
The blue bamboo viper snaked up and climbed to the top of Wenren Yan's head, its blue eyes incomparably demonic.

 "Lin Feng, look at me here."

 Wen Ren Yan shouted, at once, Lin Feng's gaze looked at Wen Ren Yan, two pairs of blue demonic eyes, as if a lightning bolt, made Lin Feng's mind tremble, his gaze lost in thought.

 Wen Ren Yan's demonic eyes held a cold smile, his body was like a bolt of lightning, instantly arriving in front of Lin Feng, his palm probed out like a poisonous snake, striking straight at Lin Feng's chest.

 "So fast."

 The eyes of the crowd slightly condensed, the blue bamboo demon snake, not only were those eyes incomparably demonic, their speed was also strangely fast, Wen Ren Yan, possessing the characteristics of the blue bamboo, the whole person was like a poisonous snake, as long as they were stared at by him, they would only die.

 "Not good."

 Lin Feng snapped out of his state of disorientation, he crossed his sword to block it, a surging huge force came out from the sword, the soft sword bent, and his body was directly bounced off, he let out a muffled grunt.

 "Floating Light Swept Shadow."

 Lin Feng's body slightly rotated, which stopped his retreat, his feet tightly rooted on the life and death platform.

 Wen Ren Yan didn't chase after him either, he just stood still and looked at Lin Feng, he sneered and said, "See the gap, your so called talent, in front of me, it's not worth mentioning, I can toy with you as much as I want to, even if I don't attack, with my speed you can't even move me by a single bit."

 "It's true, even though Lin Feng is powerful, the gap between him and Wen Ren Yan is still unbridgeable, Wen Ren Yan is just too powerful, even the second ranked inner disciple doesn't even have the courage to fight against him."

 The crowd's hearts were in awe, with only a bland strike, Wen Ren Yan stopped Lin Feng's god-blocking and killing a god's aura, making him suffer a stifling blow.

 As for Lin Feng who was standing there, his pupils contracted for a moment, not daring to look at Wen Ren Yan's blue eyes.

 After releasing his martial soul, Wen Ren Yan's eyes were filled with a demonic color, just looking at them paralyzed him, he even forgot to think at that moment just now.

 The Blue Bamboo Demon Snake Martial Soul, the ability given to Wen Ren Yan, so terrifying.

 This was called talent, some people were born with powerful martial souls, their talent was stronger than countless others, and their starting point was high, just like Wen Ren Yan.

 "Martial Soul, Heavenly Illumination."

 The extinguished icy eyes reappeared, Lin Feng's pupils turned into a merciless gray, his gaze was cold, his senses, gradually became incomparably sharp, and the arithmetic ability of his mind, became terrifyingly terrifying.

 Surging sword potential surged madly, sword qi was spreading across the stage of life and death, it was filled with a solemn killing intent.

 "Sword momentum, is it terrific?"

 Wen Ren Yan smiled grimly, his body trembled and instantly disappeared without a trace, an eerie aura locked Lin Feng in place, stronger than the strike just now.

 Lin Feng's body slightly folded, like a gust of wind, light and agile.

 Wenren Yan's viper palm struck where Lin Feng had just stood, the space was shaken.


 With a low cry, Wen Ren Yan's palm swirled and continued to pursue Lin Feng.

 But as if Lin Feng knew about his attack in advance, his body turned into a light wind and dodged away in an ethereal manner, as if it was effortless.


 The crowd on the stands saw this scene and their pupils contracted for a moment, what an ethereal and subtle stance, did Lin Feng also cultivate a powerful dodging stance?

 "What kind of stance can be so subtle? Is it not a stance, is it perception, it's impossible, with Lin Feng's strength how could he have such a terrifying perception."

 Many people speculated in their hearts, this stance was too subtle, with Wen Ren Yan's terrifying speed he couldn't even touch him by a hair, and every dodge, it was all natural and flawless.

 Of course Lin Feng understood, he didn't have such a strong stance, he was able to do this solely because of the martial soul, the Tianzhao martial soul, which gave him a terrifying perception and sharp reaction, this perception was as if it slowed down Wen Renyan's speed, and that sharp reaction made it easy for him to dodge away from Wen Renyan's attacks.

 "Roll away."

 Sword light flashed, Lin Feng swung his palm, strong sword power to cut down everything, Wen Ren Yan's body twisted, then he retreated, instantly moving away from Lin Feng, so fast that it was unbelievable.

 "How could you possibly dodge?" Wen Ren Yan's blue demonic eyes stared at Lin Feng, his voice was ice cold.

