Assassination in the dark night

In the house, Lin Feng sat quietly on the bed. The release of his dark martial soul allowed him to maintain extremely sharp hearing during his cultivation. He could hear every sound in the entire tavern, should he wish to.

The rolling vitality of heaven and earth continuously surged into Lin Feng's body. A pure white energy faintly appeared, as if about to burst out of his body. This was the scene of peak Ninth Layer of the Qi Martial Realm.

When this surging energy could radiate from his body, it would be the moment he stepped from the Qi Martial Realm into the Spirit Martial Realm, capable of killing enemies within a hundred steps, striking invisibly.

At this moment, outside the inn, figures swiftly approached and entered. Their movements were agile, like ghosts. Moreover, these people all carried Bullhorn Bows on their backs. These bows were extremely powerful; martial artists of the Qi Martial Realm could infuse all their strength into them.

"Room Number Two in the ground section, it's best not to disturb him to avoid trouble." A figure walked out from the crowd, waving a folding fan. Immediately, these people all headed towards the stairs, heading straight for Room Number Two in the ground section.

Moments later, over a dozen figures appeared outside Room Number Two in the ground section. Their movements were extremely agile, emitting only faint sounds, almost inaudible. It was clear that these people's strength was extraordinary.

"Click..." The sound of bowstrings being drawn rang out. All of them took their Bullhorn Bows off their backs and drew their bows, nocking arrows.


"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

The trembling bowstrings emitted buzzing sounds. The powerful force caused the arrows to break through the door directly, followed by a series of booming sounds from inside.

"Go in." The leader shouted again, and the crowd kicked open the door and rushed in.

The room was empty, the exquisite wooden bed smashed into pieces by the powerful arrows, no longer recognizable. However, there seemed to be no one on the bed.

Two figures were the first to step into the room, their gazes alert.

"Sword Roar Thunderous."

A cold voice suddenly rang out, and the icy sword light flashed, accompanied by the rumbling of thunder. With two screams, the two figures who entered first fell directly.

When these people entered the inn, Lin Feng had already sensed them. However, he didn't pay attention at first. It wasn't until he heard the words "Room Number Two in the ground section" that he began to awaken. It seemed that they were targeting him.

So Lin Feng had been hiding beside the entrance, leaning against the wall. This was a dead end; before they entered the room, they couldn't possibly harm him. It also made it convenient for him to ambush them.

When Lin Feng saw the arrows flying into the room with a strong whistling sound, he thought his luck was good. If he hadn't discovered this dead end early and hid here, he would have been shot dead directly.

However, along with this stroke of luck, Lin Feng's heart was filled with a chilling intent to kill. He didn't hold back, directly killing two people.

"Who wants to kill me?"

Lin Feng swung another domineering sword, and there were more screams outside. At the same time, he used Floating Light and Shadow, and before the people outside could react, Lin Feng had jumped out of the window.

"Chase." The leader's face darkened, shouting angrily. The crowd turned into wild horses in the wind, leaping out of the window and landing on the ground.

On a rainy night, the sky and earth were dark, and the light was very dim. It was difficult to see the road clearly, especially while running quickly, unless one had excellent vision like a martial artist.

However, this didn't affect Lin Feng much. With his Dark Martial Soul, not only had his cultivation talent improved greatly, but his senses were also extremely sharp. Even in the dim night, he could still see the road in the distance.

The footsteps of the people behind were following closely, the sound of their footsteps splashing in the puddles on the ground could be heard from far away.


Lin Feng tilted his head, an arrow flew past his ear, and the strong wind even made his ear ache.

"The strength of the person shooting this arrow must be at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Qi Martial Realm. Even compared to the arrows shot by Liu Fei, they are not much weaker." Lin Feng felt a chill in his heart. Liu Fei's strength was at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Qi Martial Realm, and she also had a powerful Arrow Martial Soul. The arrows she shot were powerful, and it was obvious that the strength of the person shooting the arrows behind him was extremely strong.

