Caverns II

After a few minutes of traversing the caverns and tunnels, the group came across the first marker. It was in a small opening in the tunnel, a small torch with blue fire with a white arrow pointing towards the left. 

Daemon took a step forward, seeing that the marker's opening pointed at a tunnel with a small incline leading down further. 

"First marker." Daemon said, "We must be going the right way." 

Invida walked up to the torch and took out a small pouch from her satchel, smearing a bit of white powder next to the torch. 

Lydia raised her eyebrow, "What's that?" She asked

Invidia looked at her, "Grounded Teo'varna coffee grains." She said, "Mixed with fermented Herb Weed roots...." 

"Making your own marks, huh?" Daemon said, "Smart. Just in case something happens." 

"Correct." She said, "I have a small incense burner that is alchemically connected to the powder, it'll lead us back up if we get lost. But I don't want to use it recklessly." 

Azael looked at the opening, "So, we embark further..." He said

"Yea." Zaphira said, "So far, so quiet." 

As she said that, there was a loud screech that resounded from the dark tunnel opening. It was loud enough to cause the group to wince upon hearing it. 

Daemon frowned and looked at her, "You said something?" He said

Zaphira chuckled, "Hehe..." She said as she snapped her fingers

"Light Orb" 

She summoned a small orb of light that shone brightly as she pointed it towards the tunnel, illuminating the way. 

"Sounded like a Goblin screech..." Invidia said as she drew her dagger, "Let us continue...." 

Daemon nodded and proceeded to walk through the opening, making his way down the tunnel. The group followed him, Zaphira directly behind as Lydia and Azael were behind her, Invidia at the rear. 

"This is a bit concerning...." Lydia said, "These tunnels are bit too small for Daemon and I to fight in....." 

"Worry not." Azael said, "We'll be fine. The moment we're in a big enough opening, the two of you will be fine." 

"That's not the point...." Lydia said, "I fought Goblins before in small spaces, they're terrifying." 

"If you can't use your blade, use your fists." Daemon said as he led the group down further, "Make use of what you got." 

"That's true." Zaphira said

"I fought Goblins but never knew they could be so....." Lydia continued, "Despicable.." 

"Don't think too much about that." Invidia told the young fighter, "It's not good for your mind." 

Several minutes later, the group reached a cavern that was the same size as the one they found the marker in. Daemon could feel the moisture in the air right away as a small breeze of outside air hit him. 

"Hm...." He said, "Must be an underground water system somewhere....and there are a lot of air vents down here...." 

"Indeed." Azael said as he stood next to him, "How far along do you think we are?" 

"Not far." Daemon said, "We gotta look for the next marker, I don't trust this...." 

He was referring to the small amount of broken wooden planks that were littered throughout the cavern, with several blood-soaked rags all over the ground. 

"Goblins...." Zaphira said, "They're definitely around." 

Daemon took a step forward and crouched down, placing his hand on the ground, feeling slight vibrations. 

"Tch..." He said with a frown, "Get in position, now. We're about to fight." 

Immediately, the group did as he said; Azael got in the middle of the group as Lydia got in front of him and behind Daemon. Zaphira drew her rapier as she stood next to Azael, waving the light orb around. Invidia crouched down and sheathed her dagger, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow on it. 

Daemon drew his greatsword as he looked around the shadows, seeing that there were several small openings in the walls of the caverns. There was only one opening that was large enough to be considered a traversable path; the other openings were small enough for goblins to fit in. 

"Come on..." He muttered

Suddenly, they heard a loud screech as several shadows darted out of the walls, charging towards them with tremendous speed. 

"Goblins!" Azael exclaimed as he stomped his foot

"Divine Stance: Aegis of The Sun Guardian" 

As he stomped his foot, he and Zaphira were surrounded by a bright circle of white light. The mage felt the surge of divine magic all around her. 

"Whoa!" She said as she looked at several goblins rushing at them

As the Goblins lunged at the mage, Azael threw several punches in the air in several directions. The moment the Goblins came in contact with the light, they were sent flying away with small explosions of white light. The little critters crashed against the wall hard and were rendered unconscious with ease. 

