Beast of Terror

"W-What is that thing?" Lydia said shakily, "It's massive!" 

Daemon took a step forward as he raised his sword, "Be careful." He said, "I don't know what this is." 

The newfound beast looked at the Shadowcat, snarling viciously as it extended its massive arms outwards. The Shadowcat reared back, growling deeply as its fur began to glow. 

Invidia widened her eyes, "Stick together!" she exclaimed, "It's going into the unseen plane!!" 

As she said that, the beast disappeared from sight as the other monster looked at the empty spot. Almost immediately, the horned beast's attention switched to the party, letting out a deep growl. 

"Shit." Daemon said, "We got its attention." 

The Beast reared its head back and let out a massive screech, causing a shockwave that shook the entire cavern. The screech was so loud that it staggered the group with ease, the resounding vibrations shaking them violently. 

"What the!" Zaphira said as she covered her ears

"L-Loud!!" Azael exclaimed

Daemon, who was powering through the shockwave, merely looked at the beast. 

"Some ugly piece of work, huh?" He said as he raised his sword, "Get ready you guys-" 

He was interrupted by a massive gust of wind that staggered him; the group saw as a blur shot straight at the beast. 

The Horned beast was hit by a reappearing Shadowcat, staggering back as the massive feline let out a roar. The roar, while loud, wasn't as deafening as the Beast's screech. 

"The Shadowcat is fighting it." Invidia said, "We should join in. Whatever it is, it should die!" 

Daemon nodded, "You're right." He said, "It's giving nothing but an awful feeling. Get in position! We strike when the Shadowcat gives us an opening!" 

They began to scatter, trying to gain distance from the two beasts as the Shadowcat swiped its claws at the Beast, trying to bring it down as the thing was merely taking its attack. 

The Beast let out a growl as it blocked one of the Shadowcat's strikes, snorting heavily. 

Daemon, who was next to Zaphira, looked at this, "What the hell...." He said, "It's taking a Shadowcat's attack like nothing?" 

"That thing is scary!" Zaphira said with a worried look, "Daemon, I have a bad feeling from it." 

"Shoot it with a fireball." Daemon said

"I...." She replied, "Okay." 

She raised her rapier as it was engulfed with blue flames. 

"Blue Fireball" 

She pointed the rapier at the Beasts, firing off a ball of blue flames. As the fireball barreled towards them, the Shadowcat had pounced away, almost as if it saw it coming. 

The Beast then smacked the fireball away and the group watched as it hit a nearby wall, exploding violently. 

Zaphira widened her eyes, "W-What?!" She exclaimed, "That's not possible!!!" 

Invidia, who was with Azael and Lydia, began to sweat, "It....deflected fire???" She said, "That's is that even possible?" 

Lydia was also shocked, "T-That's....." 

Daemon gritted his teeth, "Fuck." He said, "I can't believe this can deflect a fireball...?" 

The Beast straightened up, and began to rub its forearms. Its right forearm was slightly charred, due to Zaphira's attack while its left was slightly cut up, due to the Shadowcat. 

The Shadowcat let out a roar and immediately lunged at the Beast, attempting to go for its neck. 

The Beast casually caught the feline beast, held it by its neck and in a swift motion, chucked it down into the ground, causing a shockwave and a slight crate. 

There was a pained screech coming out from the magic beast as blood came out of its mouth. The group merely watched in awe. 

Daemon, of all people, was surprised at this. He was more than capable of taking Shadowcats by himself, but he never imagined that a Magic Beast of that caliber would be manhandled by an unknown creature. 

The Beast then kicked the Shadowcat with its massive hooves, sending it flying away as it let out another pained yelp. 

"What the...." Invidia said with shock, "Like nothing...." 

Daemon narrowed his eyes, "This thing isn't a joke." He said, "Prepare yourself." 

"No shit." Zaphira said as she took a step back, "It deflected a fucking fireball!" 

