Awakening Martial Spirit

Martial arts determine one's destiny, one's life and death. The weak are subject to oppression, while the strong command the world.

Martial Souls, innate talents of the people of Nine Heavens, are the essence of martial artists, closely intertwined with their achievements. The types of martial souls are countless: natural martial souls such as flames, ice spirits, hurricanes, and thunderstorms; weapon martial souls like knives, spears, swords, and halberds; beast martial souls such as white tigers, fierce rhinos, violent apes, and dragons. Of course, there are also many powerful exotic martial souls, such as berserk martial souls and immortal martial souls. Martial souls evolve and strengthen with the advancement of a martial artist's strength.

Yangzhou City, Lin Family Mansion.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, staring at the ancient and fragrant room before him, a room that was both unfamiliar and familiar. A faintly bitter smile of helplessness crept onto his face.

"Is this what they call a narrow escape?" Lin Feng muttered to himself. The bitter smile vanished instantly, replaced by a hint of a smile.

Yes, Lin Feng had traversed. Originally a senior student in Jiangnan City, Huaxia Country on Earth, he had crossed over to the Nine Heavens Continent, inhabiting the body of a scion of the Lin family with the same name.

Lin Feng felt a bit melancholic, not because of the crossing, but because he was an orphan on Earth, raised single-handedly by his grandfather. Exhausted from labor, his grandfather finally closed his eyes in peace upon seeing Lin Feng's university acceptance letter, leaving behind a substantial sum of tens of thousands of dollars in savings for Lin Feng's education, just to leave this legacy for him. Thus, he neglected his own health.

Lin Feng had always worked hard, earning the highest scholarships every year through part-time work and frugal living. He wanted to change his fate through his own efforts, fulfill his grandfather's wishes. However, Lin Feng gradually realized that, in an era of connections, hard work did not guarantee success.

During his internship in his senior year, the company held a party at a hotel. At the party, a rich kid got his female classmate, who was interning with him, drunk. The company staff tacitly stepped away, knowing full well what was about to happen. Lin Feng, of course, intervened.

The result was that his four years of hard work went up in smoke; he was expelled from school on charges of misconduct against the female classmate, with solid evidence as the classmate herself pointed him out.

As for the other result, he got sued. The female classmate he helped and the rich kid jointly sued him. With all the evidence against him, Lin Feng, without money or power, didn't need to fight this lawsuit. His life was almost doomed; he would spend a decade or more in prison, completely derailing from society.

Seeing the rich kid and the female classmate embracing each other joyfully in an Audi, Lin Feng stole a car and, with a smile, drove towards that Audi. Lin Feng vaguely remembered those two faces, filled with fear and filth of the world.

In his previous life, Lin Feng had no attachments left. So, he wasn't upset about the crossing; what upset him was that he had crossed into the body of a waste young master with a crippled martial soul.

This young master of the Lin family, who shared his name, was originally a junior disciple of the Outer Sect of Yunhai Sect. While at Yunhai Sect, he was bullied by his cousin, beaten into serious injury, and then kicked out of the sect, half-dead. It was because of this that Lin Feng was able to take advantage and cross over into his body.

"Since I have a second chance at life, I will never let tragedy repeat itself." Lying on the bed, Lin Feng clenched his fists and spoke to the lingering remnant soul, "Rest assured, from now on, you are me, and I am you. I will never allow myself to be bullied again."

Having assimilated most of the original 'Lin Feng's' soul, Lin Feng was well aware of the world he was in—a world where the strong were revered. To become a strong martial artist, one needed not only exceptional talent but also the heart of a strong person and an incredibly resilient will. The former 'Lin Feng' was somewhat weak, but now, after experiencing hardships and the test of death, the current him was different. Having lived two lives and undergone trials of suffering and death, his will was much stronger than that of the former 'Lin Feng'.

As if sensing Lin Feng's strong will, the remnant soul gradually weakened. Eventually, the two souls merged perfectly.

"Boom!" At the moment of soul fusion, Lin Feng felt his soul tremble, knocking him unconscious.

