visit again

Now, even though Lin Feng was only at the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm, he was enough to pose a threat to Lu Liang. Lin Feng was fully confident that as long as he reached the ninth level of the Qi Martial Realm, he would definitely have the power to fight.

"Ninth Wave." Lin Feng's left fist shot out, waves surging, directly attacking Lu Liang's face.

"Cloud Splitting Claw." Lu Liang lifted one hand, fingers curved like hooks, and thrust forward. Instantly, a powerful Qi pierced through the air, and the strong waves seemed to disperse.

"Thunderous Shock."

Lin Feng's wrist trembled, the long sword trembling in Lu Liang's hand, thunder rumbling. Lu Liang felt a numbness in his hand and let go of the long sword.

But as he let go, Lu Liang's claw struck the sword fiercely. Lin Feng felt a great force, and his body was actually sent flying, grunting in pain.

"Lu Liang possesses a hawk martial soul, focused on agility, insight, and destructive power, with strength as secondary. However, with the addition of Qi, his strikes are still incredibly powerful."

Lin Feng thought to himself. The gap between the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm and the Spiritual Martial Realm was too great. It was known that there was already a gap between the Qi Martial Realm and the Spiritual Martial Realm, but challenging someone of a higher level was much more difficult than when both were at the same level. Lin Feng knew that it was not very realistic for him to defeat Lu Liang.

"Thunderous Sword Strike." Lin Feng's long sword danced again, but he did not attack actively. He stabbed into the air, then the second sword, the third sword, one after another, thunder booming continuously. The echoes in the cave were full of booming sounds, as if the God of Thunder was angry.

In just a moment, a sword aura appeared around Lin Feng, enveloping him, the sword energy raging.

"Defense? Is it useful? In front of a strong Spiritual Martial Realm expert, any means are futile." Lu Liang sneered, his hawk wings flashing, flying from the sky towards Lin Feng. Before he even arrived, the powerful Qi first struck the sword aura, producing a loud and explosive burst.

Inside the sword aura, Lin Feng felt like a lone boat in the vast sea, swaying in the storm. The powerful Qi continued to bombard the sword aura, transmitting its force to him. However, the Thunderous Sword Technique remained smooth and unbroken.

"Hawk's Sky Strike."

Seeing that the Qi was unable to harm Lin Feng, Lu Liang's figure spread out, his hands turning into eagle claws, soaring down from the sky like a hawk striking the sky, breaking through the air.

"Boom!" The sword aura trembled violently, Lin Feng's body also trembled slightly, but soon stabilized. The thunderous energy remained, standing tall like a mountain.

Lu Liang, finding himself unable to deal with a Qi Martial Realm cultivator, became more aggressive in his attacks, resembling a wild eagle, relentlessly attacking Lin Feng.

The pressure Lin Feng endured grew stronger and stronger, but his swordsmanship became sharper and sharper. The cave began to shake, as if it could collapse at any moment.

A trace of blood seeped from Lin Feng's mouth. Each of Lu Liang's attacks exceeded ten thousand kilograms of force, and they were unpredictable, without a pattern. His internal organs were seriously injured.

"It's over."

A flash of determination crossed Lin Feng's eyes. He drew his long sword, and the sword aura dissipated into nothingness. Countless sword energies moved with Lin Feng's sword, and the powerful thunder seemed to merge into this one sword.

The momentum, the momentum of the sword, the momentum of the thunder, annihilating everything!

The terrifying destructive force spread madly from Lin Feng's sword. Lu Liang sensed this power, and his hawk martial soul trembled. His figure flew backwards in the air, extremely fast, instantly moving away from Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng's sword did not stop. A flash of light, a powerful sword turned into a thunderous light, blasting towards Lu Liang.

"Hawk's Sky Strike." Lu Liang shouted loudly, both palms out, the Qi extremely strong.

"Boom!" The ground shook, and the entire cave trembled violently.

"Flash of Light."

Lin Feng turned into a flash of light, rushing out of the cave, and as he left, he swung his sword, accompanied by a miserable scream.

"Damn it!" Lu Liang roared madly, his hands bloody, obviously injured by the powerful sword. If he hadn't retreated quickly, that sword might have threatened his life.

Lu Liang never expected that a Qi Martial Realm cultivator would not only escape from under his nose but also injure him. Moreover, with one sword, Lin Feng had killed his brother, Lu Fei.

