How arrogant

Lin Feng shouted lightly, his sword intent accompanied by rolling thunder, the straight brilliance arriving in an instant. The Yellow Grade Martial Skill in Lin Feng's hands, when combined with his sword intent, was no weaker than the power of the Profound Extreme Martial Skill.

The Sword of Thunderous Revelation was domineering, sharp, and full of powerful explosiveness.

Lei Bo raised both fists high, the crisscrossing thunder blocking the rampant Sword of Thunderous Revelation. However, Lei Bo grunted, his body retreating several steps, his momentum weakening further.

Lin Feng's sword intent then strengthened once again.

"I concede, I won't fight anymore," Lei Bo shouted, realizing that defeating Lin Feng was impossible, let alone erasing him. He might even end up losing.

To think that Lei Bo, ranked twenty-first among inner disciples with a cultivation at the third level of the Lingwu Realm, would concede to Lin Feng's prowess?

The crowd gasped. Just three days ago, this disciple who had just entered the inner sect was rising in power, unstoppable.

"Look at his age, he should be around sixteen."

Many suddenly noticed Lin Feng's age, and their hearts trembled. A sixteen-year-old youth defeating a third-level expert of the Lingwu Realm and entering the top twenty of the inner sect was nothing short of monstrous.

Lin Feng paused, standing with his sword, his clothes fluttering. The surging sword qi still filled the area, its fierceness swirling around the life-and-death stage, pressuring Lei Bo. It was as if a move from Lin Feng could shake the heavens and earth.

"Concede?" A cold smile appeared on Lin Feng's lips. "This is a fight to the death: you live, I die; I live, you die."

"As fellow disciples of Yunhai Sect, we have no grievances. Why must it come to this?" Lei Bo frowned, his expression tense.

"Ridiculous. Why speak of 'why must it come to this'? Have you forgotten your own words, that you could erase me at will, even without releasing your martial soul? Have you forgotten that the idea of a life-and-death battle came from your mouth? If you were stronger than me, would you still call us fellow disciples and spare me?" Lin Feng was disgusted by Lei Bo's words. How could he, as a fellow disciple of Yunhai Sect with no enmity, speak so arrogantly?

"Lin Feng, though you are strong, killing me is impossible. Even if you defeat me, you will pay a hefty price," Lei Bo threatened coldly, knowing Lin Feng would not spare him.

"Is that so? Watch closely." A strange smile flickered in Lin Feng's eyes as he swung his sword, once again releasing the surging sword intent. The sword howled like thunder.

Lei Bo's pupils contracted. He suddenly had a hallucination: although Lin Feng's strike was just one sword, in his eyes, it transformed into countless sword lights, dazzling and accompanied by rolling dark mist. It was as if within that mist, countless swords were hidden, all aiming for him.

"Thunderous Kill!" Lei Bo roared. A powerful thunderous martial skill burst forth, and rolling thunder enveloped his body, countless blue electric lights blocking in front of him.

Seeing this, many frowned. What was Lei Bo doing? Lin Feng's strike was so simple; he only needed to defend well. Why use Thunderous Kill, such a massive, resource-draining, wide-area defensive martial skill?

They naturally didn't understand. What they saw as a sword, and what Lei Bo saw, were completely different.

In Lei Bo's eyes, countless sword lights ferociously surged from the mist, aiming to take his life.

"It's over." Lin Feng's indifferent voice rang out, chilling the hearts of the crowd. With the Annihilation Sword Art, the Sword of Death descended from the sky.

This strike seemed to cleave space in two. From afar, a crack appeared in space.

This strike was meant to kill all.

It was over for Lei Bo.

Many stared blankly at the sword strike, marveling at its subtlety.

In Lei Bo's eyes, the black mist and the myriad of sword lights disappeared, but a look of despair flashed across his face. A blinding brilliance was descending upon him. Perhaps, this brilliance would be the last thing he saw.

"No…" Lei Bo's voice echoed in space, but his body stiffened.

As if after a long time, when the echoes faded, a thin, extremely fine sword mark appeared on Lei Bo's forehead. Like a fine thread, a thin trickle of blood began to seep out. Lei Bo's body fell on the life-and-death stage.

Life and death decided!

Dead? Lei Bo, with a cultivation at the third level of the Lingwu Realm, a Thunderous Martial Soul, and ranked twenty-first among inner disciples, was killed?

Lei Bo had wanted to help Mo Ye and kill Lin Feng, but he had become a stepping stone for Lin Feng's rise. Perhaps, at this moment, in the mind of the sect leader, Lin Feng's status had risen again.

Although today's sect competition only involved inner disciples, and there were only a few battles in total, it was unprecedented in its excitement.

The crowd from Yunhai Sect realized that they might be witnessing the rise of a supreme genius.

