Question the elders

To avoid drawing attention, Beilao placed Lin Feng in the back mountain forest where the outer disciples lived.

Stepping forward, Lin Feng immediately headed towards Han Man's residence. When passing by his own room, he didn't even glance back.

"Lin Feng."

At that moment, a voice called out. Lin Feng turned around to see his room's door wide open, with a figure leaning against it.

This scene made Lin Feng's pupils slightly contract. The room was the private space of every sect disciple. He didn't expect someone to blatantly enter his residence and lounge in his room. What if there were secrets in his room?

"Don't you know the sect's rule prohibits unauthorized entry into others' rooms?" Lin Feng's tone was somewhat indifferent. In his memory, the person before him was Hou Qing, ranked tenth among the outer disciples and also an outer disciple enforcer. It was because of this role that Lin Feng recognized him, and he recognized Lin Feng.

In Yunhai Sect, Mo Canglan, as the grand elder, held a high position and was responsible for enforcement. Below him were the sect's enforcers, spread throughout the sect, including core enforcers, inner enforcers, and outer enforcers. Hou Qing was one of the outer enforcers.

Normally, Hou Qing relied on his strong power and status as an outer enforcer to frequently oppress outer disciples. But Lin Feng didn't expect this guy to be so outrageous, intruding into his room without permission, breaking the rules.

"I know, but for someone like you, this rule is unnecessary." Hou Qing looked lazy, not even giving Lin Feng a proper glance. In his mind, he looked down on Lin Feng, a 'waste' at the fifth stage of the Qi Martial Realm.

"Also, come with me now," Hou Qing added.

"No time." Lin Feng stepped forward. Han Man was still seriously injured, waiting for his medicine. As for Hou Qing... he made a mental note.

"Hmm?" Hou Qing, seeing that Lin Feng didn't even pay attention to him, was stunned for a moment. Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his figure disappeared from the spot.

A domineering whirlwind blew, and a figure appeared in front of Lin Feng, who was none other than Hou Qing.

Hou Qing was very satisfied with his speed, especially when he saw Lin Feng frown. He thought to himself, "A waste is a waste, ignorant of the world."

"Elder wants to see you. Won't you come?" Hou Qing taunted, looking at Lin Feng as if waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

"Elder wants to see me?" Lin Feng was surprised. Could it be about the Zhonggu Juebi matter? No, Kong Lao had asked him not to spread the matter, and Beilao naturally wouldn't either. Even if other elders knew, they would never let Hou Qing summon him. Besides, the timing was wrong.

But since an elder wanted to see him, Lin Feng had no reason to refuse.

"Wait for me a moment, I'll be right back." Lin Feng walked past Hou Qing, leaving him stunned. This guy dared to ask him to wait even after hearing that an elder wanted to see him. He really didn't know his place. But thinking about the fate Lin Feng was about to face, Hou Qing didn't bother to argue about this bit of time with him.

Lin Feng quickly arrived at Han Man's room. Without a word, he took out three pills and directly poured them into Han Man's mouth, then waited by the side.

"Lin Feng, did you really go to the Abyss of Perdition?" Jingyun looked at Lin Feng in doubt.

Nodding, Lin Feng didn't want to lie to Jingyun, but considering Kong Lao's words, he didn't say anything.

But Jingyun's heart trembled. Looking at Lin Feng's eyes with a strange light, this guy went to the Abyss of Perdition and came back with pills. It was very likely that he had passed the trial of the Abyss of Perdition.

Han Man felt a clear stream flowing in his body. Opening his eyes, he looked at Lin Feng without saying any words of gratitude. In his heart, like in his body, a warm stream passed through.

"Lin Feng." In just a few days of being together, these two words were already engraved in Han Man's heart.

This guy could kill Jingfeng to bear the consequences, share the beast core he had obtained through hard work with them, kill Jiang Huai and Jing Hao in anger for his friends, and even go to the Abyss of Perdition to save him alone.

In less than a moment, Han Man clearly felt his body recovering rapidly. The pain of his chest bone tearing disappeared, replaced by a tingling sensation, as if his broken bones were being reborn.

