Big brother

Why does it look like this is something we've already experienced before, all of them, even after everything that's happened they can actually smile and keep cool heads Mrs Taiyo couldn't really understand it. Something was telling her that they once sat on these compiled skulls, but every time she tried visualising it everything ended up turning blank.

Even after seeing Mercy's or Ciru's abilities, somehow she wasn't that surprised and neither were the rest of the kids. This bugged her, but for the time being she couldn't find the reason and the only thing she could really do was try her best to bring everyone back home.

Looking at her phone two hours had passed since they took a break. She stood up and stretched before gazing at the sky "Ok that's enough rest."

"What that was too short" one of the kids complained, as he felt a cold wind brush against him after the fire Mercy had created, went out.

Alpha stood up, there was no point in dusting of his clothes, everyone present was already dirty and the way things were going, it looked like they were going to stay like this for a while.

After throwing numerous complaints, they all finally stood up. Mrs Taiyo had decided that they were gonna be walking for two hours, rest for two, hunt for food and sleep in the morning_not that they knew what to hunt or how to hunt.

Continuing south maybe north, Alpha was still nervous and could still feel his heart beating abnormally fast, following what Dan had said. Abilities won't help us, what did he mean? After the revelation they had tried asking him what he meant, following what he had said before, that they were gonna make it. Inspite that, his Answer or rather the question he answered with somehow still terrified Alpha when did I say that?. At first they thought he was just joking, but seeing as how he wasn't that big of a liar they decided to believe him, after all what would he gain by lying to them.


This place really is strange, but kinda of beautiful... Not at all like home, still beautiful though, in it's own right Walking slightly behind Alpha and Infront of the two boys, Ciru took off her glasses and tried to use her jacket to wipe them.

"Watch where you're going"

"Sorry" wiping her glasses, she had supposedly tripped and bumped onto Alpha's back.

"What's wrong?"

"I really miss mom" tears rolling down her cheeks. She had tried holding them back, but looking at the boy before her who was more of a brother than a friend she couldn't anymore.

Staring at her, Alpha looked to have understood why she had insisted on being by his side after they found themselves trapped in this forest.

Ciru was mostly raised by her mom, her father worked alot that he wasn't home most of the time. Her mother on the other hand was a work from home mom resulting in her being very close with her and with no other sibling, all her mothers affection was her's alone.

Alpha and Ciru were neighbours, growing up together almost like siblings. Being a year younger than Alpha, Ciru saw him more like a big brother. That's why when she couldn't be with her mother she choose the next person that was almost like family.

Alpha didn't know how to consult her, there was really nothing he could say to her that would change their situation, she was there when Dan said that. He too missed his sister and father and knew everyone here had someone they were missing deary.

Placing his right hand on her shoulder, he took deep breath.

"I can't really help you with that" when Ciru heard that, her face turned like that of a person who's lost all hope and was now only waiting for death to claim them. But it seemed like Alpha wasn't ready to betray the faith she had in him.

"But I can promise you this, even if we go through hell, fight the devil himself, I'll protect you with everything I've got and make sure that if there's a way back home you'll be the first person to go through" Alpha declared with an unwavering confidence and determination.

Hearing that Ciru appeared to calm down, she wiped her tears, put her glasses back on, taking a step and walking side by side with Alpha.

Dan and Tony had stopped behind them to help consult her if need be, but it seemed like they weren't needed.

Immediately after Alpha made that promise, Dan's face darkened for a second.