"That's...." Zaphira said

"More!" Invidia called as she fired off several arrows

The arrows fired pierced the small green heads of the goblins that were rushing around Daemon and Lydia and targeting the Ranger. 

Lydia had drawn her blade, swinging at the small and fast creatures, managing to cut some of them but missing the majority. 

"They're fast!" She exclaimed

The ones that got past her rushed at Azael and Zaphira who were in the circle of light, but were blown away by Azael's spell; he was punching the air, causing explosions on the Goblins that got through the circle. 

Daemon gritted his teeth and swung his sword down at a goblin that rushed him, wielding a small stone dagger. The little critter dodged it with ease as the blade lodged itself into the ground, jumping right at the Fighter. 

"Geee!!" It yelled 

Daemon, however, caught it by its face with ease with his left hand. 

"Fuck off." Daemon said as he crushed its entire head with a mere squeeze

He then tossed its lifeless body away and pulled his greatsword out of the ground, an orange aura surrounding him. 

"Lydia, follow my lead." Daemon said, "Like this." 

Lydia looked at him and watched as Daemon lunged at the nearest group of Goblins, swinging his massive greatsword down in a downward cleave, instantly killing many of the critters. 

Without thinking twice, she rushed behind, swinging her sword down in a similar manner, instantly cutting up several Goblins. 

"O-Okay..." Lydia said as she straightened up

She stood a couple of feet away from Daemon as they were both away from the others. They watched as most of the goblins, which were a vast amount, were rushing at Azael and Zaphira, who were easily pushing them away. 

Zaphira had cast Mage Hand, summoning two spectral hands, and was using them to physically push the goblins away as she stabbed some of them in the head with her rapier. 

Invidia had drawn her dagger and was easily cutting them up, slicing their throats as she was still crouched down, not moving an inch, surgically swinging her blade with great precision. 

"Fucking Goblins...." Daemon said, "Lydia, use Fury on your body to enhance your lunges. Can you do that?" 

Lydia turned around to him, "Y-Yea..." She said before she saw a massive shadow behind Daemon, "L-Look out, behind you!!!" 

Daemon turned around to see a massive Hobgoblin, an oversized and humanoid Goblin with dark orange skin, swinging its Warhammer at him. 

"RARRRRRR!!!!" The Hobgoblin roared as he hit Daemon straight in the face

The impact of the blow was strong enough to cause a massive shockwave that staggered the nearby goblins. 

"Daemon!!!" Lydia yelled as she dodged several Goblins and cut them up in the process

The Black Dragon was slightly staggered, merely taking a step back as the Warhammer was still on his face. 

"Ouch...." He said simply

The Hobgoblin widened its yellow eyes, "Er?" It said as he pulled the Hammer away

Daemon was revealed not to be fazed, a mere light bruise on his cheek. This shocked the Hobgoblin to its core. 

Daemon rubbed his cheek, "Hm..."

Hobgoblins, known to be anomalies of the Goblin species, are born with a humanoid body, growing to be nearly 7 feet tall and with tremendous power. They are capable of using Fury as some Goblins are capable of using magic. They prefer using Warhammers as their weapons simply because they enjoy the crushing of bones rather than cutting of flesh. 

They have more intelligence than the regular Goblin, who operate on their primal and disgusting instincts. While they are more intelligent, they're more prone to bloodlust, wanting to fight and kill rather than pillage and rape. 

But because they're so intelligent, at this exact second, the Hobgoblin was smart enough to understand one thing; Daemon was far beyond its strength. 

It terrified him, in that moment, it was frozen in fear. 

"Arrrr...." The Hobgoblin said, "M-Morster....." 

Daemon smirked slightly, "These little critters are annoying...." He said as he readied his blade, "But you.....your kind, I prefer fighting you guys....large enough to be a perfect target for my blade...." 


In an instant, the Hobgoblin's body was split in half, being cut through by Daemon's sword. 

As this happened, all the Goblins stopped and looked at this, completely shocked. 

Goblins, no matter how many there were at one place, looked at Hobgoblins as their strongest member. If a Hobgoblin falls in battle, easily that is, that means one thing. 

They were going to die. 

The Goblins then proceeded to screech loudly and as they frantically scattered around. 

Daemon looked at this, "Oh no you don't." He said, 

"Kill them all."