The Gate

"That was a good rest." Azael said as the group met up in front of the tavern

It was the following morning, first light, and they were told by a messenger that the Royal Caravan was about to pass through the Gate in order to enter the Hightowers. 

Daemon rubbed his temples as he drowsily looked at Azael, "You satisfied with that sleep?" He asked, "I still feel tired...." 

"Did our conversation keep you up?" Azael asked, "We kept talking for a while." 

He shook his head, "No." He said as he stretched his arms, "Maybe it's one of those days..." 

Lydia stepped in front of them, "Where's the caravan? They were supposed to pass by the street." She asked as she looked around

"Oh they are already at the gate." Invidia said, "I believe they're waiting on us." 

"What?" Daemon said, "And nobody said anything? They just told us to wait on them! Let's go!" 

He started walking as Zaphira smiled, walking behind him, "This is exciting!" She said, "The Hightowers, General Rickard, this highly anticipated job....." 

"I wonder what Master Roland's brother is like...." Lydia asked, "Will he be as kind and gracious as him?" 

"No." Daemon said almost instantly, "He is not." 

Invidia looked at the young fighter as they all walked down the street, "Does the epithet of Destroyer not give you clues on his personality?" She asked, "A Warrior so mighty that even Teo'varna fears him." 

"Well, I mean...." Lydia said flustered

"I'm more worried about the Lord of The Hightowers." Azael chimed in, "General Rickard is merely a fierce and powerful warrior who earned that epithet after years of destroying Drahan's enemy invasions. But the Lord of Hightowers...the way that people spoke of him when we were in that tavern.....they legitimately fear him." 

"Yea...." Daemon said, "Glavius...." 

"You know him?" Zaphira asked

Daemon nodded, "You could say that." 

"Hm....." Invidia merely said as the group made their way to the gate


"You're late!" an armored soldier exclaimed as the group arrived

"Take it easy..." Daemon muttered

A massive carriage contained supplies for the Hightowers in front of the massive stone and iron gate in front of them. On two sides, there were two large guard-towers with several armed soldiers, bows in hand, ready for anything. 

The carriage was surrounded by many infantry soldiers that were armored, as well as two smaller carriages next to them.

Every day, two sets of caravans enter the Hightowers, to supply the massive bridge and its inhabitants. The Blighted Town was a small town that was set in front of the gate, as a way to house the influx of mercenaries that wished to work for the Lord. The massive and gargantuan bride, however, is considered as a small city itself. 

It houses many dozens of brick buildings that soldiers inhabit and stay at, the massive towers that are scattered across it, act as lookout towers, where a certain type of magic is used to produce a defensive barrier to keep any danger from the valley inside. 

The group had arrived and the soldiers were impatiently waiting. 

"The Black Dragon, Daemon." one of them said, "Who would've thought it would be your sorry ass that takes this stupid job...." 

Daemon walked past him with a serious look, "Watch your tongue, bastard." He said, "I can still cut you in half." 

"Hey, Halt!" the soldier said, "Wait for the Gate to open!!" 

"No." Daemon said as he stood in front of the carriage and up at the guard towers, "Hey! Open up and let us inside already! General Rickard is expecting me!" 

The group, who was still behind the carriage, merely looked at this. 

"The size and weight of balls on this one...." Zaphira said, "This the Royal Army....." 

"Average fighters at best." Invidia noted, "It is them that have the guts to speak to Daemon in that way." 

Back to Daemon, he was still looking at the guards in the tower. 

"Daemon?" one of the soldiers said, "Oh that's right, word reached us earlier.....The General is waiting on him....Open the Gate!!!" 

A few seconds later, the massive gate let out a thud as it slowly opened. 

"Daemon, get the hell out of the way!" the soldier who greeted him first shouted

Daemon moved as the carriages were pulled by the horses, "Shut up." He said with an annoyed look, "This fucking guy...Anyways, let's go guys." 

The group watched as the massive gate opened, revealing the inside, large buildings that were surrounded by a mist as a road ran through. 

"The Hightowers..." Lydia said, "This is it?" 

"Yes." Daemon said, "Well, the very beginning of it. Let's go, we go to the first Hightower. Not the small skinny ones with the glowing eyes, but the first big ones. I think that's where we're expected." 

"At long last..." Invidia said, "We can start the job...." 

"We meet with the client first, obviously." Daemon said as he started walking, "Then we start it." 

Azael nodded as the group followed Daemon, "Let us pray for good fortune." 

"Heh." Zaphira merely chuckled

Daemon glanced back, "You can pray if you want, man." He said, "I'm not going to." 

"I have no use for prayers."