Strange world

In the middle of a desert, where occasional dry winds would blow leaving everything and everyone dessicated, stood a school bus.

Gathered at the right side of the bus were kids, 30 of them, around the age of 10, dressed in white short sleeved color shirts, green ties and grey skirts for the girls, brown shorts for the boys.

Some sat beside the bus while others lingered around restlessly while trying to avoid the scorching heat from the sun that was especially hot on this part of the country.

At the left side, with a tall face brown eyes and shoulder length black braids, formally dressed in black stood a young woman who seemed to have been in her late twenties.

Under the bus, opposite her, a burly middle aged man with a black beard, bald head and a 'v' shaped scar on his left cheek, dressed in a blue overall, laid on his back seemingly fixing the bus.

"I thought you said it was a small problem?" walking closer to the left wheel, the young woman asked as she bent slightly and threw a glance under the bus.

"Done" said the middle aged man as he slid from under the bus, stood up, walked past her got on the bus and started the engine.

Without wanting to waste any more time the young woman, walked toward the kids who now stood beside the door while chatting with each other, and gestured for them to get on.

She helped some buckle up their safety belts, moved to the back most sit where she sat alone, and quickly got lost in her own thoughts.

A minute or so later the journey resumed.


Thirty minutes had passed since the journey resumed, only murmurs and laughter could be heard from kids who were now sitted in an orderly fashion.

"Excuse, Mrs Taiyo, how far off are we from our destination?" lining slightly from her seating position and shooting a glance at the back most sits where the formally dressed young woman sat, a young girl with short curly black hair, round glasses which seemed to reflect her dark brown eyes asked.

"Um! umm, almost there when we cross the 'forgotten tunnel' which runs through 'Channy hills' it'll take us about five minutes to reach our destination" jolted back to reality Mrs Taiyo answered.

"FINALLY" the kids heaved signs of relief as they shouted in unison all except one_They had been traversing through the seemingly endless desert for over an hour and they were all in desperate need of a cold bath.

Sitting next to the girl with glasses ' Alpha' wearing a red Marvin that covered half his face, woke up from a short nap that he had taken a while back, he lazily yawned as he took off the marvin to reveal his neatly comed black hair, he had a wide nose bridge and full lips. Having being woken up by the sudden noise, he looked at the girl next to him, his black eyes wearing a confused look on them

"Glasses, what's happening?"

The girl looked at him with clear frustration written on her face " How many times have I told you not to call me glasses, my name is 'Ciru'."

"Yeah, yeah" Alpha dismissed her refutal with a care free tone.

"Anyway, the teacher said we're almost at our destination" Ciru ignoring his altitude answered.

And soon enough the hills and the tunnel Mrs Taiyo had described came to view.

The tunnel was painted in brown, with street lamps every three metres, it wasn't very long, and a couple of minutes later everyone could see the exit.


Before the bus had a chance to exit the tunnel, a whistling sound reverberated through the entire bus, the sound magnified at every passing second, until it reached a point where no one could take and everyone resulted to desperately trying every tactic that could help them rid of the annoying sound that grew louder and louder, but they were in luck or out of it.

Not long after the sound reverberated a crimson light flushed seemingly out of nowhere and knocked everyone out cold.


"Where are we?"

"I want to go home"

"I want my dad?"

"I don't wanna do this anymore"

Alpha, woken up by the scared, confused and angry voices of his fellow classmates directed towards their teacher who stood in the middle. Noticing he was no longer on the bus, but instead laid on his back face up, his first thoughts were to figure out the reason behind their outbursts.

The sky was the first thing that came to view, it was vast starless with four crimson moons illuminating it.

At first the sudden change in the sky didn't really seem to have that much of an effect on him, as his teacher Mrs Taiyo was prone to playing tricks on them not that she would go this far, but then again this is our last trip on 5th grade maybe she decided to do something grand, and this is what she came up with.

But as soon as he stood up, the thoughts he had used to comfort himself all crumbled, and finally reality hit him and he understood the cause of the chaos that had elevated from his classmates. What he saw next made his body shudder and cold sweat to run down his spine.

Surrounding them, was a forest that looked to extend as far as the eye could see, with dark red leaves that were on every type of tree and everything that would naturally be green, even the grass and other weeds were no exception, with only one path that was about two meters wide, that seemed to be traversing through.

But the cause of the chaos and confusion wasn't the blood coloured leaves, it wasn't even the fact that they seemed to be stranded on an unknown territory with no clear way home, nor the fact that the bus had somehow mysteriously disappeared, as he soon came to understand, it was the two metres wide path_ or rather what laid on it..