usual to completely open the two doors.

This time, the hall that branches out in three ways was less brighter then the hallway from before.

The shadows were less darker then before as a result.

Getting into a shadow, Roseline walked to the hall the branched off to the north.

'What am I supposed to find anyways?'

— The user must find the throne room. —

'Oh yeah? Put that in the damn Quest panel next time.'

— The SYSTEM will take note of that. —

The System had been doing fine until now.

— You had grown faster than that SYSTEM had predicted. —

Faster?.. For a vampire?

Roseline brought those thoughts out of her mind as she had found more enemies to fight.

It was the same as last time, knight golems.

Roseline checked how much mana she had left and saw that there was only 60 out of 150 left.

'Sigh, I have too little mana storage.'

She could use Shadow blink 6 more times but she hadn't even gotten to the end of the castle yet.

'After dealing with them, I should take a break to recover my mana.'

Using Shadow blink, the shadow of one of the guard's shadows rippled like drops falling into a lake and Roseline came out of it, swiftly dealing with them.

She wrapped her arm around the knight's neck and turned it into scrap metal with her biceps.

She blinked again immediately after dealing with the first one to the other knight 3 feet away.

The knight swung it's sword behind it but Roseline delayed her from getting out of the shadow making the attack miss her.

Rising up, she grabbed one of the arms and used her other hand and placed it on it's shoulder.

Roseline ripped the arm off the knight and let go of it, her free hand reach it's neck and crushing it.

As she said to herself before, with the enemies gone she took that time to take a 30 minute break to get back some mana before continuing the dungeon.

She took a look at her stats to think about how she was going to build herself going forward with her new Shadow affinity.

——— SYSTEM ———

Name: Roseline Hart

Species: Vampling

Level: 2 Star ( 1/10 )

XP: 460/1000

Affinity: Shadow

Health: 400/400

Mana: 40/150


Strength: 42

Agility: 39

Dexterity: 34

Defense: 35

Stamina: 38

Charm: 24

Free Stats: 5


'It's going to be harder to level up…'

1,000 XP was a lot.

Because of the System store, she had also started to save her stats more.

Who know's when she might need to get something from there.