"This person must be recruited under my command," Duan Tianlang's eyes flickered as he glanced at Duan Han. Lin Feng's talent was no worse than his proud son's.

"If he cannot be of use to me, I will have him killed today. I cannot allow him to grow," both the Yunhai Sect Master, Chu Qing, and the Ice and Snow Villa Master, Han Xue Tian, had the same thought. If Lin Feng grew, he would definitely become a genius on par with the Eight Great Sons.

Lin Feng was unaware of the thoughts of the crowd. He only knew that although he was not as strong as Mo Ye and couldn't kill him, Mo Ye had to know that Lin Feng was not one to be bullied.

Since his current weight was not enough, he would add a little more.

Holding a soft sword, wearing a long robe, Lin Feng's gaze swept through the gorge, and he slowly said, "Mo Ye, as an elder of the sect, acts wantonly and kills sect disciples recklessly without any regard. This person is a disgrace to the sect. I am not strong enough now to kill this sect's disgrace, but I will do my best to expel Mo Ye from Yunhai Sect. If I cannot, it is my own inability. How can I, Lin Feng, coexist with such a disgrace in the same sect? I cannot."


The hearts of the crowd trembled. Lin Feng's ambition was too great. He actually wanted to expel an elder from the sect.

This was too difficult. If Mo Ye was expelled from the sect, what face would Mo Canglan have left?

"This guy is really crazy."

Li Fei looked at Lin Feng on the stage speechlessly. She also disapproved of Mo Ye's actions, but she never dreamed of expelling Mo Ye from the sect. It was extremely difficult for an inner disciple to expel an elder, but Lin Feng was striving for it.

On the stage, Mo Ye's face turned iron blue. In his eyes, an inner sect disciple was like an ant, yet now one stood on the life-and-death stage, accusing him of crimes, calling him a disgrace to the sect, and demanding his expulsion. It was an incredible humiliation for Mo Ye.

In the past, he had read out the crimes of others and expelled sect disciples, but now the tables had turned.

If he could, Mo Ye would not hesitate to kill Lin Feng.

The most difficult position was undoubtedly held by Nangong Ling, the Sect Master of Yunhai. He had too much to consider. Mo Ye was an elder of the inner sect, while Mo Canglan was an elder of the Law Enforcement Hall.

As for Lin Feng, he was a genius disciple of Yunhai Sect, with outstanding talent comparable to Wen Renyan, and even respected by Beilaokong.

If he slightly punished Mo Ye, it might be possible, but listening to Lin Feng's words, it seemed that with him, there would be no Mo Ye; with Mo Ye, there would be no him.

"I know that Mo Ye is an elder of the inner sect and holds a high position. Mo Canglan is also an elder who has made many contributions to the sect. I am just an insignificant figure, easily ignored. Even if Mo Ye is guilty, it is not enough to punish him. However, Mo Ye has repeatedly tried to take my life. If I do not punish him, how can I be at ease?"

"Therefore, I can only use my sword to prove to everyone that with me, the sect is ten times, a hundred times stronger than with Mo Ye."

Such arrogant words sent shivers through the crowd. Lin Feng's madness was no less than Wen Renyan's.

No one knew how Lin Feng would prove to everyone that the sect was stronger with him than with Mo Ye, but they were curious.

Nangong Ling was also puzzled. How would Lin Feng prove it?

At this moment, Lin Feng's gaze fell on the life-and-death stage where many inner disciples stood. He said loudly, "Today is the inner sect's grand competition. I, Lin Feng, am not talented. Standing on this stage, challenging the inner disciples, anyone who wants to fight can come up, whether it is a life-and-death battle or not, I will accept."

"What?" The crowd trembled again at Lin Feng's words.

"Is he crazy? This guy is crazy. He wants to challenge all the inner disciples?"

So arrogant! Even though Wen Renyan's strength was comparable to that of the core disciples, each of the top ten inner disciples had extraordinary skills. Lin Feng actually regarded them as nothing, how domineering, how arrogant.

The crowd's eyes flickered, at a loss for words. Was this guy insane?

However, if he could really defeat any inner disciple, it would indeed prove that the sect was better off with him than with Mo Ye, ten times or a hundred times over.

"This guy is...," Liu Fei stared at Lin Feng on the stage in speechlessness. Lin Feng was too crazy. Just recently, he was just an outer disciple.

Han Man grinned foolishly. Looking at the audacious youth on the stage, he was his brother, smiling carelessly, "Bold laughter, swords sway mountains and rivers."

Nangong Ling was also stunned, incredibly surprised. This guy wanted to challenge any inner disciple?

Although Lin Feng was talented, could he really be so powerful?

"This guy has never released his martial soul, right?" Nangong Ling suddenly remembered that Lin Feng had never released his martial soul. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. With such surging sword intent, he wondered if his martial soul was a sword. If so, it would definitely make his sword intent stronger and more dominant.