The Cross Shadow Kill

"Lin Feng, now, you are the new sect master of the Cloud Sea Sect."

The solemn words fell into Lin Feng's ears, causing a slight tremor in his heart as he gazed blankly at Bei Lao.

"Lin Feng, although the Cloud Sea Sect is now deserted, I do not wish for the sect to perish. This is also Nangong's wish. In the future, if there is a chance, I hope you can rebuild the Cloud Sea Sect."

Looking at Bei Lao, who had aged significantly in an instant, Lin Feng nodded heavily.

"If I, Lin Feng, do not die, the Cloud Sea Sect will surely be revived."


A hint of a smile appeared on Bei Lao's aged face as he heavily patted Lin Feng's shoulder with his right hand.

"Lin Feng, there is one more thing I need to tell you."

"Bei Lao, please go ahead."

"Once, Feifei's father, Liu Canglan, and Nangong were the most outstanding disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, highly regarded by the sect. The previous sect master, who was also Nangong's master, actually leaned towards letting Canglan succeed as the sect master and even betrothed his only beloved daughter to Canglan."

"However, later on, Canglan left the sect alone, abandoning everything. Because he wanted to pass on the position of sect master to Nangong. But what Canglan didn't expect was that the sect master's daughter was deeply in love with him and could not bear the pain of his abandonment. She ended up... taking her own life. After his beloved daughter's death, the sect master was also deeply saddened. He never returned to the Cloud Sea Sect after leaving, and his fate is unknown."

"Since then, Nangong has succeeded the position of sect master, and Canglan, with no face to return to the Cloud Sea Sect, only sent Feifei to the sect. Canglan felt guilty towards the sect master and his daughter, but more so towards... the old woman, who was the sect master's wife. With her daughter's death and her husband disappearing, the old woman has always resented Canglan. She took Wen Renyan as her disciple, intending to have Wen Renyan marry Canglan's daughter Feifei. That's why Wen Renyan dared to act recklessly in the sect, and no one dared to provoke him."

Upon hearing Bei Lao's words, Lin Feng's heart trembled once again. He had not expected such a secret within the sect. No wonder Wen Renyan was so arrogant, claiming that Feifei was his woman. No wonder the old woman had such a peculiar personality. It turned out that there was such a backstory.

"Lin Feng, you have also heard it. Before she passed away, the old woman asked me to tell Canglan that she had forgiven him, and she even said to let you marry Feifei. This matter, I leave it to you to handle." Bei Lao said with emphasis, "Canglan, he should be in Duan Ren City. You can go there to find him. And he is straightforward by nature, probably unable to contend with Duan Tianlang. If something happens to him in the future, take care of Feifei on his behalf."

"Bei Lao, there is nothing between Feifei and me." Lin Feng smiled bitterly. The old woman only said that Lin Feng was not bad. When did she ever ask him to marry Feifei?

"This is the old woman's implied meaning. You just need to truthfully relay it to Canglan. Feifei is still in the Cloud Sea Sect. With her status, Duan Tianlang wouldn't dare to do anything to her. But if Canglan falls from grace in the future, it's hard to say. That's why I want you to take care of her. Besides, Feifei is outstanding, and you two are a perfect match."

"Alright, I've said enough. You can handle everything in the ancient hall yourself. Remember to find Canglan."

"Bei Lao." Lin Feng's brows furrowed. Bei Lao's tone seemed to be explaining funeral arrangements, which gave him a sense of foreboding.

"In that direction, there is an exit leading to the Black Wind Ridge. Be careful on your own. Of course, you can also cultivate in this ancient hall and go out when your strength has grown stronger." Bei Lao pointed in a certain direction, said a word, then turned around and walked out of the ancient house towards the entrance.

"Bei Lao, you..." Lin Feng's face changed drastically. He chased after him, wanting to stop Bei Lao, but Bei Lao interrupted him.

"Lin Feng, as a guardian of the Cloud Sea Sect, as long as the sect exists, I live. If the sect perishes, how can I live alone? Take care!"

With that, Bei Lao had already stepped to the entrance, and the stone door opened with a rumble. Without looking back, Bei Lao's footsteps crossed out directly, leaving Lin Feng with only his desolate figure.

Lin Feng's body felt as if it had been struck by lightning, standing blankly there, watching the stone wall slowly close, and Bei Lao's figure disappeared.

Lin Feng was clear in his heart that this stone wall not only blocked his sight but also separated life from death. This parting would be eternal.

Not knowing how long he stood there, Lin Feng's gaze finally moved. With his eyes slightly closed, he took a deep breath, and a sigh of sadness echoed in the ancient hall.

"The sect master, Bei Lao, Kong Lao, the old woman, and so many elders of the sect risked their lives for me, sparing no effort, fearless of death, using their lives to hold back the crowd, saving my life."

"Now, they are no longer here, but I am still alive. I now have too many things to do."

Lin Feng muttered to himself in his heart, and that sighing gaze suddenly became extremely sharp and determined.