 "Aren't you able to toy with me as much as you want, what's the point of backing up?"

 Lin Feng's tone was icy cold, Wen Ren Yan's eyes touched Lin Feng's pupils, immediately Wen Ren Yan's body trembled lightly, merely staring at those gray ruthless pupils.

 "How could it be, he also has pupils? Could it be that he also has a martial soul similar to mine?"

 Wen Ren Yan said darkly when he saw Lin Feng's merciless eyes, Lin Feng's eyes at the moment were completely different from earlier, cold, deep and without any semblance of emotion, in Wen Ren Yan's opinion, only pupil arts could make such a change in the eyes.

 "So what if pupil art, I will still kill you."

 Wen Ren Yan said in his heart, his eyes stared at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, look at my eyes."

 The ruthless and cold pupils and those demonic blue eyes collided together, this time, Lin Feng's gaze didn't waver half a bit, his eyes were still that deep and cold, a gray color.

 "It's really a pupil technique, surprisingly it couldn't paralyze him."

 Wen Ren Yan saw that Lin Feng's gaze did not fluctuate half a bit his face stiffened, it seems that the blue-eyed demon pupil, was useless to Lin Feng.

 "Don't be in a hurry, just playing with you, since you're in a hurry to find death, I'll fulfill you."

 Ice cold blue eyes narrowed, Wen Ren Yan raised his palm, at once, a gray yuan qi surfaced in his palm, this gray yuan qi, with a deadly aura.

 Blue Bamboo Demon Snake in addition to fast speed, evasive ability, as well as the pair of demon pupils, but also very intense toxicity, touch death.

 This allowed Wen Ren Yan to cultivate some demonic and poisonous martial arts with ease.

 Poisonous Fury Palm, Xuan Extreme Middle Grade Martial Skill, turning the Yuan Qi in his body into poisonous Fury Qi, the attack is powerful, as long as it hits the opponent it can paralyze the opponent's body, the Fury Qi invades, and he is left to be decapitated by himself.

 This kind of martial arts is also extremely difficult to cultivate, in addition to the talent is extremely strong people must have some special martial arts souls suitable for cultivation, such as Wen Ren Yan, has a blue bamboo martial arts soul, cultivation of Poisonous Fury Palm at ease, not only so that the martial arts contains poisonous fury gas, but also to make the Poisonous Fury Palm of the poisonous fury palm toxicity enhancement.

 His body flickered, Wen Ren Yan's speed was still so swift, he arrived in front of Lin Feng in just an instant.

 The ferocious lunge of the Fiend Qi made Lin Feng feel his body slightly stagnate, even if he was only dipped in a trace of the Poisonous Fiend Qi, it made his actions sluggish.

 His light body fluttered like the wind, Lin Feng instantly changed his orientation, his longsword swung out, and another sword chopped out, light blossomed.

 However, Wen Ren Yan's evasion ability was actually extremely strong as well, casually twisting his body, just like a poisonous snake, the sword light chopped at his side, a popping sound came out.

 "No wonder Wen Ren Yan is so proud, his strength is indeed very strong."

 Lin Feng said in his heart, the blue-eyed demonic pupil, and the Poisonous Fiend Palm, gave Wen Ren Yan a strong attacking ability; as for defense, he had the toughness of a snake, and his evasion ability was extremely strong; and his speed, was equally perverse, Wen Ren Yan, didn't seem to have any weaknesses.

 If Lin Feng didn't have the Heavenly Illumination Martial Soul, he wouldn't be able to resist Wen Ren Yan's speed and attacks, just that blue-eyed demonic pupil alone was too perverse, no one in the Inner Sect other than him was able to cope with the terror.

 "I'll see how long you can hide."

 Wen Ren Yan let out a cold laugh, the Poisonous Fury Palm madly chased after Lin Feng, the Fury Qi drifted around, very soon, an area of the Life and Death Stage was filled with Poisonous Fury Qi, which didn't last for a long time.


 "Life Snatching Sword."

 Lin Feng coldly shouted, the eye-catching sword light swept out with the momentum of a thousand armies, the poisonous fury qi was all cut off by his sword qi, Wen Ren Yan's body instantly exploded back, Lin Feng's sword momentum and then using the Silent Sword Technique was enough to threaten his life.

 "Just now you said you were playing around with me, why wouldn't I be playing around with you, number one in the inner sect? Genius? Nothing more than that."

 Lin Feng's voice was like a demonic voice, it lingered in the space.

