
Blaize walked into the jail and saw a woman sitting in a chair at the front desk, she looked like a normal police officer, unlike all the other ones we have seen that look identical. Blaize walked up to the desk and twirled some of his hair "Hello Ms. Officer" He said changing his voice to be a bit higher "Hello there young man, how may I help you?" She says looking up at him with a genuine smile. Blaize sighs but smiles "Yeah I think there has been a misunderstanding today, my boyfriend went missing and I know he was probably out experimenting which is not okay but I'd like to get him out if he is here, I promise to keep him on a leash better if he committed a heinous crime"

The Officer kind of tilts her head a bit then chuckles "Oh dear, are you talking about Jackson? Yes, we have him here, he's the only one we have so far and I think he may be going a bit crazy in the cell back there. Let me go make sure with my Officers he is okay to set loose" She gets up from her chair and walks through a dim corridor behind the desk and a couple of different voices can be heard for a few minutes and Blaize exhales, hoping that this plan goes the way he wants it to. After a few more minutes the female officer comes back out followed by two of the identical male Officers and in between them they walk out Jackson.

Jackson was tall and had very smooth dark skin, probably 6'4 or 6'5 and he had black hair with a short buzz cut with a Z pattern shaved on the side of his head. He had a low, clean-cut black beard and his eyes were a piercing hazel, and even Blaize at that moment thought "Damn, Aileen picked goooood" They walk Jackson out and take off the handcuffs and the soldier position themselves to stand side by side. "You are free to go, Jackson, however, just remember if we see you commit your heinous crime again the punishment at that point is death," One of the officers says and Jackson nods his head slightly gulping and looks at Blaize.

"You're lucky I don't choke you out right here, I'm giving you a mouthful when we get home" Blaize pouts and grabs his hand leading him out the front door of the Jail "Thank you Ms. Officer, and Mr. Officer's, toodles!" He says as he waves and when he gets out the door he whispers to Jackson "Thank me later, but also keep your cool because the world is now reversed so no smoochy smooch with your woman, and keep your hands to yourself until we are back at my place capiche?"

Jackson nods and he finally speaks "I'm so confused right now but I'm just going to go with the flow and assume it's best I keep holding your hand," He said, his voice was smooth and deep and Blaize kind of looked amazed "Dude you should seriously be a voice actor," Blaize said to him and Jackson chuckled "It's funny you say that, it's something I want to get into and make a career out of, nice instincts," Jackson said and his eyes lit up as down the road he saw his beloved Aileen but remembered he couldn't run up and pick her up "I'm so glad she's alive, I felt so bad I couldn't protect her and I truly don't know why because I am taller than those officers but they have some kind of super strength, it's inhuman I'm telling you" Jackson sighed and Blaize gripped his hand and smiled.

"Hey man listen, I know you did the best you could and even though I just met you I know you care about her a lot, especially because she said you wouldn't let go of sentimental items and I need to know..." Blaize said reaching into his pocket with his free hand to pull out his shades "Did these drop off from trying to fight them off or did you leave them as a sign that you were okay?" Blaize asked and Jackson looked down and took the shades from him. "I wanted to hold on to them but I figured they wouldn't harm her too much so I left them so she knew where we came from since we were getting separated" Jackson smiled and slipped the shades on his face then slid them up to sit on his head

Down the road Aileen and I wait as we sit on the sidewalk, we have yet to notice the guys walking down the road, and when we do we both stand up Aileen claps and she looks as if she wants to run to him but I grab her hand and shake my head "I know you're excited to see he's okay but remember we have to remain calm, we need to get back to Blaize's place before y'all can express how much you missed each other" I said and smiled at her and she nodded "Yeah I know it's just hard to hold it in, the awe he put his shades back on" She says tearing up and I sigh and put my arm around her shoulder "You know I've never known someone to cry so much and so easily, you should be an actress" I tease and she giggles "It's funny you say that when I do want to be an actress, I'm glad you noticed my theatrics" She says taking a curtsey and I laugh.

The guys finally make it to us and with Blaize holding Jackson's hand and Aileen holding my hand they both stand in front of us with Blaize in front of me and Jackson in front of Aileen and we all smile. I think we just realized this may be the start of a friendship for all of us as so far, we are the only ones to our knowledge not affected...

By the roles being reversed.