
The air was filled with a mix of blood and a chilling, solemn aura, and everyone's gaze was fixed on the scene, while the ownerless horses galloped wildly.

The bandit leader stared at the bodies falling from the horses, feeling a chill running down his spine. That dominant sword was too powerful; even if he faced it, he would die.

"Spiritual Martial Realm." Wan Qingshan and the other young guards were completely intimidated by Lin Feng's sword. This person was incredibly strong, completely beyond their league. No wonder Jingyun saw him as different.

Wan Qingshan felt a cold sweat on his back. Not long ago, he had insulted Lin Feng recklessly. If Lin Feng treated him as he did the bandits, then he would be...

Wang, sitting in front of the carriage, watched Lin Feng's figure intently.

"Friend, have you been too ruthless?" The bandit leader stared at Lin Feng, his eyes showing a hint of fear, along with resentment and anger.

"When you kill, you probably don't think you're being too ruthless," Lin Feng said coldly. People like them, during killing, were insane, cutting off others' heads yet feeling extremely excited, as if killing was a pleasure. However, when they were being killed, they felt the killer was too ruthless.

Stepping forward, a realm of sword intent enveloped the bandit leader, making him stiff.

"Friend, leave a way out for yourself. Being too much will bring disaster upon yourself," the bandit leader threatened Lin Feng, his expression fierce.

"Leave a way out for yourself, but you have already crossed my bottom line," Lin Feng stepped forward, and the sword's radiance bloomed.

The bandit leader's eyes narrowed, he gritted his teeth, and the long knife in his hand slashed out, releasing a violent and overbearing blade qi from the knife, ferocious and domineering.

"Another Spiritual Martial Realm." Wan Qingshan and the others' gazes froze. A bandit leader was actually a strong Spiritual Martial Realm expert. If it weren't for Lin Feng, they would have been unable to deal with him.

With a cold snort, Lin Feng took a step, and the sword's tip touched the violent blade qi. It seemed as if the blade qi had been struck in a vital spot, instantly dispersing, while Lin Feng's sword continued forward, plain and unadorned, without a dazzling cold light. Yet, the bandit leader felt that the sword intent, sword will, and sword momentum were all integrated into this plain sword, condensed but unyielding.

"Chi..." With a light sound, the long sword pierced the bandit leader's throat without any obstruction. The seemingly slow and plain sword was actually as fast as lightning, swift as a startled swan.

This was a realm, the realm of the sword. Lin Feng's subtle sword was becoming more and more mature.

"A strong expert in the Spiritual Martial Realm still couldn't withstand his sword. How amazing."

The crowd behind was shocked, intimidated by Lin Feng's strength. He was too powerful. The Spiritual Martial Realm experts they had longed for were actually killed so easily by Lin Feng.

Without even looking at the corpse, Lin Feng turned around and walked towards the crowd.

"Brother Lin Feng, you're so powerful," Duan Feng smiled at Lin Feng, with a hint of respect in his eyes.

"Brother Lin is truly the disciple of a great sect. We can't compare to him," Wan Qingshan stepped forward, flattering him, which was his way of showing respect.

When a person's strength surpasses theirs by a little, they might feel jealous, but when it's too much, they can only feel fear or reverence.

"A disciple of a sect that has been destroyed, how powerful can he be?" Lin Feng said indifferently, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Lin Feng never thought of himself as a good person. When he hadn't revealed his strength, Wan Qingshan insulted him in various ways, even insulting his sect and character. Lin Feng didn't retaliate, partly because he disdained it, and partly because of Jingyun and Duan Feng. After all, he was just a guest now.

Now that he had revealed his strength, Wan Qingshan's flattering words wanted to make amends with him. Lin Feng disdained it.

Upon hearing Lin Feng's words, Wan Qingshan's face stiffened. However, he dared not get angry at this moment. He didn't even have the qualification to get angry. In front of Lin Feng, even the Spiritual Martial Realm was instantly wiped out. What was he? If Lin Feng got angry and drew his sword, wouldn't he be seeking death?

Trembling, Wan Qingshan stepped back, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

"Brother Lin Feng, let's go up," Duan Feng said, pulling Lin Feng, ready to get on the carriage.

"Master." At this moment, Wang stood in front of the carriage, blocking Duan Feng, who looked puzzled and asked, "Master Wang, what's wrong?"

"Master, it's not suitable for the young hero Lin Feng to stay here. It's better to give him and his companions a carriage," Wang suddenly said, making everyone stunned.

He actually wanted Lin Feng to leave. What did he mean? With a strong expert in the Spiritual Martial Realm by their side, wouldn't that better ensure their safety?

Even Lin Feng was puzzled by Wang's intention.

