Chapter 10

Aya and I were talking in the corridor and walked right to the washing area. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Nick and his friends walking in the corridor too. I looked down before our eyes met.

I washed my hands with liquid soap and after that, I heard Aya greet them. I ignored them as they were giggling.

"Aya, how's your friend?" Graham was smiling at me.

"She's fine." Aya giggled and I raised a brow. He wanted to tease me about what happened last night.

"Just look at her face." Graham pointed a circle on his face and Aya made it to look at me.

"Are you okay?" She was looking at my frowning look.

"Maybe, she didn't sleep last night because-" His words were cut as Nick nudged him on his stomach. "Oops. Sorry to mention that."

I came forward at him and asked, "Why? What do you know about last night?" He looked at Nick who turned his look away from me.

"Do you want to know or remember?" Graham gave me a smirk.

"No! Your butt." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Aya's wrist and went back to our classroom.

She was looking at me while I was arranging my books on my desk. After I arranged all of my things, our eyes met. Her eyes went small and trying to figure out things inside her head.

"What?" I gave her a wry smile. I wonder what she wanted to tell me. I think it was all about last night.

"What happened to you last night? Why didn't you say anything to me? Aren't we friends, are we?" She pouted her lips and walked away from me.

I was hearing my conscience the whole day as she wasn't approaching me at all. Lunch came and she wasn't approaching me so I decided to approach her at the cafeteria.

I put down my lunch in front of her but she stood up. She was about to leave but I stopped her. "Wait. Wait, Aya. I'll tell you."

She smiled and sat in front of me. "Now, tell me."

"It was all about Nick." I was whispering at her but she screamed. I covered my face with both of my hands. I was getting shy at her stupid reaction.

When all of the students turned their look at their food, I asked her to talk after class. "It was a long story. It's better to keep a secret after class."

She agreed with my own decision and after class, we walked out of the campus and went to the park where no one could hear us. I checked the place and there was no trace of students. We sat on the bench as we were eating the corndog.

"Now, tell me. What happened last night?" She bit her corndog while looking at me.

"I don't know how to tell this."

"Just say it to me. Do you want a punch?" She pointed her fist at me. I giggled at her.

"Last night, I was with Nick." I laughed at her when she couldn't make a scream because of the food in her mouth. She was kicking the floor and she was teasing me with her look.

"That's why he left us after you walked away. He ran after you. We saw it with all our eyes and wondered about you two." She was happy about giving the whole truth before.

"I asked him to have a coffee with me. It was my conscience to ask him. I didn't want him to catch a cold after heading me home." I never thought of getting honest with my real feelings.

I looked at Aya when I didn't hear a reaction from her. She was looking at me with shock. "He headed you home? For real?"

I nodded at her. She grinned as she knew about it. "Green flag for me."

"What's that?"

"He passed about being a gentleman."

I just told her the coffee but I never told her about the kiss. I think she would freak out when she would hear something like that. It was better to keep it by myself or it would become the topic around the campus soon. It didn't mean I didn't have trust in her but I was keeping myself safe and it was my private thing.

"I'll be your number one fan for your love team." She was supporting me but I shook my head.

"No, Aya. Maybe he's getting friendly." I was denying it to myself because I didn't want to have a high expectation and I didn't want to get hurt in the end.

"If he's getting friendly, why did he act like a grown-up man?" She raised a brow at me and it made me think about it too. She was right but inside me, I was shooing away that thing.

"I don't know. Maybe, he's just nice."

"He's nice but deep inside he's making you catch his heart."

My heart was pounding as I heard it from her. I just bit my corndog and we became silent for a while.

"Think about it deeply. Maybe, he's giving you hints about his real feelings for you." Aya was right. Maybe, I let my guard down too because I let his actions turn my heart fluttering about him.

After all, I was wondering if I could let him get into my life without knowing how would it be with him in the future. I wasn't so sure about this. Maybe, I should go with the flow and let things happen this time. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't making any progress too but it was him who was making it.

If I gave him a chance, I should get ready for the consequences ahead. I needed to be prepared for what would happen next or maybe, I was hoping for more about him now.

I shouldn't have my expectations done. I should let myself know more about him.

"Bye, Hainz!" Aya waved her hand at me when she was about to leave the bus. I smiled at her and stopped thinking about Nick.

Maybe, I was unprepared for this that was why I misinterpreted his actions or maybe I was wrong at all? All I could do is to protect my heart from getting hurt.