Bloodline Martial Spirit

Lin Feng looked at Meng Qing in surprise, never expecting her to speak.

Wang Lao also paused, then angrily said, "You and him were originally together, so why spit venom? With your strength, you could kill if you wanted. Why find so many excuses?"

"Do you want to die?" Lin Feng had been calm, but this shameless person still angered him.

"Hmph, if you slander me like this, what choice do I have but to seek death?" Wang Lao coldly snorted.

"Don't worry, even if we want you dead, we'll have enough reasons," Lin Feng replied.

Meng Qing spoke again, "Lin Feng, search him. There must be something special on him, a container with a unique gas that spreads very powerfully. If someone pays attention, they can feel it even from a distance."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng's gaze focused slightly. He glanced at Meng Qing, then looked at Wang Lao. If what Meng Qing said was true, then it was obvious that Wang Lao had used this method to pass on the message.

Wang Lao's face changed slightly, showing a subtle difference in expression.

"Hehe, then I really should search." Lin Feng stared at Wang Lao, sneering.

"Nonsense. If you want to kill, just kill. Why humiliate me like this? Although my strength is weak, even in death, I won't suffer this insult," Wang Lao said firmly.

"You don't need to resort to such methods. It will only make people more disgusted. If Lin Feng can't find anything, I'll die," Meng Qing's voice was incredibly calm, but this calmness was full of strong self-confidence.

Lin Feng looked at her and smiled slightly, "If I can't find anything, I'll compensate you with my life. Is that enough?"

After saying that, Lin Feng trembled slightly, approaching Wang Lao and grabbing his body directly, not giving Wang Lao a chance to think.

His hand slid over Wang Lao's body, and after a moment, a small black bag appeared in Lin Feng's hand. Opening it, a tiny closed bottle appeared.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Looking at the trembling Wang Lao, a hint of mockery appeared on Lin Feng's face.

Duan Feng and Jing Yun's gazes also froze, staring closely at Wang Lao. They needed an explanation.

"Master, I have been following the old master since I was young, and later followed your father, and now follow you. I have watched you grow up since childhood. Master, do you remember this sentiment?" Wang Lao looked at Duan Feng, emotionally.

"I do remember, but... why?" Duan Feng's body twitched. He actually hoped that Wang Lao could deny it, to find an explanation, but unfortunately, Wang Lao did not.

"Now that you remember, I won't say much. Master, if you want me alive, I'll live. If you want me dead, I'll die."

Seeing Wang Lao's words, Duan Feng's heart was once again shaken.

But Lin Feng's coldness grew colder. What kind of shamelessness would it take to act so self-righteous at this moment?

"I and Meng Qing will search your body with our lives. Do you think you can erase these with a few sentimental words?" Lin Feng said lightly, making Wang Lao's heart tremble slightly.

"Lin Feng, this matter has nothing to do with you. Why do you insist?" Wang Lao's tone softened.

"Nothing to do with me?" Lin Feng drew his sword, making Wang Lao shiver.

"Weren't you just righteously saying you would die? Now that the evidence is clear, why don't you mention death? What do you take us for? Are you just playing with us?" Lin Feng's voice was full of killing intent.

Wang Lao felt the killing intent emanating from Lin Feng and trembled slightly.

"Master," Wang Lao looked at Duan Feng, hoping for mercy.

"No need to plead with him. Even if Duan Feng speaks up for you, I will still kill you. If I spare you, how can these young lives that have passed away rest in peace? Who will repay their lives?" Lin Feng's words fell, and the sword swung out, spraying blood in the air. Such a shameless and despicable person could not be spared.

Duan Feng let out a long breath, a hint of pain in his eyes. Turning around, he faced Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You were just misled by him." Lin Feng did not blame Duan Feng. He was still young, only fourteen or fifteen years old. Wang Lao was the person closest to him, so it was normal for Duan Feng to trust him.

"Thank you, Lin Ge. Please don't refuse to travel with us this time."

Duan Feng seemed to have quickly forgotten the unpleasantness and smiled at Lin Feng, but there was still a hint of sadness in his smile.

The group set off for the imperial city. In the blink of an eye, only him and Jing Yun were left. It was their first time going out, and they deeply felt the cruelty of the outside world.

What made him even sadder was that those who killed them were soldiers, the guardians of the Snow Moon Kingdom.

"En." Lin Feng nodded slightly, saying to Duan Feng, "But do you still want to continue forward now?"