"Master Wang, what are you saying? Brother Lin Feng and I get along very well. It's my luck to be able to travel with Brother Lin Feng," Duan Feng also didn't understand.

"Young master, the world is dangerous, and you are still young, you don't understand at all," Wang shook his head and sighed.

"Young hero Lin Feng, how about this, you can choose one of these two carriages at will, or you can have both. Consider it our gratitude to you. What do you think?" Wang turned to Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng frowned and asked Wang, "What do you mean by that?"

The world is dangerous? Did he do something wrong?

"Young hero, why ask so much? You understand in your heart," Wang shook his head and said.

"I don't understand, please enlighten me," Lin Feng insisted.

"Young hero, since you want me to say it, then I'll say it. Don't blame me," Wang pondered for a moment, stared at Lin Feng, and said, "Young hero, these bandits are not weak individually. If they wanted to rob us or kill us, it would have been easy for them. However, after they appeared, they didn't act directly. When we tried to talk to them, they ignored us and only killed people, until you appeared."

"You can ask those bandits."

Lin Feng was puzzled.

"This is also what I want to say. Unfortunately, all those bandits were killed by Young Hero Lin Feng, and not a single one was left alive."

Wang emphasized, highlighting the fact that not a single one was left alive.

"Not a single one left alive?"

At this moment, Lin Feng seemed to understand Wang's meaning. He couldn't help but stare coldly at Wang and asked, "Are you suggesting that I was with those bandits? That I killed them to silence them?"

"The bandit leader just now said a few words to Young Hero in private, and we didn't hear them."

Wang didn't directly answer Lin Feng's question, but said, making Lin Feng's gaze freeze. He was also puzzled by the whispered words.

"Do you think I have any reason to target you?" Lin Feng asked with a cold smile.

"That's right, Master Wang, you're going too far. Even if Brother Lin Feng isn't that kind of person, even if he is, with Brother Lin Feng's strength, what do we have that's worth his scheming?" Duan Feng couldn't bear it anymore and spoke up.

"Young master, you're still young and can't see the danger in this. Since you know why the person who sent you to the imperial city did so, who is your fellow disciple,"

"I know." Duan Feng nodded.

"In that case, young master, do you also know the complicated relationship between your fellow disciple and the Wolf King?"

Duan Feng was slightly stunned. How did Wang bring up the Wolf King?

"I know. I have a few fellow disciples, and they are not on good terms." Duan Feng responded.

"Since young master knows, think again. The Cloud Sea Sect was destroyed by the Wolf King, but Young Hero Lin Feng survived this disaster of the sect's destruction and coincidentally appeared in Yunyang Town, where he met us. Doesn't young master think this seems too coincidental?"

Wang's words made Lin Feng speechless. From his point of view, did he betray the sect, work for the Wolf King, and then the Wolf King spared him, intentionally sending him to Yunyang Town to contact Duan Feng?

"Wang, you're thinking too much. Brother Lin Feng could easily kill us if he wanted to."

"Indeed, but young master, don't forget, why did your fellow disciple want you to go to the imperial city? Young Hero Lin Feng coincidentally appeared, killed the bandits, saved us, have we not received Young Hero Lin Feng's favor..."


Lin Feng's indifferent voice interrupted Wang's words. No matter how much he said, the purpose was the same, why waste words?

Opening the curtain of the carriage, Lin Feng said to Mengqing inside, "Mengqing, come down, we're leaving."

"Okay." Mengqing nodded slightly and got off the carriage.

"Lin Feng, I'll try to persuade Wang." Jingyun said anxiously.

"Brother Lin Feng, you and Sister Meng can sit on the carriage. I believe you." Duan Feng tried to persuade.

"No need, I, Lin Feng, am not that shameless." Lin Feng glanced at Wang and said to Duan Feng and Jingyun, "See you in the imperial city."

After speaking, Lin Feng pulled Mengqing away.

"Young Hero Lin Feng, this matter may be a misunderstanding on my part. What I said just now still counts. You can choose one of these two carriages at will."

Lin Feng said.

"No need, thank you."

Lin Feng ignored him, not even looking back. His face wasn't so thick that after being insulted by others like this, he would still use their carriage.

It just so happened that he had killed several bandits, and there were still a few horses there that could be used.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?" Lin Feng asked Mengqing.

"No." Mengqing shook her head.

"How about this, will you teach me?" Mengqing thought for a moment and looked at Lin Feng.

"Teach you?" Lin Feng was taken aback, looking at Mengqing strangely, "To ride a horse?"

Mengqing stared at Lin Feng, making Lin Feng smile awkwardly.

Mengqing pondered for a moment, as if thinking about something, nodded and said, "Okay."

With that, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly!