
"A Wyvern?" Zaphira asked, "What's a Wyvern doing fighting a Shadowcat? And aren't Wyverns only found on the White Spine?" 

Azael nodded, "Yes." He said, "My temple has Wyvern sightings. Daemon, you've fought Wyverns before, right?" 

Daemon nodded, "I have." He said, "But this is weird. There's no reason a Wyvern should be in a forest fighting and injuring a Shadowcat." 

Invidia straightened up, "Correct." She said, "Something is wrong." 

Lydia looked at her, "What do you mean?" She asked, "I're right, but would there be a particular reason a Wyvern would leave it's usual habitat and fight another predator?" 

Invidia placed her hand on her chin, "I don't know of any reason...." She said, "I've hunted for a good majority of my life, I am a Ranger after all...but mostly in Teo'varna, not in Drahan...." 

"Wyverns don't leave the White Spine." Daemon said as he sheathed his greatsword on his back, "And Shadowcats don't leave their territory either unless run off, which in this case, it was. Invidia is right, something isn't right." 

"Well, if someone would know, it would be you." Zaphira said, "It is odd....." 

"Doesn't matter now." Daemon said turning around, "Let's move on." 

"We're leaving the carcass here?" Invidia asked, "In the middle of the road? We should move it someplace where the decay would provide sustenance for the-" 

"Look up." Daemon said

The rest of the group looked up and saw a massive flock of what looked like vultures circling above them. They were waiting for them to leave so they could begin the feast. 

"Oh." Zaphira said, "Wow, Invidia, you didn't notice them?" 

Invidia scowled at her, "I...." 

"It is okay." Azael said, "I can tell your mind is clouded." 

"Those Vultures were stalking the stalker." Daemon said as he began to walk away, "The Shadowcat was starving. Staying invisible must've taken a toll on it. They knew it was on its last legs, killing it was a mercy." 

Lydia looked at Invidia, "You think so?" 

"It is the correct behavior...." She said softly as she looked down

Zaphira began to walk, following behind Daemon as Azael did the same. 

Invidia then looked up to the sky, seeing the vultures. 

"It's okay...." Lydia said, "Don't take his words to heart...." 

Invidia looked at her, "What?" 

"I know it bothered you when Daemon said you were inexperienced..." Lydia said with a smile, "I think you're awesome...I would've never guessed they were Wyvern claws..." 

Invidia's expression softened a bit, something that only Lydia saw. 

"R-Right...." She said as she gestured ahead, "Let's keep going....." 

"Okay." Lydia said as she began to walk


Later that night, Daemon had told the party to stop and make camp in the middle of the woods where they were sheltered by the trees. 

They all sat around a campfire as Invidia was stirring a pot of stew over the flames. She had prepared some food prior to embarking on the journey and had offered to make food for the party. She not only was going to prepare food, but she also caught some rabbits earlier. 

They were all in comfortable clothing compared to their usual apparel.

Daemon's armor was taken off and he wore a simple black pants and white shirt combination. Lydia was wearing tan pants and also a white shirt that was oversized for her, she was also barefoot. Azael was wearing a white pants and white shirt combination and Zaphira wore a short sleeve green shirt and brown pants. 

Invida was the only one that had the same clothing. She had offered to keep watch that night as well.

"Tomorrow at first light, we keep following the main road and reach the Midpoint by the end of the day." Daemon said as he pointed down at the map below him, "Midpoint is a day's walk from the Hightowers." 

On the map he was pointing at, he showed where they were, southeast of Ashborne and into the forest, following one of the main roads that lead to Midpoint; a city that was close to the Hightowers. 

Azael nodded, "Very well." He said, "We shall resupply then?" 

"Correct." Daemon said, "You guys ever been to Midpoint?" 

"No." Zaphira said, "I haven't at least." 

"I have." Lydia said, "When I traveled with the Sect.....I was an apprentice of the Great Paladin Roland." 

"Roland?" Daemon raised his eyebrow, "You're talking about The Roland?" 

Lydia nodded with a gleeful smile, "Yes!" 

"Who's he?" Invidia asked as she focused on the food, "Someone important?" 

"I have heard of Paladin Roland, one of the Great Knights of the Darkmoon Sect." Azael said, "A mighty warrior." 

"He's General Rickard's brother." Daemon explained, "It makes sense now, Lydia, how you were able to parry that Shadowcat. You weren't lying when you said you were capable." 

"I told you!" She said with a pout

"General Rickard?" Invidia said, "Now that's a name I have heard. He's known as the Destroyer." 

"Correct." Daemon said, "Out of all of the King's Warriors, Rickard is the fiercest. The King assigned him to take command of the Hightowers. For this job, we might meet him. I cannot stress this enough...Do NOT antagonize that man. He's a fierce fucker, I mean it. If you by any chance challenge him to a fight, which has happened before, he will accept. And he'll ruin your shit." 

Zaphira chuckled, "He did that to you, huh?" She said with a smirk, "I can tell it's from experience." 

"I was young. And stupid." Daemon said as he pulled his shirt up, "You guys are my party members and will travel with me for a while, no point in hiding it." 

He revealed a massive scar on his abdomen, old and ugly. All of them were quite surprised to see that scar, even Invidia. The tale of The Black Dragon was well known even to the Elves of Teo'varna. They didn't expect the famous Daemon to casually reveal a wound. This merely added to the heights of the Drahan Kingdom's warriors. 

