
"Child Murderer?" Azael said with a surprised look

As the crowd was around them, Zaphira looked at the beaten man, he was barely conscious and blood covered his face. 

"I told you not to interfere, Azael." Zaphira said, "We just pissed these people off by trying to defend a child murderer." 

Azael raised his hands in the air, "My apologies, I was not aware." He said

Zaphira scowled, "Yea....." she muttered

"That is enough!!" A loud voice boomed

The crowd of angry humans parted as two armored guards walked through, they were each holding a spear and shield respectively. 

"The city's guards...." Zaphira muttered

"Step away from the man." one of the men said in a commanding tone, "At once!" 

Azael and Zaphira reluctantly stepped away. As this happened, Invidia walked out of the store she was getting the supplies, carrying a large sack on her bag. She instantly noticed the commotion and narrowed her eyes. 

"Curses..." She muttered as she shook her head, "These children cannot stay out of trouble..." 

She walked across the street, trying to get through the crowd, pushing some civilians out of the way. 

Azael looked at the beaten man as one of the guards picked him up, "You're going to arrest him?" the monk asked, "He murdered a child..." 

The guard looked at him, "There is no evidence that proves such an accusation." He said, "This man was unjustly beaten and if nobody leaves at this instance, we will arrest all of you!" 

The crowd gasped and began to protest, yelling about how unfair that was and to arrest the man who was wobbling in his own feet. 

Zaphira frowned, "We don't even care." She said, "My friend here just has a naive and big heart, right Azael? Let's go." 

Invidia reached them, "What are you two fools doing?" She exclaimed, "I got the supplies, let's regroup with Daemon and leave!!" 

Zaphira looked at her, "I know, calm down." She said, "It's just that people are freaking out about this alleged child murderer." 

"Child murderer?" Invidia said, "Well, arrest him, then." 

"Hey!" one of the guards said as he pointed his spear at her, "Say another word and we shall arrest you instead!" 

Invidia frowned, "Is that so?" She said, "Why, you...." 

"What in the fuck is going on here?" a voice said

As everyone turned around, Daemon and Lydia were seen walking through the crowd. 

"Everyone is gathered around Azael..." Lydia whispered

The two guards looked at Daemon and widened their eyes, "T-The Black Dragon...." They managed, "That's Daemon....." 

Daemon walked up in front of the guard that pointed his spear at Invidia, "Watch where you point that thing." He said, "I'll break it." 

The guard reluctantly lowered it, "Daemon, The Black Dragon." He said, "This doesn't concern you. We were going to escort this man back to his home." 

Daemon shrugged, "What was this man accused of, everyone here wants him beaten." He said

"Child murder!!" one of the civilians shouted

"Child Murder? Geez, that's a grave accusation." Daemon said as he looked at the accused man, "Is that true?" 

The man spat blood on the ground, "N-No...." He said, "I didn't do such a thing...." 

Daemon noticed something on the man's pocket, a green stone. He walked over to the man and took it out of. 

"Hey!" the guard exclaimed

"Shut up." Daemon said as he raised the flat jade stone in the air, "Hm...what's this? The Baron's new currency?" 

"That is none of your business." the guard said, "Return that immediately." 

The guard took a step and extended his arm, silently commanding him to do as he was told. 

Daemon gave him a serious look, "Fuck off." He said, "Is this what I think it is? The Market Jade?" 

The guard frowned, "There is no way I will-" 

Daemon grabbed the guard by the collar of his breastplate and pulled him closer, "Market Jades are always registered to qualified civilians of poverty....." He said, "If I go to the Treasury office of this city and check the registration on this jade....will it be this man's?" 

"U-Unhand me...." the guard said, "I-" 

Daemon then pushed him away, causing him to stumble, turning around and looking at his group. 

"Let's go." He said to the others, "We're leaving." 

"Hey!" the other guard exclaimed, "Halt! You cannot place a hand on a guard and get away with it." 

Daemon waved him off as he walked off, being followed by the party. 


"What is a Market Jade?" Zaphira asked as she examined the stone

"The Baron's new system to help the poor in this city." Daemon said

They were in a tavern, eating something at one of the tables. Daemon had decided to stay the night at a tavern across the city, away from where the incident happened. 

"How does it work?" Invidia asked 

"Basically, a family that isn't making enough money registers for the system at the Treasury Office." Daemon explained, "If they qualify, they're given one of these with a unique code; a number or symbol. This allows the family to buy food and water from the market, even a bit of alcohol. It is only a limit times per week and only a certain amount of food per purchase. The markets that accept this Jade record the amount of Market Jade usage and send it to the Baron's people as proof. The Baron then pays the markets with the coin that was supposed to be used. It's his way to try and help the poverty situation in the city. This sort of system is good enough that the King himself is thinking of applying it in Ashborne."(A/N: Medieval Food Stamps)

The group looked at him with a bit of awe, they were not aware of this at all. To be fair, some of them hadn't been to Midpoint at all, their adventures mostly happened in the country and forests of Drahan. 

"So...." Zaphira said, "If you take this to the Treasury Office and it turns out the stone doesn't belong to the man....then....." 

"Something is going on." Daemon said, "I'd be prepared tonight if I were you." 

Lydia looked at him, "Why?" She asked 

Daemon leaned back and crossed his arms, "This is Midpoint." He said, "Nexus of Traveling Merchants. Merchants are cutthroat. The guards were defending that man like he didn't do anything wrong. Something tells me they were paid to. By who? I don't know. By what? Possibly a Merchant." 

"Be ready, we might get people after our lives." 

  1. Medieval Food Stamps