The Job Begins

"A Darkstone Crown?!" Zaphira exclaimed, "They're real?!" 

Ilrond nodded, "Yes, calm yourself, young Tiefling." He said as he placed his hand behind his back, "That is the Job." 

Daemon turned to see her, suddenly seeing a strange reaction from her. There was a strange blue hue in her already sapphire eyes. The Veteran Adventurer immediately assumed that there was something deeper to her reaction, but he didn't want to say anything. 

The other one that noticed was Lady Jade; she noticed a shift in Zaphira's magic power, as if something from beyond was rustled. She narrowed her eyes slightly, her gaze focused on the Warlock. Daemon also noticed this but kept quiet as well. 

The redhead looked back at Ilrond, the Elven Noble, "A Darkstone Crown, huh?" He said, "That's not something you hear every day." 

Lydia and Invidia looked at him, "What's that?" Lydia asked

Invidia, who was an Elf from Teo'varna, was also a bit confused. She had not heard of this relic once in her lifetime, especially considering that it was Lady Lywinn's artifact. Something told her it was a secret held by House Thoron and that speaking too much about it would spell trouble for any elf. 

Azael cleared his throat, a grim look on his face, "I have heard of these Crowns...but only in legend...." He said with a nervous tone, "Crowns imbued with the powerful reality shaping power of the Darkstones...According to the stories told by the Elder Monks, these stones are from Demonic Origin. The Archfiends and Archdemons wielded them in order to create their Hellish Planes..." 

Zaphira nodded, "Y-Yea..." She said, "Azuroth, The Founder of Demonic Magic and First Necromancer wielded one.....allegedly. But....I didn't know they existed, just thought they were made up folk-tale relics made to exaggerate the strength of the Archfiends....Just how the Holy Sword helped the Drunken King win the War." 

Daemon looked at him, "The Holy Sword does exist." He said, "But the Drunken King didn't use it. It's still sealed in the Unseen Plane, apparently, I don't know. But yeah, Darkstone Crowns exist. Didn't think the White Princess would lose hers.." 

Lydia looked at Daemon, "How come I haven't heard of them?" She asked, "Master Roland would've mentioned it...." 

"There are many things that a Great Paladin Knight is not allowed to speak of." General Rickard speak up, "The Existence of a Darkstone Crown is one of them. You must understand, Young Sword Apprentice, that this artifact is the current property of Lady Lywinn, she's the only Mortal to claim a Crown. That said, The mere talk of the Darkstones is taboo. The power they hold, especially on a is cataclysmic...." 

Lydia looked at him, "Oh...." She said while flustered

"I'm surprised Daemon knows about them." Ilrond said with a serious expression, "How were you aware that Lady Lywinn possessed one?" 

Daemon crossed his arms, "Don't worry about it." He said with a serious look of his own

"It matters not." General Rickard said, "You will embark on a journey through the Death Gullet's caverns and tunnels and look for the artifact. Ilrond here will give you a compass that'll lead to the chest's location." 

"Ah yes." Ilrond said pulling out a large circular object, "The Crown was in a chest, sealed by powerful Elven Magic. It was meant to cloak the Crown's power and disguise it with the chest's Divine properties; Lady Lywinn's magic. That said, the chest with the crown inside it was stolen decades ago. It took us a long time to track it down here to the base of the Valley." 

He handed the circular object to Daemon who looked at it with a raised eyebrow, "Who stole it?" He asked

Ilrond shook his head, "A rat bastard Drow." He said with an enraged look on his face, "You encountered him, no? The Spider's Sting, Arachnis. Leader of The Eight-Precepts." 

The name was recognized by Azael, who merely shifted on his feet. The young Monk stayed quiet, finding it rude to speak up during their conversation. 

Daemon frowned, "Arachnis?" He said, "That guy stole it? Are you fucking kidding me? How lax was your security? That guy was a fucking joke." 

Ilrond scowled, "Come again?" He said, "The Thief escaped Teo'Varna and we could never catch him. Lord Thoron sent various assassins but they would all perish at the hands of his band.....they were an infamous and dangerous group of bandits that stole many artifacts all over Otia...." 

"Yeah I know." Daemon said, "Didn't know he stole a fucking Darkstone Crown from you guys." 

Lady Jade looked at Ilrond, "Daemon killed Arachnis in a battle outside Windsearing Temple." She said, "I'm frankly surprised he was the culprit behind the thievery...." 

