Left Castle Hall

Waking up, Roseline stretched for a bit before getting up.

She didn't need to sleep for the rest of the way as she had now just rested and full of energy.

"Which way should I go now…"

She looked between the left and right hall before chosing to just go somewhere random.

Roseline walked through the left hall and blended herself into the shadows.

She watched and killed the knight golems every so often, checked and searched rooms, and picked up any loot that seemed valuable but wasn't valuable enough to put in her shadow and hide it away from the military.

After all, she still remembered about the 45% rate.

'Such a high rate…'

Getting to the end of the hall, the last door was connected to a training room that the living knight would have trained and an armory room.

Roseline had to hide for most of this because of just how many knight golems were there.

'Too many.'

Just one small part of the room had seven knight grouped up together.

Roseline couldn't fight any of them, as if she did she would just get jumped.

She snuck around and tried to get into the armory.

At the armory's entrance, two of those bigger knight stood guard.

'Ah, how do I move them..'

Roseline took out some gold coins she found in one of the rooms and stuck her hand in her shadow.

From the shadow behind one of the big knights, a beautiful hand got out of it and threw the piece of gold in her hand.

The shiny gold hit the ground a bit far from the armory.

Noticing it, one of the knights move to inspect it.

The other knight had to move if she wanted any chance of getting in.

Using the same method, she tossed a silver ring and watched the golem.

It had noticed it as well but didn't move.

'Hmm, maybe I can throw something to it?'

Her hand appeared at a different shadow in the training room and she took a pebble and threw it at the knight.


The knight drew its attention to the location where the pebble was thrown from and went over.

Using this small chance, Roseline quickly used Shadow blink to appear near the door and opened it as silently as she could before getting in and closing it immediately after.

Roseline let out a deep breath of relief and looked around the armory room.

Racks of weapons were hung up in order, all sorts of types from swords to hammers, guns to shields.

Even some weapons she had never seen or heard of before despite being in a weapons class.

It was really interesting, made Roseline want to know more about this castle.

But that was it, just curiosity.

She won't stick her head in what she wasn't supposed to put it in with her level.

Some curiosity won't make her lose track of what she was here for.

After looking around for some time, she took a few weapons to give the military or to sale it and stood infront of the door.

'Just how am I going to get out. Just made myself stuck without thinking, damn it.'

Roseline frowned a bit at her own stupidity before using the time she had to think of a solution.

'Just start fighting? No, too many enemies. I could open the door and use Shadow blink at the same time, but am I really that proficient in it? Well, that's the only option I have so far.'

'Guess I'll have to just try.'

Looking back at the amount of mana she had left, she saw that she only have 30 mana left.

She sucked back in the breath of relief she had let go a while back and but her hand on the handle.

'This dungeon is supposed to be 2 Star leveled, can't be that hard to get passed them.'

Her nerves were at high alert and took a few seconds to prepare herself.

Grabbing the door handle hard, she opened it wide by pushing it and immediately actived her Shadow blink.

Just as she went sinking down her own shadow, a sword swung right pasted were she once was.

Roseline appeared deep within one of the shadows hidden in the training area, her heart beating like crazy.

She stood still for seconds, looking at the knights look at the direction she came from.

They looked around after seeing her disappear and started to search the training room.

She had to get out of there quick.

But with only 20 mana left, she could only do two more Shadow blinks.

Roseline tried to focus on the farthest point that she could and used Shadow blink.

Getting back out, she was a few feet away from the exit and focused her best on that too.

One of the knights saw her last second and swung their sword at her.

But she couldn't move or else she'd lose her focus.

Sweat fell and the sword inched closer and closer.

Time felt like it had stopped for her.

Just before it cut her throat open, Roseline finally used Shadow blink and got out of that situation.

With just being 5 steps away from the exit, she ran hard to get there without getting caught.

Getting the door handle, Roseline pulled to close the door and shut it tight.

All she could do now was to wait in the shadows for her mana to recover and she did just that.

During this entire trip up til now, shadows had saved her ass multiple times.

'Well, all that's left to look through now is the right hall.'

Roseline carefully walked across the hall al the way back to the intersection.

She was a bit disappointed when she didn't get anything really useful out of that armory, but that's a 2 Star dungeon for you.

Since the System has said that the throne room is she would have to go if she wanted to finish this dungeon, and she had yet to go through the right hall, she assumed that the throne room could only be located in the right hall.

Unless is didn't miss anything, like hidden doors.

But why would a throne room hide itself?