 Lin Feng, he was actually accompanying Wen Ren Yan to play? How was this possible, Lin Feng had clearly been *forced* by Wen Ren Yan to the point where he had no power to fight back and could only dodge.

 "Don't try to provoke me with words, such a trick, too childish."

 Wen Ren Yan's voice carried disdain.

 "Provoke you? You think too highly of yourself, a martial soul, you're not the only one who has one."

 Lin Feng's words fell, a black shadow emerged behind him, shockingly, within this black shadow, there was a pair of white pupils, incomparably demonic.

 "Martial soul, this is the first time Lin Feng has released his martial soul."

 "What kind of martial soul is this? Why have I never seen it before."

 Seeing Lin Feng's martial soul, many people's hearts were flabbergasted, that's right, just now, when Lin Feng fought with Wen Renyan, he didn't even release his martial soul, naturally, they didn't know that Lin Feng, in fact, had already unlocked the first Heavenly Illumination Martial Soul.

 "Heavens, this is Lin Feng's martial soul? I remember Lin Feng's martial soul was obviously a useless little snake, a waste martial soul, when did he possess this kind of martial soul."

 Someone cried out in shock, drawing the crowd's eyes over, it was an outer disciple with low strength, no one paid attention to his words.

 "That's right, I also remember, Lin Feng clearly had a wasted martial soul, how come he now possesses a kind of martial soul, could it be, a twin martial soul?"

 Another outer disciple chimed in, only they knew how wasteful Lin Feng was back then, he was looked down upon and bullied.

 But nowadays, it was as if Lin Feng was a different person, rising in a short period of time, proudly looking down on the crowd, making them need to look up to him.

 Unfortunately, even though they told the truth, no one believed it at all.

 Twin-born martial souls? How could it be that easy, how many martial cultivators could come up with a dual life martial soul, Lin Feng was already a genius, if he had a dual life martial soul, wouldn't he be a demon.

 The crowd only thought that these few outer disciples were just trying to attract attention.

 "Wen Ren Yan, let you see, my true strength."

 Lin Feng's voice was arrogant, making the crowd's hearts flinch, did Lin Feng still not use his true strength when he was fighting against Wen Ren Yan!

 The black mist swooped out ferociously, almost wrapping Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's eyes, getting colder and colder, no desire, no heart, no emotion.

 The sword in his hand, raised, sword qi, whistling, sword power, climbing crazily.

 "Heavenly illumination."

 Two words poured out from his mouth, in that gray eye, a dazzling white light flashed, more demonic than Wen Ren Yan's blue demonic pupil.

 The Heavenly Illumination Martial Soul, named because of Heavenly Illumination, Lin Feng, for the first time, was using the ability given to him by the Martial Soul, Heavenly Illumination.

 The eyes locked Wen Ren Yan in place, at this moment, Wen Ren Yan's cultivation, his martial soul, clearly surfaced in Lin Feng's mind, even, every subtle movement of Wen Ren Yan was refracted in Lin Feng's mind.

 Wen Ren Yan had a feeling at the moment, a very strange feeling, as if there was an aura in the underworld, locking his body in place, no matter where he fled to, he couldn't escape this lock.


 His feet trembled, his sword swung mountains and rivers, Lin Feng's figure was incomparably swift, instantly arriving in front of Wen Ren Yan, the life-sapping sword, chopping out.

 Wen Ren Yan's body flickered, dodging this sword with his overwhelming evasive ability, at the same time, his palms trembled slightly, poisonous fury Qi fluttered.

 However, just at the same time, a black mist swooped out and swept the Poisonous Fiend Qi into it, and another brilliant sword, pouring down, the sword aura was incomparably strong.


 Wenren Yan's blue pupils contracted, his toes pointed and his body dodged back, however, he realized that Lin Feng's body followed him like a shadow, as if a tarsal insect, following his footsteps.

 The fancy-free Life Snatching Sword, once again chopped out, the sword light engulfed everything.

 Wen Ren Yan gritted his teeth, his supple body twisted and refracted from unimaginable angles.

 But what shocked Wen Ren Yan was that Lin Feng barely had any time to think about it, his feet moved directly after him and another eye-catching sword, swung out.

 "How is that possible?"

 Wen Ren Yan cried out in his heart, it was too terrifying, it was as if Lin Feng had precognition, judging the direction he was dodging in when his body had just moved, this was too terrifying.

 Could it be that locking Qi?

 Wen Ren Yan was grimacing ironically, one life-threatening sword stroke after another, making him tired of dodging, what was even more helpless was that the poisonous fury qi he released was all swallowed up by that strange mist, it couldn't help Lin Feng in the slightest, it was as if Lin Feng had been born to restrain him, restraining all of his abilities to death.