After an unknown period, Lin Feng opened his eyes again, his brows slightly furrowed, carefully sensing the palpitations of the remnant soul.

Sitting up, Lin Feng's mind moved, and suddenly, a special aura spread through the space around him, enveloping him in a hazy shadow, a black shadow.

"Have you heard? Lin Feng, that waste, hasn't woken up yet. I think he's probably dead."

"Heh, waste like him might as well be dead sooner. He's disgracing our Lin family."

In the distance, the voices of two people conversing reached Lin Feng's ears. Instead of getting angry, Lin Feng showed a strange expression. The voices obviously came from far away, but he could hear them clearly. Not only that, he could hear every little movement within hundreds of meters, as if nothing could escape his ears.

Furthermore, Lin Feng found that his vision had improved, and even his thoughts seemed sharper. Many things about martial arts that he hadn't understood before suddenly became clear to him.

With another thought, a shadow of a small snake appeared behind Lin Feng. The tiny figure curled up. This was his ridiculed martial soul, a snake of unknown species that was unable to enhance his abilities.

"Twin martial souls!"

However, Lin Feng was not at all frustrated by the snake martial soul at this moment. Instead, he seemed a bit dazed, then a bright smile appeared on his face. Yes, the black shadow behind him was a kind of martial soul, a newly awakened martial soul. Although he didn't know what kind of martial soul this shadow was, together with the snake shadow martial soul, he now possessed two martial souls.

Possessors of two martial souls were called twin martial soul users. On the continent, those who possessed twin martial souls were considered geniuses. And Lin Feng, who had been called a waste, now possessed twin martial souls.

"I'll call you the Dark Martial Soul for now." Lin Feng smiled faintly. He was able to possess twin martial souls probably because of the fusion of souls. His soul had merged with the souls of two people, so it was not surprising to have twin martial souls. As for the abilities of this martial soul, from what he could see now, it should enhance physical qualities.

Closing his eyes, Lin Feng began to meditate and cultivate. The qi of heaven and earth immediately entered his body through his limbs, tempering his flesh and nourishing his martial soul.

Two hours later, Lin Feng stopped cultivating. A milky white haze exhaled from his nose, feeling refreshed all over, unable to describe the pleasure. He couldn't even feel the soreness in his body anymore.

"This is the cultivation of a martial artist, so amazing." Lin Feng looked at his fists, clenched them hard, and the cracking sound of cracking knuckles was full of strength.

The speed of cultivation seemed much faster than he remembered. Lin Feng walked out of the room to find a huge courtyard, with wooden stakes and huge stone pillars, all for his practice.

Walking up to a stone pillar, Lin Feng unleashed his martial skill, Nine Waves of the Martial Path. Instantly, the fist winds howled, tearing through the air, as if layers of waves were distorting the space.


Just then, Lin Feng let out a loud shout, sank his waist, tightened his abdomen, and punched out, his punch like a meteor striking the stone pillar. With a thunderous roar, the stone pillar directly turned into a pile of rubble, scattering on the ground.

Not only that, the fist wind, after shattering the stone pillar, continued forward. Several bursts sounded in the air, and waves of air collided with another stone pillar, immediately followed by another loud bang, and the huge stone pillar shattered one after another, two meters apart.

"This should be over six thousand kilograms of force." Lin Feng was very satisfied with this result. His strength had now returned to its peak, at the fifth level of the Qi Martial Realm. The martial skill he practiced, Nine Waves of the Martial Path, was stronger than before, breaking through to the sixth wave. This allowed him to exert six thousand kilograms of force at the fifth level of the Qi Martial Realm.

"It seems that the Dark Martial Soul not only enhances visual and auditory senses but also increases my cultivation speed and comprehension." Lin Feng smiled slightly. Besides his martial soul, his previous worries about martial talent seemed to no longer exist with the birth of the Dark Martial Soul.

A martial soul that could comprehensively enhance martial qualities, it seemed that the Dark Martial Soul was no ordinary martial soul.