Bleeding skies

The faceless cowboy picked up his machete, walked towards the body, nelt near it's battered head, raised his left hand clenched it into a fist, then bumped it on his left shoulder, his right shoulder, his chest and then his stomach forming a symbol that seemed to match the consternation of the four crimson moons in the sky, after which he severed the corpse's head.

Immediately after Mr Leonard head was severed from his body, the sky which had been peaceful all this time suddenly turned chaotic. Strong winds started blowing and after about ten seconds the four crimson moons that were illuminating the forest were obscured by red clouds and dark red rain started pouring for about ten seconds, before the sky calmed down and everything cleared as fast as it had started.

After everything had calmed down, the faceless cowboy took the severed head towards the path and placed it down carefully, before he turned to mist and vanished.


(Two minutes earlier)

"What about him, isn't he gonna join us?"Ciru, her short curly black hair a mess, asked Alpha,

Who was walking beside her, at the back of the group.

"I don't know" he answered in a calm tone, of course he knew who she was referring to, but he too couldn't figure out what Mr Leonard was planning.

As he was about to step on the forefront skulls, he turned around and looked at Mr Leonard, who inturn looked at him with a bright smile on his face, before turning back to the faceless cowboy.

What's this, why are my eyes blurry trying his best to wipe the water works that were now running uncontrollably in his eyes, Alpha stepped on the skulls, with sounds of cracking bones filling the air he walked faster to catch up with the rest of the group, in his heart, deap down he knew that this was the last time he was gonna see Mr Leonard.

After walking for about two minutes, everything turned dark, the moons had illuminated the place in such a way that everyone had forgotten it was nighttime. Not a second later the rain started falling, but before they could even react the weather was back to normal and the clouds obscuring the moons had retreated.

"Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh"

Screams echoed through the forest, the kids who had previously mastered the little courage to walk on the skull path had now reached a breaking point, most of them screamed and tried to wipe the blood off of them, others couldn't even utter a single word they just stood there in shock.

Alpha was in the same boat as the former group, although he wasn't screaming, his eyes were filled with tears, to his left was Ciru who had her glasses on her hands, while she vigorously scraped them almost to the point of breaking them.

"Calm down it's not your blood" her voice sounding like she was on the verge of crying, Mrs Taiyo said, her black blaids dyed in red, her face even though covered with blood, looked like that of someone who had seen a ghost.

After they heard her rather sweet voice, some of the kids seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Whats happening?" with black locks reaching his shoulders that somehow, still retained their natural colour even after the blood shower, dark brown eyes and a small build that seemed to fit him perfectly, wearing a confused look on his face, one of the kids asked

"Come on man she doesn't no either" looking a the first kid, with a fade that was dyed brown and big brown eyes another kid answered

"What, but she's an adult, she must know" another kid said her voice barely audible, she had her hair tied up in Bantu knots, her brown eyes were small but her brows were thick, too thick.

The little exchange seemed to have lightened the mood around them, if only a little.

"Thank you for that question Dan, but I'm afraid Tony is right, I don't know either, adults don't always have answers Mercy, but they always find a solution to the many challenges you face " Mrs Taiyo said while facing the kids, who looked eager for her answer.

"So we can all go back home?" Alpha asked, wiping the tears and blood in his eyes.

But as soon as the question Landed ,Mrs Taiyo's face that had brightened a little, turned gromy and her entire diminor filled with shame

She remained silent for about thirty seconds, looking at the kids who were now looking at her with expectant gazes, she took a deep breath before answering
