Amazing battle(2)

"I seem to be lucky." Lin Li smiled as she walked to the stage, facing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng remained expressionless, sneering inwardly at Lin Li's radiant smile. Lucky? Perhaps Lin Li would think differently in a moment.

However, it seemed that Lin Feng's luck was indeed good. In the first round, Lin Qian let him pass directly. In the second round, his strongest opponent, Lin Yu, surrendered. He didn't even have a chance to show his strength. In this round, he still encountered the weakest opponent, Lin Li.

"Perhaps this is intentionally arranged by the Sixth Elder," Lin Feng thought to himself.

"You go first." Lin Li boasted, with a hint of arrogance in her demeanor.

"Very well." Lin Feng nodded, no longer saying a word.

"Shadowy existence, nine levels of the raging wolf." With a light shout, as Lin Feng approached, Lin Li continued to smile.

But as the domineering howl of the wolf resounded, her smile instantly turned into horror. She tried to resist, but it was too late.


"Go away."

Lin Li's body flew out, her stiff smile looking particularly ugly. She couldn't even withstand a single punch, yet she still thought she was lucky.

"It seems that everyone has underestimated Lin Feng." Only Lin Feng knew how perfectly he controlled the power of that seemingly casual strike. The seemingly light nine levels of the raging waves made him feel like he was in the midst of a raging tide in the vast sea, unable to escape, only to be engulfed by this wolf-like force.

Even more terrifyingly, despite such a powerful strike, he didn't even feel his body being seriously injured. It could only be said that Lin Feng's control over strength was perfect.

"Trash or genius?" There was no resentment in Lin Li's eyes, only respect and fear as she looked at Lin Feng. She knew that he had shown mercy.

"Lin Feng wins." The Sixth Elder announced calmly, and the crowd sighed. Another victory with just one move, even against Lin Li, who had the cultivation of the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm. Why just one move?

What realm was Lin Feng really in?

At this moment, the crowd suddenly felt that the waste in their eyes had become mysterious and unpredictable.

"Taking advantage of others' unpreparedness, a waste is still a waste, only knowing these despicable means." Lin Wu insulted. Hearing the discussions, he was very disdainful.

"That's right, Lin Feng must have taken advantage of Lin Li's unpreparedness. Otherwise, how could he easily defeat Lin Li?" Some people thought they understood the truth after hearing Lin Wu's words, even cursing Lin Feng in their hearts for being despicable.

However, Lin Feng seemed to be unaware of these, walking straight to the side. Waste? Taking advantage of others' unpreparedness? These people would be disappointed.

In the fourth battle, Lin Wu faced Lin Hen.

Watching the two in the middle of the stage, Lin Feng's eyes flickered. In the last round, Lin Wu and Lin Hen were in the same group, but when they were about to fight, Lin Hen surrendered without a fight. But in this round, Lin Wu and Lin Hen were matched again. Could this be the Sixth Elder's doing?

"Do we need to fight?" Lin Wu looked at Lin Hen playfully, just a person who didn't dare to fight.

"No need." Lin Hen smiled and shook his head.


"Shaming the Lin family."

Many people began to curse. Lin Hen's surrender and advancement in the last round were understandable, but in this round of elimination, Lin Hen surrendered again without a fight, which was too embarrassing.

"Coward, just roll down if you're not going to fight." Lin Wu heard Lin Hen surrender again and cursed disdainfully.

Lin Hen looked at Lin Wu with a strange expression on his face. Then, he lifted his foot and instead of retreating, he walked forward, towards Lin Wu.

"I'll count to three. If you don't roll, you'll bear the consequences yourself." Lin Hen suddenly spoke as he stepped forward, his lips carrying a cold and icy intent. Suddenly, a powerful wildness emanated from him, yes, wildness, extremely powerful wildness.

"Three." Lin Hen started counting.

At this moment, Lin Wu's body couldn't help but tremble, his eyes staring firmly at Lin Hen.

"How is this possible, how is this possible." Lin Wu shook his head frantically. "How could you have the aura of a strong Spiritual Martial Realm?"

Not only him, but everyone was shocked. The Spiritual Martial Realm, this was the powerful aura of the Spiritual Martial Realm. Lin Hen, who had always been low-key and restrained, had actually been hiding his strength all along, being silent and suddenly stunning everyone.