The Beast stood there, giving off a strange ominous aura that unsettled even Daemon. There was something about this unknown creature that was intimidating the group for some reason. It wasn't its size, it wasn't its appearance, and it wasn't its strength. It was its aura, its vibe, there was something otherworldly, unnatural to it. Daemon had a feeling he knew what this thing was. 

It then slowly looked at Zaphira and Daemon. 

"Whoa." Zaphira said as she summoned a spectral hand, "Daemon...." 

Daemon took a step and got in front of her, "Yea..." He said, "Get ready to engage." 

The Beast then leaned forward, got on all fours, and began to shake violently. 

"What is it doing?" Lydia said as she took a step back

The group was split in two; Daemon with Zaphira to the Beast's right and the others to its left. It was now looking to its right, on all fours, doing something strange.

It looked at Zaphira as it opened its maw, its black jagged teeth showing as the back of its throat began to glow with flames. 

"Daemon!" Zaphira exclaimed

"Yea!" Daemon said 

The Beast then fired off a single fireball at the two, it shot straight at them. Zaphira got in front of Daemon in a swift motion and waved her rapier in front of her. 

"Aegis of Nuckel!!" 

Suddenly, a massive shield of ice appeared in front of them, taking the fireball directly and causing a massive explosion of ice and flames. This spell was able to protect the two of them from the sudden fire attack. 

"Good." Daemon said as he rushed past the icy smoke, "That was a good save, Zaphira!" 

Daemon had reached the Beast and jumped up, rearing his sword back as he meant to swing it down in an attempt to cut it in half. 

The Beast, however, jumped away and watched as Daemon struck the ground. 

"Dammit!!" He growled as he pulled the sword out of the ground

The Beast had then rushed Daemon with terrifying speed, punching him straight in the face and sent him flying fast and hard against a wall. The group watched as Daemon crashed against said wall and a shockwave caused debris and dust to fly everywhere. 

"Daemon!!!" Lydia exclaimed

The Beast straightened up and reared its head back, letting out another screech, staggering the rest of the group as they covered their ears. 

"What is this beast?!" Azael stammered

"I don't know!" Invidia said as she looked back at the Beast

The Beast looked at the Elf, its lips snarling up. It then got on all fours, yet again, and opened its maw. 

"Get away!" Lydia shouted as they all jumped away

The Beast had fired another fireball at them, hitting the spot where they stood. The explosion was massive and shook the ground. This one was a direct hit while the first one was negated by Zaphira's spell. 

"Shit!" Zaphira said with a worried look, "It was able to send Daemon away flying?!" 

The others regrouped with her in an instant, readying their stances as they looked at the Beast. 

"I cannot Bless us..." He said, "I need more time to restore that much mana...." 

"It's fine." Invidia said, "Use your healing if needed." 

"Right." Azael nodded

Lydia was sweating, "What do we do?" She said

The Beast straightened up as it clenched its fists, looking at the group while snarling. It took a step forward them, giving off its ominous aura. 

"We fight." Invidia said as she drew her bow, "If we run, I doubt we'll get away." 

"R-Right..." Lydia said

The Beast then raised its arm as a blur shot at it, blocking an attack from the wounded Shadowcat. It did this without taking its eyes from the group. 

Zaphira widened her eyes, "The Shadowcat is alive??" She said, "And damn! That thing is crazy!" 

The Shadowcat landed on the ground as it snarled at the Beast, limping slightly as it gave it a vicious glare. 

The Beast slowly looked at it, letting out a snarl of its own. 

Suddenly, its side exploded with blood as a blur flashed past it. It stumbled slightly as its midsection had a massive cut. 

Invidia widened here eyes, "What?!"

Daemon stood in front of the Beast and Shadowcat, his sword raised as he looked at them, "Stupid fuck." He cursed, "You think you can get me?" 

The group saw that Daemon had a bruise on his left cheek, courtesy of the Beast's punch. 

"Daemon!" Lydia exclaimed

"Get ready to fight this thing." Daemon called as he straightened up, "It can bleed." 

"So it can definitely die."