Only with strong strength can one change fate, and let those departed souls rest in peace.

"Hao Yue Sect, Ice and Snow Villa, Beast Gate, Duan Family;

 Chu Qing, Han Xue Tian, Teng Wu Mountain, Duan Tianlang, Duan Han, Mo Canglan, Wen Renyan."

Lin Feng spoke out loud, spitting out the names of the sects and individuals. He would remember and never forget these people.

Lifting his footsteps, Lin Feng turned around, taking heavy and firm steps towards the first ancient house.

In this ancient house, there were over a hundred martial arts techniques and skills on the sandalwood bookshelf. On the topmost shelf, there were three martial arts techniques, one technique, and two skills.

"Overbearing Blade Art, practicing the tyrannical Blade Element, is a Profound Level Lower Grade martial art. After practicing to a high level, the true element in the body becomes as overbearing as a blade, destroying everything."

Lin Feng glanced at the martial art, which was not suitable for him to practice. The Overbearing Blade Art was best practiced by those with a Blade Martial Soul. However, Lin Feng's strength was still too weak; he could not condense true elements at all, let alone practice the Overbearing Blade Art. Unless he reached the Xuanwu Realm in strength, where the natural essence in his body condensed into powerful true essence.

Setting aside the martial art, Lin Feng flipped open the other two skills.

"Falling Leaf Palm, a Lower Grade Earth Level skill, with palm techniques as light as falling leaves, elegant and ethereal. Seemingly harmless, but when it lands on the opponent, it can instantly destroy the enemy's internal organs, extremely tyrannical."

This was a palm technique for stealthy attacks. Although it seemed harmless, like falling leaves, light and agile, its essence was extremely overbearing. If someone dared to underestimate it, one strike would be enough to kill.

Moreover, this set of palm techniques focused on being ethereal, like the trajectory of falling leaves, unpredictable, making it impossible for people to defend against.

After putting down the Falling Leaf Palm, Lin Feng opened another skill.

Cross Shadow Killing Technique, a Lower Grade Earth Level skill, suitable for those with stealthy Martial Souls to practice. It only had three moves: Absolute Shadow Kill, Dark Shadow Kill, and Cross Shadow Kill.

"This is the skill that Kong Lao practiced." Lin Feng's eyes moved slightly. Kong Lao seemed to have mastered the first move, Absolute Shadow Kill. Moreover, with Kong Lao's unique Shadow Martial Soul, it was indeed very powerful.

However, it was a pity that Kong Lao was unable to practice the Dark Shadow Kill. Otherwise, when he killed the enemy, his shadow would be dim and indistinct, invisible.

As for the Cross Shadow Kill, it was even stronger, with shadows turning into crosses, killing in the dark night.

"My Sun Martial Soul can conceal my aura and perceive strongly. If I practice the Cross Shadow Kill Technique, it will definitely complement each other."

Lin Feng's heart moved slightly. This set of skills did not have strict requirements on strength; anyone could practice it regardless of their realm, as long as they could comprehend it.

Skills were only a supplementary factor. The stronger one's strength, the more powerful the same skill would be.

Lin Feng looked through the other skills on the bookshelf and did not find any skills more suitable for him than the Cross Shadow Kill Technique. So, he collected all the skills on the bookshelf into the stone ring.

Since Kong Lao had left, except for him, no one knew about this place anymore. These things were left here, so why not bring them with him? If something unexpected happened to him, these skills left in this ancient hall would be wasted.

With this in mind, Lin Feng walked into another ancient house and also collected all the spiritual weapons into the stone ring.

In addition, there were many elemental stones used for cultivation in this ancient hall, all of which Lin Feng collected.

The pure natural essence contained in the elemental stones could be directly absorbed by experts in the Spiritual Martial Realm to improve their cultivation efficiency, which was extremely precious.

How could Lin Feng let go of such good things?

After wandering around the vast ancient hall for a few rounds, Lin Feng finally stood between the two giant pillars. These two towering pillars were like the pillars of heaven, extremely tall, with identical monster carvings on them.

However, what caught Lin Feng's attention was not the monster carvings but the golden and jade gate between the two giant pillars. This five-meter-high golden jade gate exuded an ancient aura, tightly closed. No matter how hard Lin Feng tried, he could not push it open, nor could he find any mechanism buttons around it.

"There must be some secret behind this door. Perhaps the owner of this ancient hall left clues inside, but unfortunately, I cannot open it."

Lin Feng shook his head secretly. Bei Lao did not mention this giant door to him. Obviously, Bei Lao and those Cloud Sea Sect ancestors had never opened this door.

"Forget it, if there is a chance in the future, I will come back and try again when I am stronger."

Lin Feng muttered to himself, finally giving up. For a thousand years, no one had opened this golden jade door in the Cloud Sea Sect, so he could not easily open it either. Spending time on it would be a waste.

Now, it was time to improve his own strength.

Although Lin Feng was already in the second level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, which was quite good for his age, he had no qualifications to be compared with real strong individuals.