Changes in historical rings

In the center of Lin Hai's brow, there appeared a closed Gate of Sealing, indicating that his father, Lin Hai, had been sealed with something. His father had conflicts with the descendants of the Duan family.

Not long before leaving Yangzhou City, Lin Hai told Lin Feng that he had gone to the imperial city...

Lin Feng felt a bit confused. His father had enmity with the Duan family, yet he politely went to the imperial city. Intuition told Lin Feng that his father definitely did not go there just for sightseeing.

"Father may be in danger. I must find him in the imperial city."

Lin Feng didn't know which member of the Duan family his father had offended, or where this enmity came from. All he could do now was find his father and ask what was going on.

Also, Lin Feng suddenly remembered something. His father had never mentioned his mother to him. What was the mystery behind this?

"Lin Feng."

Seeing Lin Feng's unusual behavior, Meng Qing couldn't help but call out, which made Lin Feng come back to his senses. He suppressed his various doubts and shook his head, saying, "I'm fine. Duan Feng, how much longer until we reach the imperial city?"

"If the journey goes smoothly, it will still take five or six days at this speed," Duan Feng replied.

"I'll drive for a while later and take turns with Jingyun to let her rest. This way, we'll be able to travel faster."

Lin Feng said. Although Duan Feng didn't understand Lin Feng's intentions, he nodded. He was puzzled as to why Lin Feng's demeanor changed after seeing his martial soul. However, since Lin Feng didn't mention it, Duan Feng didn't ask.

In fact, as Duan Feng had said, they traveled day and night and still arrived at the foot of the imperial city on the sixth day.

Moreover, because they took a different route, they didn't encounter any interception. Perhaps no one knew that the people sitting in the two carriages were Duan Feng and the others.

The imperial city was vast and magnificent, completely sealed off on the periphery, with only the main gate leading into the imperial city.

This city gate was extremely wide, made of bronze, and tens of meters high. Above the city gate, rows of mighty iron-armored soldiers stood guard with long spears.

Outside the imperial city was a long river that surrounded it, leaving only a wide stone bridge. Facing the city gate, crossing this bridge would lead to the gate of the city, allowing entry into the imperial city.

However, the city gate was currently tightly closed. It would only open during specific hours each day to allow people to enter the imperial city.

But the pedestrians didn't mind, because outside the city gate was a small city with pavilions and buildings, large enough to accommodate millions of people. This was the famous outer city of the imperial city.

At this moment, a carriage arrived at the outer city of the imperial city. Lin Feng drove the carriage, looking at the shops and restaurants on both sides, bustling with activity. Just the prosperity of this outer city surpassed Yangzhou City by far.

"There are so many people here."

Meng Qing wasn't sitting behind the curtain but on the wooden eaves of the carriage, watching the passing crowds outside.

"This is the outer city of the imperial city, so naturally, there are many people," Lin Feng smiled and said. Having traveled all the way here, he naturally understood that the reason why people from all over Snow Moon Country gathered in the imperial city was not just to admire the majesty of the imperial city, but to witness the birth of the Snow Moon Sacred Institute.

In the eyes of the crowd, the birth of the Snow Moon Sacred Institute might be a moment that would change history and even Snow Moon Country.

At this moment, everyone was unaware that the handsome young man driving a carriage in the middle of the road, who didn't even attract much attention, would change the course of history when he stepped into the imperial city. The future of Snow Moon Country would be completely transformed.

"Meng Qing, we've been traveling for so many days. You must be tired. Since the main gate of the imperial city hasn't opened yet, let's sit down and have something to eat first."

Looking around, Lin Feng stopped the carriage next to a restaurant.

Duan Feng and Jingyun got off the carriage together, and the four of them entered the restaurant. The first floor of the restaurant was empty, with some plants arranged in a circular manner in the middle. The upper part of the middle section was also empty, and looking up, you could see many people sitting on the second floor of the restaurant, drinking tea and wine by the railing.

Walking along the sandalwood staircase, the four of them ascended to the second floor of the restaurant. Due to the large number of people, the restaurant was also packed. However, what surprised Lin Feng slightly was that although there were many people in the restaurant, it was very quiet, without any noise. Occasionally, you could even hear the melodious sound of the guqin.

"The Qingxin Restaurant is indeed well-deserved of its reputation," Lin Feng whispered. Although the Qingxin Restaurant was not luxurious, it was clean and tidy, and elegantly furnished, giving people a refreshing feeling. Especially when paired with the quiet atmosphere of wine tasting and the accompaniment of ancient music, it appeared even more elegant.

"Lin Feng, there's just one table left by the window. We're really lucky."

Pointing to a place by the window, Duan Feng smiled and said, and the four of them sat down together.

"What would you like?" As soon as the four of them sat down, someone came forward to serve them, smiling.

"Two pots of wine, a pot of tea, the best ones, and a few special dishes as well."

Lin Feng casually ordered. He hadn't had the chance to taste tea and wine in this world yet, so he wanted to indulge a bit and see what they tasted like.

"Alright, please wait a moment."