"The fool tried to steal a statue of Syn, The Sun Guardian." General Rickard said, "He and the Eight-Precepts met their demise at the hands of The Black Dragon." 

Ilrond widened his eyes, "W-Why didn't you say so?!" He exclaimed, "Arachnis is a hated criminal in our land! I shall send word immediately to my Lady and Lord! Y-You do have proof, right? His head perhaps?" 

"No." Daemon said, "The two pieces of his body fell down a cliff and splattered amongst the rocky side of the White Spine. He's dead." 

"Nevertheless, I shall tell this to my Lady." Ilrond said, "Rickard, send them to the lift at once. The faster this goes, the better. I wish you all Good Fortune, you'll need it." 

Daemon raised the compass given to him by Ilrond, "What about the Chest?" He asked, "You said it was sealed by powerful magic? Is this some sort of key as well?" 

"Oh yes." Ilrond said, "Yes, it is. Just place it on the slot in the chest, you'll see it right away." 

"Anyways, good luck on your journey." 


"A Darkstone Crown, huh?" Zaphira said with a nervous tone, "I am not gonna lie, this adds a lot more pressure than going down the Death's Gullet...." 

"Agreed." Azael said, "I have never thought they existed..." 

"Hm..." Invidia said

They were walking outside the tower, making their way towards the entrance of the lift that would take them down. Lady Jade was taking them there as General Rickard and Ilrond stayed in the tower to discuss other matters. 

"It's going to be a long walk." Lady Jade spoke up from in front of them, "Basically, the entrance to the stairs that lead to the lift is in the middle of the bridge. The lift is technically on the entrance of the Hightowers but we designed it this way so that nobody would sneak their way down to the caverns without us knowing about it." 

"Weird design, but okay." Daemon said as he walked behind her, "As long as we can go down without a problem, I don't care how long we walk for." 

"Walking is good for you." Lady Jade said as she glanced back at him with a smile

Lydia was next to Daemon, "I'm a bit nervous." She said, "Retrieving a Primordial Artifact that I didn't know existed is kinda scary." 

"I shouldn't tell you that speaking about this to anyone else is highly forbidden." Lady Jade spoke up, "Keep your lips sealed, okay? Only His Majesty and The General know about this, excluding Ilrond and Myself. Not even Lord Glavius is aware, not like he would care." 

"That guy...." Daemon said, "What's he up to these days?" 

"In his tower." Lady Jade said, "There's no movement on the Shadowlands so he doesn't bother to show up at the Gate." 

As they walked, Invidia, who was at the back of the group was looking at the ground. 

She felt a bit perturbed, She wasn't aware that such an artifact existed and that Lady Lywinn was in possession of one. It is as if there was a vast ocean of things that she was unaware of. Even Daemon, someone who was younger than her was aware of the Crown's existence and its connection to the White Princess. 

Suddenly, she froze in place, feeling an eerie sensation creep up her spine from her bottom. 

"W-What?" She said quietly as the group walked ahead

She was aware of this feeling, recognizing it too well, the eyes of a Predator were set upon her. She hadn't felt this disturbed by a Predator's gaze since she first began her training as a Ranger and was stalked by a pack of Direwolves. 

No, this was much more dangerous than a mere pack of beasts. This was the gaze of an extremely dangerous being, something that oozed bloodlust and destruction. A far more rampant feeling than the powerful gaze of The General; whose entire being was just battle. No, this was much more violent and savage...much darker. 

She slowly turned her gaze around, focusing on where she was being seen from. 

Far into the distance, past the Tower where the General resides, she saw another massive tower, barely visible. It was from there that she felt the powerful and dangerous presence. 

Someone was watching her....No....Someone was watching them from afar, their bloodlust focused on them for whatever reason. 

She felt a cold sweat cover her entire body, her hairs standing on the back of her neck. She had felt an overwhelming powerful sensation from the General, something she was already used to. But she was not used to something like this, not even from any Beast she had encountered. 

It was different. Whoever this person was, there was a deep danger to them. 

"Oh...." She said softly, "I....." 

"Invidia?" She head Azael call out, "You alright?" 

Invidia then snapped out of it and turned around, seeing Azael a couple of meters ahead of her. 

"Y-Yea..." She said shaking her head, "I'm alright." 

Daemon glanced over as they walked, "Keep up, guys." He said, "We're about to do this...." 

"We're finally starting the Job."