Faceless cowboy

An hour or so had passed since their agreement, now only footsteps and the sound of bones cracking could be heard.

If not for the fact that it was still nighttime and cool air was still blowing, most of the kids would have given up by now. But this wasn't their home no one really knew what creatures laid in the forest, even though the forest had been abnormally qiuet, no one would have really risked staying behind to rest.

And so the silent walking went on for a little over twenty minutes, before it was finally broken off.

"Damn it, they really aren't moving, I'm really starving now" Billie growned as he gazed at the four moons, his hands wrapped around his stomach.

"Me too"

"Me three"

A few more kids kids voiced out.

"Can't we rest here a little, we are tired from all the walking" Dan inquired.

"Yeah we've been walking for over an hour, even our best athlete is tired" Tony added while he jokingly taped the back of his close friend.

Mrs Taiyo had used every passing second while walking to think of any solutions of how they were gonna survive, and the only thing that came to mind was hunting. If they were successful at hunting even a rabbit, it could tone down their hunger if only a little.

But their came the problem, since their arrival at this place, they haven't really came across any animal let alone a rabbit, they had walked for over an hour, not even a chirp from a bird, there haven't even been a slight movement in one of the many bushes.

And not to mention that none of them were really hunters, even if they were to come across a rabbit, they wouldn't even have the tools to hunt it or even skin and cook it.

"WHAT, how, the forest isn't supposed to have any animals" one of the kids who stood in the middle of the group said, while pointing at the right side of the forest.

As if the heavens were smiling upon them, Mrs Taiyo and everyone one looked towards the direction of the pointing finger, all there faces filled with suprise, and among them was a grinning face.

Between two giants trees that towered above all the others was a spring buck, even though it's hide was black different from it's usual brown, Mrs Taiyo couldn't really fail to discern it. It stood still in the middle.

Even after hearing the murmurs and footsteps approaching it, much to their suprise it didn't really move or flinch.

Mrs Taiyo watched as the kids petted the animal her grinning face turning brighter and brighter before she was was interrupted.

"Don't you think this is strange?, Since we came here we haven't really seen any animal, and as soon as we meet one it doesn't even flinch or move, it's as if, it's already dead" Alpha who had been staring at some of the students pet the strange animal, asked her teaching who was now thinking about how to skin and cook it

Driven by her empty stomach, she had failed to Analyze the situation, and the moment she realised it, well it was too late.

*Whrrrr, whrrr*

As soon as the whistling resounded, everyone froze, from partially happy faces to grim and frightened ones.

Everything went quiet, the kids that had been previously petting the strange animal were now frozen in place.

But this time was different Mrs Taiyo and some of the kids had grown somehow accustomed to this types of situations, even though not fully, it was enough to snap them out of the frenzy.

" Everyone gather around the path, and make sure you're standing on the skulls" she remembered what Mr Leonard had told Alpha, she didn't really understand why he specifically asked them to walk on it, but she figured he had a reason.

There had been 10 kids petting the spring buck, among them was Ciru who seemed to have been worse than anyone else, when she Heard the sound, her legs immediately gave out, she was currently seated her eyes full of horror.

When the kids heard their teacher they started collecting themselves, but before they could go back on the path, between the tree's above them black mist started forming and suddenly a figure appeared.

Same cowboy getup, only this time it hovered above ground, with bat shaped grey wings that were about three meters each.

The faceless cowboy gazed_well more like he lowered his black top hat that hovered above the greyness shaped like a face. As soon as it's body finished materialising, he raised his hand that still held the silver machete, in an instant, faster than the eye could record, he appeared Infront of the spring buck and beheaded it with one slash. Jets of blood gushed in every direction.

As everyone watched this none of them uttered a single word, they all stared blankly at the cowboy, as if waiting for death to come.