Lydia gasped, "W-What? Master Roland's brother did that to you?" She asked with shock in her eyes

"Yea, but I was weaker then." Daemon said, "I'm confident in my abilities, for sure. I consider myself one of the strongest in The Dragon's Fate but General Rickard is probably stronger than me right now." 

"Wow." Zaphira said, "Never expected you to just say that." 

"He is a mighty warrior indeed." Azael said, "Daemon, that is." 

Daemon chuckled, "Yea, I've been doing things solo for a long time." He said, "But out of all the shenanigans I pulled when I was young, that was the dumbest." 

Zaphira leaned on her arm while smiling, "Reminds me of the Ancient Tiefling Heroine, Karlynne." She said, "She once charged against an army of 10,000 and while she won, she lost an arm in the process. Stories said that after the era of war, she would constantly say how she regretted doing it." 

"Karlynne The Wild." Invidia said as she stirred the stew, "She once fought alongside the Elven King Daermathor." 

"Daermathor?" Azael said, "The Elven King lived in Karlynne's time?" 

Invidia nodded, "Our Great King is older than you non-elves would fathom." She said with a smile, "He is revered as the God-King of Teo'varna and the most powerful Warrior of all time." 

"I don't know about all that." Daemon said with a smile, "There are legends that say there are warriors mightier than Daermathor." 

Invidia scowled, "How dare you speak those words...." She said with distaste in her voice, "Nobody and I mean nobody is mightier than the Elven God-King!!" 

"God-King?" Zaphira said with a frown, "I know you High Elves live for a long time and all, but damn, calling him a god is quite.....I don't know.....wrong....take it from an Azuroth-Tiefling, it won't end well." 

Invidia scoffed, "No offense, mage, we are not like your kind." She said, "We do not have envy in our blood that causes conflicts. Elven-kind has thrived with Daermathor as King." 

"What are you doing here then?" Daemon asked, "I know Teo'varna is in good graces with Drahan but that is mostly because of The Drunken King; he invited all races to repopulate Drahan after the Great Wars. And if the history books are right, which in this case, they are.....Daermathor refused to lend aid to Drahan in the time of need." 

Invidia narrowed her eyes, "Do not bring that up. You must know why that was the case." She said

Lydia leaned over to Zaphira, "I....don't know what they're talking about..." She whispered

"The Great Wars..." Zaphira said, "Otia's great countries invaded Drahan centuries ago, massacring around 80% of the population. The Drunken King rose up during the conflicts and repelled the forces back. Teo'varna was the only nation that was neutral. The Shadowlands, Xuya, and Shigekuni were the invading forces." 

"How do you not know of that, Lydia?" Azael asked

"I wasn't taught much history by the Sect." Lydia said while flustered, "Not of Drahan, that is. The sec was quite strict on what kind of information we Sword Apprentices should know." 

"That's scary." Azael said 

Invidia took the pot off the fire as she held it by the handle, "I will not argue on politics with a Human." She said, "You should know why that was the case, Black Dragon." 

Daemon chuckled, "I do." He said, "But still, don't insult a Tiefling because you're High Elf. Forget all that bullshit, we're all equal here. We're Mortals." 

"Can't agree more." Zahira said with a smirk, "But still, Azuroth was really a rat-bastard. From what we were taught." 

"Isn't he the progenitor of Demonic Magic?" Azael asked, "Ruled your kind for eons?" 

"Right." Zaphira said, "But still, his time was going to end anyways." 

"Azuroth.....isn't he one of the Crimson Eyes?" Lydia asked, "Don't take offense, Zaphira, while they did teach us about where the Tieflings come from, I never understood it. Where they not Demons? Like....they say Tieflings are related to Demon-kind, that's why they're shunned." 

"The Crimson Eyes were powerful, and I mean really powerful, demonic entities created by the First Demon; Cain." Zaphira said, "They're technically the parents of the First Tieflings. From them, all of Tiefling-kind came to be. It is said that even now, their blood runs in their veins. But I'm sure it's too convoluted to even matter." 

"Ah, Cain....." Daemon said, "The Primordial Demon God.....Older than the concept of shit." 

They all looked at him without saying much. 

Zaphira blinked, "What?" 

Daemon then looked at her, "I just noticed." He said, "You don't have a tail." 

Zaphira raised an eyebrow, "Not all Tieflings have tails. It's a genetic thing." She said, "Random." 

"Huh..." Daemon said, " could be held onto when....Ahem, never mind." 

The Tiefling mage knew exactly what he meant by that but stayed quiet. 

"Alright, here." Invidia said as she poured stew into separate bowls, "You should eat and rest tonight. Like Daemon said, we leave at First Light. Midpoint is not a place we should linger in for too long. We re-supply and keep moving."

Lydia grabbed a spoon as she smiled, "Thank you~" She said cheerfully

Daemon was handed a bowl as he merely gave her a nod without saying much. 

"You have my thanks." Azael said as he was handed a bowl, "I shall pray for your good fortune." 

"Don't need to." Invidia said, "Just eat well. I'll keep watch for the night." 

They then began to eat as Invidia stepped back and watched them. 

She then looked up at the night sky, "Ruby...." She thought to herself, 

"I will cure you.....I promise that.."