Lin Feng never expected that there would be a group of people trying to assassinate him in the middle of the night, seeking his life.

"Buzz, buzz..."

Two more arrows came flying. Lin Feng slightly dodged, avoiding the arrows. He became more puzzled. Not only were these people powerful, but they also seemed to be trained. The arrows they shot were not only precise but also timed perfectly, one arrow after another.

"No, if this continues, I will eventually be exhausted and shot by arrows." Lin Feng dodged another arrow, thinking to himself that most of these people were at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Qi Martial Realm. They were proficient in using arrows and acted in perfect coordination. This made it impossible for Lin Feng to escape from this group of people, despite having the advantage in martial skills.

The dirty water splashed during the fast run covered Lin Feng's clothes. The rain falling continuously had already soaked him through. Lin Feng suddenly stopped his steps, turned around instantly.

"Floating Light and Shadow."


At that moment, Lin Feng not only stopped advancing but also used his lightness skill to return, swinging his sword with a cold light. Thunder mixed in with the rain, blood splattered in the air, and one person in the front, caught off guard, was killed by Lin Feng's sword.

The others quickly dodged and retreated more than ten meters away, their cold eyes staring at Lin Feng. This young man with a clear face had already killed several of them.

Through the falling raindrops, Lin Feng looked at the group, his gaze finally falling on the person in the middle of the crowd, who was wearing a black cloak and holding a folding fan in his hand.

"Nalan... Lan... Hai!" Lin Feng's expression was cold, each word pronounced deliberately. The owner of this folding fan was indeed Nalan Hai.

Sweeping his gaze over the crowd, Lin Feng sneered, "With so many experts, there are only a few families in Yangzhou City that can have such power. But with your background, you shouldn't be able to mobilize so many experts."

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Nalan Hai's eyes showed a hint of mockery after hearing Lin Feng's words.

"It's said that the son of the Lin family's head, Lin Hai, is a waste. However, the Lin Feng I know is not only outstandingly talented but also extraordinarily adaptable and clever. It's just a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that even if you're a genius, no one will know." Nalan Hai's voice was cold. "Dead

 people, no matter how talented, are just dead people."

"Just because of a small grudge, Nalan Fenghate me so much that she sent the Lord's troops in the middle of the night to kill me?" Lin Feng's tone was mocking. These people were well-trained, not ordinary warriors. Seeing Nalan Hai at this moment, Lin Feng naturally knew that this group of people was a military force, the private army of the city lord's mansion.

However, what Lin Feng couldn't understand was that Nalan Feng, disrespectful to him first, so he didn't give Nalan Feng face. In his opinion, even if Nalan Feng held a grudge, it shouldn't be to the extent of wanting his life. But it seemed that Lin Feng had miscalculated. Not only did Nalan Feng want his life, but she also sent people to attack him late at night.

"Princess Nalan's status is noble and lofty, how can you insult her? Lin Feng, your death is not regrettable." Nalan Hai shouted, his voice indifferent, as if everything was logical and reasonable.

"Princess Nalan? Noble and lofty?" Lin Feng sneered. Although the daughter of a city lord had a high status, it was not enough to be called a princess. He didn't expect Nalan Feng to be so arrogant and disrespectful. This arrogance was no less than that of Lin Qiansi.

"Since you want to kill me, then let's do it." The shadow of the Dark Martial Soul appeared behind Lin Feng, merging with the darkness. It was silent, without a trace of breath. No one even knew that Lin Feng had released his martial soul.

"Not regrettable in death? I, Lin Feng, want to see how these people will make me not regret my death."

Merging with the darkness, the Dark Martial Soul seemed to give Lin Feng a pair of eyes. At this moment, Lin Feng even felt that everything around him was presented in his mind. In the surrounding area, any movement could not escape his perception.


An arrow flew past Lin Feng's ear, and he just slightly tilted his head. This scene made the martial artist who shot the arrow frown, feeling a chill in his heart. Lin Feng's bright eyes in the dark night were so calm that they were terrifying.