 "Lin Feng, actually forced Wen Ren Yan into such a situation?"

 Everyone's gazes were numb, the situation had reversed in an instant, Wen Ren Yan, had completely lost his initiative, had been defending and was in constant danger of losing his life.

 The Lin Feng from just now, was he really just accompanying Wen Ren Yan for a bit of fun? Facing such a strong opponent as Wen Ren Yan, he was actually just playing around?

 The powerhouses above the stands, they could see a little more thoroughly than the sect disciples, Lin Feng's talent, it was too terrifying, so terrifying that it made them all jealous.

 At this moment they all understood that Lin Feng also possessed a terrifying talent, sensing, Lin Feng's sensing ability, it was too terrifying, only with an overwhelming sensing ability was Lin Feng able to make it to this moment, suppressing Wen Ren Yan to death.

 "Genius, what have you been hiding for?"

 An indifferent voice spat out from Lin Feng's mouth, clear and incomparable, while attacking, he even had the energy to flirt with Wen Ren Yan, making many people cry and laugh.

 The word genius seemed so harsh at this moment, especially with those wild words Wen Ren Yan had uttered before the fight, it was even more bizarre.

 In the end, who was the genius?

 "Wen Ren Yan, didn't you say that the gap between me and you couldn't be bridged, now that you keep dodging, do you feel ashamed?"

 Lin Feng swung his sword out, at the same time the piercing voice once again turned into Wen Ren Yan's ears, making Wen Ren Yan almost go crazy.

 "You, Wen Ren Yan, didn't you want to prove to everyone what a genius is? This is your proof."

 Lin Feng didn't seem to intend to let Wen Ren Yan off the hook, one piercing sentence made Wen Ren Yan's heart get more and more confused, several times he was almost hit by Lin Feng.

 "You insulted other people as trash, now that you're such a trash yourself, do you feel any shame, or rather, you don't have a sense of shame at all."

 Another voice drilled into Wen Ren Yan's ears, causing him to roar furiously, this time, he didn't continue dodging, his palms carried a biting poisonous fury qi, he directly attacked towards Lin Feng, brazenly defying death.

 "Waiting for you to come and die."

 A merciless light flashed through Lin Feng's pupils, endless sword power gathered on top of the sword, a destructive aura mingled with the sword Qi, destroying everything, obliterating everything.

 "Sword of death."

 The radiant sword light was draped with a gray aura of death, carrying the aura of death, the sword light chopped towards Wen Ren Yan.


 An explosive shout came out from above the stands, Wen Ren Yan did not hesitate, his body retreated violently, utilizing his full potential, fast to the extreme.


 A single word poured out from his mouth as the Sword of Death chopped out, destroying everything.


 The whistling of death was like a demonic sound, only a moment was needed, it was enough to destroy Wen Ren Yan, amongst Wen Ren Yan's eyes, the color of despair even welled up, this sword, was too domineering, too strong.


 Just at this time, surging weather yuan qi descended from the air, bombarding the sword of destruction, rumbling explosions continued to emanate, the sword of death, gradually annihilated, and in front of Lin Feng's body, there was a figure standing, it was clearly the old crone who had reminded Wen Ren Yan to retreat just now, Wen Ren Yan's master.

 "Enough, this battle, you won." The old crone said indifferently, her voice carried an irresistible majesty.

 Lin Feng's pupils slightly contracted, ridiculous, what he wanted, was it just winning? If he lost, what he paid, might be the price of his life, but he won, Wen Ren Yan was still fine, unharmed.

 "Wifey, you've forgotten the agreement between us."

 Seeing this scene, Elder Bei was slightly displeased.

 "Don't worry, our agreement, I haven't forgotten, however, Wen Ren is my only disciple, even if my old woman is shameless for once, I can't watch him die just like that with my own eyes."

 The old crone's words made the crowd puzzled, she said to reassure Elder Bei that she hadn't forgotten the agreement? Then how come she still interfered in the fight between Lin Feng and Wen Ren Yan and saved Wen Ren Yan, that seemed a bit contradictory.

 But the crowd didn't think too much about it, they were still immersed in that sword just now, what a dominating sword, Lin Feng, actually really defeated Wen Ren Yan, the number one person in the inner sect, Wen Ren Yan.

 From now on, Lin Feng, he was the real first person of the inner sect.

 Nangong Ling had already stood up, staring blankly at the figure on the stage of life and death, the young figure that stood proudly, absolutely wild.