Jingyun also saw the change in Han Man. The bruises on his face quickly returned to a healthy color, making Jingyun open her mouth in surprise, thinking the medicine was incredibly effective.

"It really is a spiritual medicine." Lin Feng naturally also saw the change in Han Man. A relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Han Man, you recover slowly. I have something else to take care of, so I won't stay here with you." With these words, Lin Feng took out the medicine bottle again, poured three pills into his hand, and handed them to Jingyun. "Jingyun, you stay here to take care of him. If his injuries are not fully healed, continue to give him these pills."

"Okay, Lin Feng, you can rest assured." Jingyun took the pills from Lin Feng's hand and replied. Then Lin Feng left the place.

Fengyun Gorge, Life and Death Stage. Lin Feng followed behind Hou Qing, looking at the countless disciples of the sect around him, wondering what had happened here to gather so many people.

Also, which elder wanted to see him? And for what reason?

"Master, Elder Mo, Lin Feng has been brought here." Hou Qing brought Lin Feng to the Life and Death Stage and respectfully said to the people on the stage.

This was the Sect Master Nangong Ling and the Grand Elder Mo Canglan!

Lin Feng's pupils slightly contracted. He didn't expect such important figures to be the ones wanting to see him. Glancing around, Lin Feng also saw Chu Zhanpeng and Lin Qian beside him. At this moment, Lin Qian was looking at him with a cold smile.

"Why is she here?"

"Lin Feng, do you know your crime?" A cold and indifferent pressure descended on Lin Feng as Mo Ye's dark pupils shot out, questioning him.

"Elder, I don't understand." Lin Feng felt a chill in his heart. Mo Ye, as an inner sect elder, had such strong power. Even if it was just ordinary pressure, it made Lin Feng uncomfortable.

"Don't understand? As a disciple, you don't understand respect, you injure your brothers, insult your elders, and disgrace the sect, you are a disgrace, a disgrace, and a disgrace to Yunhai Sect." Mo Ye affirmed Lin Feng's charges. After all, he had agreed to hand Lin Feng over to Chu Zhanpeng for disposal. He had thought that as an outer sect disciple, no one would care, but he didn't expect the arrival of Prince Dapeng to alarm even

 the Sect Master.

To cover up his act of handing over a sect disciple to an outsider, he had to blacken Lin Feng's name and then expel him from Yunhai Sect.

"Disgrace, scum, disgrace Yunhai Sect's face?" Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. He glanced at Lin Qian and vaguely understood something, but what he didn't understand was why Mo Ye, as an elder of Yunhai Sect, would stand with Lin Qian, an outsider. Although he, Lin Feng, was just an unknown outer sect disciple, he was still a member of Yunhai Sect.

"Why don't you speak? Are you guilty?" Seeing Lin Feng's silence, Mo Ye said coldly again.

"Elder, you have already charged me with a crime as soon as I arrived. I'm just an outer sect disciple, insignificant. Is there any point in speaking?" Lin Feng said calmly, his words sharp.

"Insolence!" Mo Ye shouted. He didn't expect Lin Feng's words to be so sharp, containing a sting in his casual tone, implying that this elder looked down on outer sect disciples and arbitrarily convicted them.

"As an elder of Yunhai Sect, I uphold justice. You, this beast, not only do you not repent, but now you also dare to defy the elders. Lin Feng, do you know your crime?"

"I'm silent, you say I'm guilty because I'm guilty. I speak, you say I'm sophistry and defiance, still guilty. Dare I ask Elder, what justice do you uphold, and for whom?" Lin Feng's eyes were full of cold light, and he sternly asked, each word piercing!

As soon as he arrived, Mo Ye had charged him with a crime, labeling him as disrespectful, harming his brothers, insulting his elders, and a disgrace to Yunhai Sect. Now, he even insulted him as a beast. Lin Feng understood that the other party was clearly targeting him. Since he was to be framed no matter what, why should he endure humiliation! Facing the crowd of Yunhai Sect, Lin Feng stared directly at Mo Ye, without flinching.