Abolish cultivation

Three days later, in Lin Feng's room, the aura of heaven and earth was extremely rich, with a faint misty luster.

Around Lin Feng's body, the illusory dark martial soul and the substantive aura of heaven and earth blended together. If Lin Feng could see his own martial soul, he would find that his dark martial soul shadow seemed to be clearer, with a faint human form.

At this moment, a rich light radiated from the aura of heaven and earth, then all entered Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng's eyes suddenly opened, with a gleam of light, and the aura emanating from his whole body became much stronger.

"After using three Return Origin Pills, I have finally successfully advanced to the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm." Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a smile. Originally, he was only at the mid-level of the seventh level of the Qi Martial Realm, not the peak of the seventh level. There was still some distance from the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm, but the three Return Origin Pills allowed him to advance, which was worth it.

"Now, if I were to battle a martial warrior at the ninth level of the Qi Martial Realm, I should have quite a few means." When he was at the seventh level of the Qi Martial Realm, he could only exert a force of 8,500 jin using the Ninth Wave, and the destructive power of the Thunder Sword Technique could vaguely approach 9,000 jin. However, others also practiced martial arts techniques, so in terms of realm, he was firmly suppressed by the martial warrior at the ninth level of the Qi Martial Realm. But now, he was confident in a battle.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng walked out of the room. It was now in the morning, with the autumn sun shining on him, giving him a warm feeling.

"Waste, you finally dare to come out."

A voice came, destroying Lin Feng's good mood completely.

"Lin Heng." Lin Feng turned his gaze and saw Lin Heng standing tens of meters away, with his hands crossed behind his back, looking lazy.

The Cloud Sea Sect had a rule that fellow disciples were not allowed to forcibly enter others' rooms or cause a disturbance outside, as many people liked to cultivate in their rooms, and being interrupted could have serious consequences. Therefore, this rule was very strict, and Lin Heng did not dare to break it, so he waited outside for Lin Feng for two days.

Turning around, Lin Heng stared at Lin Feng, his eyes filled with killing intent. Three days ago, he received a letter from home, in which his father said that Lin Feng, this waste, had actually injured his younger brother, Lin Yun, and even insulted his father and his younger brother, asking Lin Heng to find a way to deal with Lin Feng.

"I heard that after you, this waste, came back to life last time, your cultivation improved significantly. Dare you follow me to the Wind and Cloud Gorge for a battle?" Lin Heng said coldly.

Lin Feng sneered inwardly. Last time, Lin Heng tricked him into the Wind and Cloud Gorge, where Lin Feng was beaten to the brink of death, but not killed, because the sect rules stated that disciples could not kill fellow disciples outside the Life and Death Platform.

In fact, by beating Lin Feng to the brink of death, Lin Heng had already violated the sect rules, but Lin Feng was just a waste with the cultivation of the fifth level of the Qi Martial Realm, while Lin Heng was at the eighth level. Who would care? Might makes right, which was the main theme of this world and also an unwritten rule. Rules are dead, but people are alive.

"This grudge must be settled." Lin Feng's mouth curled into a strange smile. The previous Lin Feng died because of Lin Heng, which allowed him to take over this body. Today, let him help the previous him get revenge.

Raising his foot, Lin Feng walked straight towards the distance.

"Waste, don't you dare?" Lin Heng saw that Lin Feng ignored him and mocked.

"You said to go to the Wind and Cloud Gorge, didn't you." Lin Feng's indifferent voice came, making Lin Heng stunned. Then, a cruel smile appeared on his lips. A waste is a waste. Last time, Lin Feng was so foolish even after nearly dying. This time, he would definitely not give Lin Feng any chance. Even if he didn't kill him in the Wind and Cloud Gorge, he would wait for Lin Feng to come out of the Cloud Sea Sect severely injured before finishing him off.

There were many corridors leading to the Wind and Cloud Gorge, as well as horizontal iron cables connecting from above to the gorge. Those with excellent lightness skills could jump directly from above into the gorge.

With Lin Feng's current strength, he could completely jump directly into the gorge with his lightness skills. However, he did not do so. Instead, he slid into the Wind and Cloud Gorge along the iron cable. If he showed too excellent lightness skills and scared Lin Heng, it would not be good.

"A waste is still a waste, needing external help to enter the gorge." Lin Heng sneered, aiming at where Lin Feng would land, he leaped from a hundred meters high, as if spreading his wings like a great eagle, directly descending from the sky. His body was elegant and agile, and when he was about to land, his toes spun slightly, landing steadily in the gorge, sinking one foot into the ground.