"Since we've already come out, there's no need to avoid it," Duan Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of bitterness. Suddenly his expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and said, "Lin Feng Ge, it's better for you not to go with us."

"The road to the imperial city should not be just one, without this villain, we just need to take another road. Why care so much?" Lin Feng knew what Duan Feng was thinking and shook his head.

"Yes, I've seen the map and know that there are several roads to the imperial city. Let me drive," Jing Yun took over Lin Feng's words. After pondering for a moment, Duan Feng nodded and said, "Jing Yun Jie, then it's up to you."

The four of them walked towards the carriage, with Jing Yun driving and Lin Feng and the others sitting inside.

"Duan Feng, there's something I want to ask you," Lin Feng had been puzzled about something and said to Duan Feng.

"Lin Feng Ge, please ask."

"When Wang Lao slandered me, he mentioned the Wolf King, saying that I was sent by the Wolf King. Could it be that the assassination of you is related to the Wolf King?"

Duan Feng listened to Lin Feng's question and smiled bitterly. If it were in the past, even he wouldn't have believed that he would have any connection with someone like the Wolf King.

"If it's inconvenient to talk about, then forget it," Lin Feng added.

"My life was saved by Lin Ge, so there's nothing inconvenient." Duan Feng shook his head slightly and continued, "But this matter is a bit complicated and needs to start from my family's affairs."

"My surname is Duan, as you already know, Lin Feng Ge. However, what you may not know is that my Duan surname is the same as the current royal family's Duan surname. In other words, my family and the royal family are of the same lineage."

"However, because of the mistakes of our ancestors, we were relegated to the remote town of Yunyang. My family has also declined over the years, and by the time it reached me, it was almost indistinguishable from ordinary people."

Duan Feng spoke slowly, as if narrating a story, and Lin Feng listened quietly, feeling somewhat surprised. He hadn't expected Duan Feng to be of the same lineage as the royal family.

"Lin Feng Ge, do you know why the Duan family could become the royal family, the supreme rulers of the Snow Moon Kingdom?" Duan Feng asked.

"With strength, naturally one becomes supreme," Lin Feng replied.

"But, Snow Moon Kingdom has existed for countless years, and the royal family still bears the Duan surname. Why has the Duan family been prosperous for so many years?" Duan Feng's gaze slightly hardened. This question had never occurred to Lin Feng; clans and families all have their ups and downs, and it's impossible to remain powerful forever. Yet the Duan lineage had always held the throne, unchallenged.

"Wuhun!" Lin Feng suddenly thought of a possibility and murmured, "Wuhun has a certain genetic probability. If the ancestors had powerful Wuhun, it could have been passed down through generations."

"Correct, it's Wuhun, or more precisely, bloodline Wuhun," Duan Feng nodded in agreement.

"Bloodline Wuhun? I've never heard of it," Lin Feng was puzzled. He had never heard of bloodline Wuhun before.

"Lin Ge, bearers of bloodline Wuhun are extremely rare, even in the entire Tianlong Domain. In Snow Moon Kingdom, they are even more rare. It's normal for you not to have heard of it," Duan Feng explained. The Tianlong Domain was vast, with numerous powerful nations. Snow Moon Kingdom was just one of them.

Duan Feng continued, "Those who possess bloodline Wuhun have a special ability. When their cultivation reaches a certain level, their blood naturally forms a bloodline, carrying the power of Wuhun. Their talents and Wuhun can be passed down through this bloodline to future generations. However, some may inherit weaker bloodline powers, resulting in weaker talents, while others may inherit stronger bloodline powers, resulting in terrifying talents. Moreover, the inheritance of this bloodline power is irregular. Perhaps his son inherits only a little bloodline power, or perhaps hundreds of generations later, his descendants inherit more of his bloodline."

"Blood forming a bloodline, able to be passed down... What terrifying power," Lin Feng murmured.

"It is indeed terrifying. The path of martial arts is vast and boundless. I don't even know what realm these individuals with bloodline powers have reached," Duan Feng smiled bitterly. His strength was still too weak. Before these people, he was truly insignificant.

"Lin Ge, from what I've said, you must have guessed it. The ancestors of Snow Moon Kingdom's royal family, the Duan family, had reached such cultivation that their blood naturally formed a bloodline, passing down their talents and Wuhun, benefiting the descendants of the Duan family," Duan Feng explained.