 Lin Feng, had given him too many surprises.

 "Alright, today's clan competition is over, everyone, disperse."

 Bei Lao waved his hand at the crowd, and actually didn't argue with the old crone, causing everyone to be stunned.

 Clan Competition, just like this?

 The crowd's gazes fell on Nangong Ling's body, while Nangong Ling, however, looked towards Elder Bei in doubt, but he only saw Elder Bei nodding at him.

 "Hehe, wonderful, today's Yun Hai Sect's Sect Competition has been an eye-opener for Duan someone, so why bother dispersing so early."

 At this time, Duan Tianlang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth to speak, his voice carrying a hint of harshness, which caused Nangong Ling's brows to tighten.

 "Patriarch, please order that the sect disciples, all of them, disperse, and in addition, disband the sect."

 Bei Lao's voice suddenly became extraordinarily serious, causing everyone's hearts to tremble, let the sect disciples, all disperse? Also, disband the sect?

 What had happened?

 The crowd suddenly developed an ominous premonition, but then they heard Duan Tianlang's laughter ring out once again.

 "There's no need to waste your time, the exits down the mountain have all been sealed, no one can leave, it's better for them all to stay here honestly."

 "Duan Tian Lang, what do you mean?"

 Nangong Ling's gaze suddenly became incomparably sharp as he looked straight at Duan Tian Lang.

 "What do you mean, Nangong Ling, could it be that you think that I came to your Cloud Sea Sect along with a few Sect Masters carrying the strongest people within the Sect just to watch your Sect Competition? You also think too highly of yourself." Duan Tianlang's voice turned cold as well, "As I said, last time, the Cloudsea Sect didn't agree to the things that my little son mentioned last time, so, today, I'm personally coming to the Cloudsea Sect to choose a person for His Majesty."

 "Boom, boom ..."

 As if to echo Duan Tian Lang's words, the earth slowly trembled, causing everyone's hearts to tremble.

 Moreover, this trembling sensation grew stronger and stronger, and within a short time, the entire ground seemed to collapse, the earth shook, and a rumbling sound spread between the heavens and the earth, as an invisible aura of solemnity enveloped the Cloudsea Sect.

 "Ai." Bei Lao sighed, a trace of intense sadness flashed in his eyes, he had found out not long ago that the Cloud Sea Sect, had been besieged, Duan Tianlang and the others, were going to join forces to deal with the Cloud Sea Sect.

 The earth was in turmoil, smoke and dust rose in all directions, finally, after a few moments, the crowd raised their heads, and saw that the top of the canyon, had been surrounded by a crowd of people, all of these people had their feet on red blooded BMW's, and carried bows and arrows on their backs, and all of them carried an iron blooded and murderous intent.

 "Red blood iron horsemen." Lin Feng's pupils contracted, how could this be, the Red Snow Iron Horsemen, they had actually surrounded them all.

 Gazing towards the crowd, Lin Feng searched for Liu Fei's figure, but at this moment, Liu Fei was equally stunned by the scene in front of her.

 How could, how could this happen?

 Liu Fei looked at the scene in front of him woodenly, the Red Blood Iron Cavalry, the elite under his father's command, and now, they had surrounded his father's clan, the Cloud Sea Sect.

 "Could it be that father gave the order?" A strange thought appeared in Liu Fei's heart, even she herself felt that it was a bit ridiculous, how could it be possible, no one understood what her father was more than she did, valuing love and righteousness, it was impossible for his father to give such a ridiculous order.

 So what was all this, what was going on?

 "Duan...Tian...Wolf." Nangong Ling's eyes were incomparably cold, merely gazing at Duan Tianlang with killing intent.

 "Nangong Ling, there's no need to look at me like that, this is the Red Blood Iron Cavalry, your brother Liu Canglan's army, if you want to find it, go find him."

 Duan Tianlang smiled grimly, his smile filled with smugness.

 The trembling of the earth still didn't stop, and soon, in the middle of the canyon, endless Red Blood Iron Cavalry similarly emerged, appearing from all sides of the Life and Death Platform area, surrounding the Life and Death Platform area.

 Surrounded by a siege, there is a blockade in the air, the area of the Wind and Cloud Gorge life and death platform, gathered all the crowd of the Yun Hai Sect, but at this moment they, however, rubbing their wings and difficult to fly.

 The disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, many of their bodies trembled slightly, how could this be, these people, what do they want?

 Panic began to spread, the Wind and Cloud Gorge, the life and death platform area, began to be turbulent.