"What exquisite lightness skills, who is that?" Someone above the gorge saw Lin Heng jumping down and couldn't help but exclaim.

"I know him, he's Lin Heng, at the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm, very powerful." Someone responded.

The vision and hearing of martial warriors were very good, so even at a height of a hundred meters, they could see the figures in the gorge, although somewhat blurry.

At this time, Lin Feng and Lin Heng landed on a sand dune in the gorge, surrounded by desolation. Some disciples of the sect passing by couldn't help but stop and watch the confrontation between Lin Feng and Lin Heng with interest.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, this waste, to dare to come down. Last time, you didn't die completely, today, I will let you die again." Lin Heng laughed arrogantly. Once Lin Feng entered the Wind and Cloud Gorge, life and death would be decided by him, because he was stronger than Lin Feng.

"You can try." Lin Feng didn't bother to say more. Lin Heng had tried to kill him several times before, so today, old and new accounts would be settled together.

"A waste dares to be so arrogant, thinking highly of himself after defeating my brother Lin Yun. Today, I will let you know how formidable the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm is. You, Lin Feng, are still a waste." With that, Lin Heng stepped forward, a simple punch directly blasting towards Lin Feng's face. In his eyes, this waste, Lin Feng, could be dealt with in one punch.

Lin Feng raised his hand, his palm reaching out, gripping Lin Heng's fist.

Seeing this scene, Lin Heng couldn't help but sneer. This waste actually wanted to block his fist with his palm. Was that possible?

"Crack." A white light radiated from Lin Heng's hand, a powerful force pouring out from his fist. He aimed to crush Lin Feng's hand with his punch.

"You're thinking too much." Lin Feng said calmly. A more domineering force emanated from his palm, overwhelming and dissolving Lin Heng's strength. The force surged along Lin Heng's fist, causing his right hand to swell, exhibiting a balance of strength and flexibility.

"How is this possible?" Lin Heng's mind surged with waves of shock, feeling an unparalleled pressure from his hand. He quickly retreated, the force akin to a surging wave becoming increasingly violent.

"Thinking of retreating now?" Lin Feng's face showed a cold chill as he tightly grasped the opponent's fist. His body closely followed Lin Heng, the two maintaining almost unchanged positions.

"Crack!" The crisp sound was drowned out, and Lin Heng felt an unparalleled pain in his arm, as if his tendons and bones were about to explode. He tried to release his fist, but couldn't. He wanted to use his body movement to get away from Lin Feng, but he couldn't do that either, because the opponent's body movement was no less than his, and even stronger, which allowed him to stick close to him.

Seeing Lin Feng's face so close to him, with a cold smile, Lin Heng suddenly felt a strong fear. Was Lin Feng playing with him?

When did this waste surpass him? Lin Heng felt his heart almost collapsing.

"It's time to end this." Lin Feng smiled coldly, and the Ninth Wave poured out completely, with nearly 9,000 jin of force applied to Lin Heng, causing him to collapse as if struck by a heavy hammer. Blood sprayed from his mouth, and his arm felt an intense and unbearable pain, his tendons and bones bursting.

"When you wanted to kill me, why didn't you think that you were my cousin?" Lin Feng no longer wasted words, unleashing the full power of the Ninth Wave, directly striking Lin Heng. Instantly, Lin Heng screamed, his face as pale as paper.

"I'll cripple your cultivation. Now, you are a true waste." Lin Feng waved his hand and turned to leave. Not far away, the martial warrior at the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm who was watching Lin Feng's ruthless behavior avoided him from afar. Crippling one's cultivation was more painful than taking a martial artist's life.

"Lin Feng, you actually crippled my cultivation. You will die a miserable death." Lin Heng roared viciously, feeling a sense of despair in his heart. Now, he had become a complete waste? He hated Lin Feng and his family, and regretted not waiting a few more days to act. His cousin, Lin Qian, had already become a strong martial artist at the Spiritual Martial Realm, her martial soul having awakened, and she was valued in the Moonlit Sect. Learning that Lin Hai had injured her father, Lin Ba Dao, Lin Qian was preparing to come to the Cloud Sea Sect to kill Lin Feng herself.

Unfortunately, he thought he could kill Lin Feng by himself, which led to the current situation. Lin Heng was very angry.