The waiter nodded and smiled, then walked away.

Sitting in his seat, Lin Feng listened to the conversations of the people in the restaurant. Although their voices were low, those with the cultivation of Spiritual Warrior could still easily hear them. After all, these were not secrets, and the crowd didn't need to whisper.

Lin Feng found that almost everyone's conversation revolved around one topic: the Snow Moon Sacred Institute. Of course, occasionally, Lin Feng could also hear mentions of the Crown Prince, the Second Prince, and the Tianyi Academy.

"Han, you said that the Cloud Sea Sect was destroyed, and the major forces divided up the cultivation resources of the Cloud Sea Sect. Among all the forces in the Cloud Sea Sect, which one benefited the most?"

At this moment, a voice caught Lin Feng's attention, as someone was talking about the Cloud Sea Sect.

"The Moon Palace Sect has always been at odds with the Cloud Sea Sect. They have been at odds for many years. The destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect is naturally a good thing for the Moon Palace Sect. As for the Ice and Snow Mountain Villa and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, their disciples are all either ice and snow martial soul possessors or beast martial soul possessors. The destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect will not have as big an impact on them as it will on the

 Moon Palace Sect. However, the Moon Palace Sect is not the one who benefits the most. Duan Tianlang, or rather, the person behind Duan Tianlang, is the real winner."

"Hehe, Han, you really have a discerning eye. You hit the nail on the head. This operation was personally led by the Wolf King, using the destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect as a price to gain the support of other major sects, allowing those sects to allow some outstanding disciples to join the Snow Moon Sacred Institute. The Wolf King not only obtained many talented young talents, laying the foundation for the establishment of the Snow Moon Sacred Institute, but also conveniently destroyed a disobedient sect. He is the real deal."

The two of them talked animatedly, their voices slightly louder, full of pride and enjoyment. Especially when they saw that everyone else had stopped to listen to their conversation, their smiles became even brighter.

"What nonsense."

A cold voice suddenly interrupted, causing the crowd to look over. They saw three figures slowly walking up the stairs. The leader was a woman dressed in a noble emerald green silk dress, holding a black whip in her hand. She was beautiful but also had a hint of heroism.

Behind her, two men followed quietly.

"You shortsighted people still consider yourselves discerning. Ridiculous."

The woman's cold voice sounded again, making the faces of the conversing men slightly stiffen, angrily saying, "Young man, if you don't understand, don't speak. You'll be laughed at."

"Shut up."

The woman said coldly, and in an instant, one of the men behind her turned into a phantom and rushed out. The crowd then heard a loud sound, as the man who had just clashed with the girl was actually slapped out by her, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"It's just the destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect. All the major forces have gained some martial arts and techniques, as well as some defectors. Although the martial arts and techniques of that level are good, among the forces that participated in the destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect, who didn't already have martial arts and techniques of the same level? As for the defectors who surrendered, apart from the few who were taken away by the Snow Moon Sacred Institute, the rest, do they care?"

The girl looked at the other person, her face unpleasant, but she had to admit that what the other person said made sense. Of course, even if he didn't make sense, he wouldn't dare to say it now, just nodding.

"The reason why the major forces supported the Snow Moon Sacred Institute was not because they gained benefits, but because they were afraid. If they didn't comply, they might suffer the same fate as the Cloud Sea Sect, which would be destroyed. They understood this better than anyone else, so they had no choice but to comply. Fortunately, the royal family's favor gave them a way out. Using the destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect as an excuse, they were willing to do it, so there was the operation last time."

"However, even if the Cloud Sea Sect is destroyed, those few sects are just competing for a little time. Sooner or later, Snow Moon Country will truly unify. There can only be the Snow Moon royal family in Snow Moon, and any other forces must be subordinate and obedient to the Snow Moon royal family."

Lin Feng sneered inwardly at the girl's words. Although what she said made some sense, it was too biased, completely speaking from the perspective of the Snow Moon royal family. It seemed that she was a supporter of the Snow Moon royal family.

"Since the Snow Moon royal family is so powerful, why do they need to use such means? They could just directly destroy the other sects."

At this moment, a voice sounded, making Lin Feng stunned. The person speaking was actually Jingyun. Obviously, she was still concerned about the destruction of the sects, with a hint of defiance in her tone.

The girl slowly turned around, looked at Jingyun, and a cold light flashed in her eyes as she sneered, "You're right. Whoever doesn't comply will be destroyed, just like you now..."

As she spoke, a strong wind whistled, and the black whip in the girl's hand was swung towards Jingyun's cheek like a poisonous snake, extremely vicious.

Seeing the girl's actions, Lin Feng's pupils contracted, sharp cold light flashing in his eyes. One strike without warning, what a domineering and rude woman.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng accurately and effortlessly caught the long whip swung by the girl, and said coldly, "She just said something casually. Aren't you going a bit too far?"

"Some words cannot be spoken. Once spoken, there will be consequences. Because the person speaking has no right to speak."

The girl stared at Lin Feng coldly, saying, "You, also have no right to speak."