Holding Lu Fei's body, Lu Liang's face was as fierce as a ghost. Lu Fei's throat was bleeding, his breath gone. This was the masterpiece of Lin Feng's sword when he left.

"I, Lu Liang, will not rest until you are dead." A voice as if from hell echoed in the cave. Xue Huan trembled with fear, leaning against the cave wall. She had not expected Lin Feng's strength to be so strong, even Lu Liang could not deal with him.

If Lin Feng had heard Lu Liang's roar, he would have sneered. Lu Liang wanted him dead from the beginning, and now it was a life-and-death battle between them. What talk was there of not stopping until one was dead? Killing one more person was a gain.

Lin Feng was not an evil person. He would not actively provoke or kill others. But if someone wanted to bully or kill him, he would naturally fight back.

After running for half an hour, Lin Feng's footsteps gradually slowed. He coughed twice, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. Lin Feng had also been injured, after all, the gap in strength and realm between them was evident. This battle, where he, at the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm, had fought against a strong Spiritual Martial Realm expert, was something to be proud of.

Taking out a bottle from his body, Lin Feng opened it and poured out a pill, throwing it into his mouth. A cool and refreshing feeling spread through his body. Lin Feng felt the stifling sensation in his chest instantly dissipate, and he became refreshed. In less than a moment, he felt that his injuries had almost completely recovered.

"What a domineering effect."

Lin Feng's eyes showed surprise. No wonder Kong Lao said that one pill was enough to treat Han Man's injuries. At that time, he was still somewhat skeptical and gave Han Man three pills at once, leaving three pills for Jing Yun. However, experiencing this pill personally, Lin Feng could clearly feel how powerful this pill was.

At this moment, Lin Feng not only felt that his injuries had healed, but even his internal energy had become stronger.

"No wonder many people are immersed in alchemy. Those good pills are enough to drive martial artists crazy."

In the Nine Heavens Continent, many martial artists would also refine pills and artifacts. Those alchemy and artifact refining masters were highly respected, and their status was very high.

Even in Yunhai Sect, there were people dedicated to alchemy, but Lin Feng, an outer disciple, had not yet come into contact with them.

"The best way to improve is through battle. This statement is indeed true." Lin Feng thought. After experiencing a fierce battle, he was now assisted by this powerful pill, and he clearly felt an improvement in his realm. This surpassed many days of hard cultivation. Now, he needed to find a good place to consolidate and improve further. Perhaps he could use this opportunity to break through to the ninth level of the Qi Martial Realm. By then, it would be almost time to return to Yangzhou City for the annual meeting.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng scanned his surroundings and found the scenery somewhat familiar.

"So that's it." Lin Feng's eyes lit up, then he smiled and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the mountain wall cracked open a gap in the middle, as if split by a sword. It was the one-line sky Lin Feng had visited before but was chased out by a woman.

"I was just wondering where to find a cave to cultivate. I didn't expect such a good place here." Lin Feng naturally did not forget the woman who had tried to kill him twice before. This time, Lin Feng wanted to see how that beautiful woman would deal with him.

Lifting his feet, Lin Feng walked towards the one-line sky. He stepped into it without any hesitation.

Some people outside who saw Lin Feng enter were stunned, then waited outside to see Lin Feng make a fool of himself. This guy actually dared to enter Senior Sister Liu Fei's forbidden place. He really doesn't know how to live.

After a while, Lin Feng entered the one-line sky. Surrounding the central hot spring lake were mountain peaks and cliffs, with many caves in between. If no one disturbed him, this place was indeed perfect for cultivation.

At this moment, in the hot spring lake, Liu Fei was once again submerging her head in the water, holding her breath. This method allowed her to cultivate and strengthen her internal energy. Only with strong internal energy could she pull the bowstring tighter with one breath, making her arrows more powerful.

When her beautiful face emerged from the water, Liu Fei saw Lin Feng once again. She couldn't help but be stunned at first, then narrowed her eyes and coldly said, "It's you again."

"Yes, it's me again." Lin Feng smiled faintly. Even though Liu Fei's ranking among the outer disciples was close to his, Lin Feng still had enough confidence. After all, he had defeated and killed Jing Hao, who was ranked higher than Liu Fei.