Castle Throne Room

Standing infront of the knights, Roseline took a deep breath in and ran towards them.

If she wanted them to hit each other then she had to get close.

She put herself in between to of the knights and used her senses to know who was going to hit who.

The knight behind her had raised their sword and thrown it towards her.

Roseline dodged in time and the sword pierced the knight in front of her but she was left momentarily confused.

'Throwing your sword? Isn't that what you're not supposed to do?'

She turned her attention to the knight that had thrown its sword and kicked it in the head.

The knight's head exploded from the impact.

Roseline put her head down and the same sword from before flew over.

Knight number 2 had taken it out of them and used its other sword to attack Roseline in close-combat.

They exchanged a few blows before Roseline grabbed the knight's wrist once she got close enough and twisted it, making it let go of the sword.

Roseline grabbed it and stabbed it in knight number 2's head, using more force to push it away from her.

She turned her focus to the other two knights that were slowly closing on her.

'Ok knight 3# and 4#, let's finish you off.'

Knight 3# and 4# cover each of their sides, making it a bit difficult to get them to attack each other.

But Roseline could figure that out.

The knights were right beside each other, so Roseline wanted to try a past the small opening that was left by the arms not fully touching.

She ran towards them and got low when she got close enough.

Both knights swung their swords at the same time towards Roseline and ended up hitting the other.

Knight 3#'s right arm and knight 4#'s left arm fell down.

Roseline stopped herself using friction and turned around while getting up, hitting knight 3#'s back hard and pushing them back.

The sword of knight 4# cut through 3#'s body like room-temperature butter.

Only 4# was left.

'Ok, now I can deal with this..'

She first dodged the knight's sword before spinning and kicking their head with the back of her foot.

Because it was the back of her foot and not something she was more used to using like her fists, it only left a big dent in it's head.

The sword stuck again and while Roseline was able to successfully dodge again, a small cut appeared on her arm.

— -1 HP —

While the knight got into position to swing the sword again, Roseline ran up as fast as she could and punched the side that was exposed from the arm raising.

She pulled her arm out and moved to it's back, throwing the last punch and her fist going through the knight's chest at the front.

Pushing against it's body, Roseline was able to get her arm out.

All of the knights were in bad enough conditions that they couldn't get back up again, even if they had an alchemist core.

Alchemist core was different from a Magic and Beast Core, it was just a crude replica of it.

Unlike the Magic or Beast Core's natural ability to take in mana, an alchemist core relies on arrays for that.

These golems did have that.

Golems don't need an alchemist core to work, thought having an alchemist core will make them significantly stronger.

One just had to do enough damage to its body for it to not be able to get up again.

Roseline went up to the door that blocked the entrance to the throne room and opened it.

The doors slowly opened themselves like an entrance to a boss fight in video games.

Inside, on top of the throne that was white, gold, and holy like, was an even bigger 'knight' that had a 'crown' on it's head.

Mechanical wings behind it gave it an even more holy feel to the golem.

'It's like mimicking an angel.'

At the center of the crown, there was a glowing white core there.

When Roseline remembered what the System had said about the rewards, she saw that there was a light affinity Beast Core.

Beast Core.

It wasn't a golem!

The eye sockets of the metal knight glowed and woke up and it started to move it's body off the throne.

'Wait, a humanoid beast? System, what is this?'

— It is still 2 Star, but it was once a high leveled beast. It lost power after staying dormant for 100s of centuries. —

'Gods, and I have to fight that? I might die in that case.'

What the System meant by it lost power was probably referring to its sparks going out.

Like with humans, if the sparks or stars of a Core isn't 'fed' with mana, it will just burn out.

Dragons were the exception to this rule, being that the older they get, the stronger they are.

After its body had warm up to waking up again, it looked at Roseline and went down to her.

Her hands shook a bit but she just gripped her own hands harder.

The slow walk towards her felt like it took forever, but once they were 10 feet away from each other, the knight raised it's sword and Roseline used Shadow blink to get behind it.

The battle had started.

Roseline appeared behind it and tried to punch it's leg.

But doing so only caused a bit of a dent to it, it wasn't enough strength to make it fall.

The huge sword descended to her, about to cut her in half.

Roseline was able to get away in time by using Shadow blink again.

She now only had 3 Shadow blinks now.

'I should save those to save my life.'

Roseline had to get the knight's crown down so she could kill it.

Before she could think more on how to though, the flat side of the sword smacked her to the wall of the throne room.

The dust settled and blood came out of Roseline's mouth as she glared at the mechanical angel.