The Spiritual Martial Realm, apart from Lin Qian, seemed to have only Lin Hen among the young people of the Lin family. He was on par with Lin Qian, the most outstanding young member of the Lin family, how glorious.

The Sixth Elder felt a spring breeze on his face, smiling all over. Lin Hen had cultivated a set of hidden martial arts, and his ability to hide his breath was extremely powerful. As long as he didn't actively release his cultivation, it was difficult for others to detect that he had already broken through to the Spiritual Martial Realm.

"Hidden deep." Lin Badao and the others looked at the Sixth Elder and thought to themselves. However, they were still inferior to themselves, as they had no strategies left.

"You'd better know what's good for you." Lin Badao looked at the Sixth Elder coldly, sneering. At the end of the annual meeting, it would be the time for him to take the position of clan leader. Lin Badao had always been dissatisfied. Why did the old man hand over the position of clan leader to the second son, Lin Hai, after his death, instead of him, Lin Badao? It must be known that the second son had been rarely in the family when he was young, always outside, while he, Lin Badao, was the pillar of the family, contributing a lot to the family.

The position of clan leader had always been a knot in Lin Badao's heart.

"Two," Lin Hen's footsteps approached Lin Wu, and the powerful wild pressure made Lin Wu almost unable to breathe. It was too terrifying. Lin Wu's pride was deeply hit at this moment.

Everyone thought that Lin Wu was at the eighth level of the Qi Martial Realm, but in fact, he had broken through to the ninth level of the Qi Martial Realm not long ago. This annual meeting, he thought it would be his moment to shine, but he never dreamed that he hadn't even shown his talent to everyone yet. Lin Hen threatened him to roll, or else, bear the consequences!

"When insulting others, first consider your own strength. I don't want to fight you, not because I'm inferior to you, but because I disdain to fight you." Lin Hen seemed to have changed in an instant, his wild momentum extremely domineering, coldly saying, "One."

"I surrender." Lin Wu felt the strong momentum from Lin Hen. He squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, then turned around and walked down from the stage without looking back.

"Lin Hen, he's so domine

ering." The admiration in the eyes of the crowd was evident. The Spiritual Martial Realm, this was the dream of every young member. As long as they could enter the Spiritual Martial Realm before the age of twenty, then they would have a great chance to enter higher realms, the Xuanwu Realm, and even the rumored extremely powerful - Tianwu Realm!

"Interesting." Lin Feng chuckled lightly. Lin Hen, also a strong Spiritual Martial Realm practitioner. The Sixth Elder had indeed arranged this intentionally. Lin Hen surrendered to Lin Wu in the third round, so he wanted Lin Hen to continue to fight Lin Wu in this round, despising Lin Wu.

"Trash, what qualifications do you have to laugh? A disgrace to the family." Lin Wu, with a ferocious expression, happened to see the smile on Lin Feng's face and couldn't help but roar, his loud voice echoing throughout the martial arena.

Seeing Lin Wu venting his anger on Lin Feng, many people couldn't help but laugh, especially Lin Badao and others, who were deliberately mocking.

"Lin Wu's defeat by Lin Hen in the Spiritual Martial Realm is not embarrassing, but I didn't expect a waste to dare to speak out, truly courting humiliation."

The Seventh Elder's face looked much better after hearing Lin Badao's words, snorting, "An arrogant waste."

Lin Hai, not far away, flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Lin Feng was stunned, apparently not expecting Lin Wu to be insulted by Lin Hen and then come to him for trouble. Did he think he was easy to bully?

"What are you looking at? Only relying on your father's waste, do you want to fight me?" The anger in Lin Wu's heart was just about to vent, and Lin Feng happened to offer himself up, allowing him to release it.

"I've never seen such a ridiculous person before. After just experiencing humiliation, he becomes arrogant again."

Lin Feng shook his head and walked towards Lin Wu.

"I'll count to three. Roll off the stage, or bear the consequences yourself."

The same words as Lin Hen came out of Lin Feng's mouth. At this moment, the martial arena became unusually quiet, with only the sound of Lin Feng's footsteps constantly echoing.