
"Teacher, please don't be hasty in your anger. Let me persuade him."

Proud Snow stepped forward with a calm demeanor, exuding an aura of purity and cleanliness that was almost excessive. If he made a slight effort in dressing up, no one would believe he was a man.

"Tianyi Academy, though not highly renowned outside, reveals its true difference only to those who enter. It can greatly enhance your talents and elevate your cultivation. It offers you nothing but benefits. Why do you refuse?"

Proud Snow spoke lightly to Lin Feng, a gentle smile in his beautiful eyes.

"The disciples and teachers I've seen from Tianyi Academy are not impressive."

Lin Feng replied lightly, causing everyone to stiffen. Clearly, he was referring to them, implying that they were not up to Tianyi's standards, thus losing face for Tianyi.

The old man was also taken aback, a cold light flashing in his eyes. Such an uninteresting fellow, so audacious.

"What you see is not the whole picture, and what you see is only one side of the story."

Proud Snow shook his head slightly.

However, Lin Feng remained unmoved. While academies and sects were different in concept, they were essentially the same in practice.

The lives of the Cloud Sea Sect were lost because of him, and he now bore the mission of reviving the sect. How could he become a disciple of Tianyi Academy?

"Proud Snow is right. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. I hope you will join Tianyi Academy."

At this moment, another voice sounded, and a figure emerged not far away. With a single step, he appeared before the crowd, astonishing them.

This was also an old man. Seeing him, the crowd was even more surprised, their gazes filled with respect.

It was the Vice Dean! The Vice Dean had personally come to invite Lin Feng, shocking everyone.

"Has Lin Feng's talent become so strong that even the academy's higher-ups are impressed?"

The crowd trembled inwardly. Those who had mocked Lin Feng, such as Zhong Ling and others, now felt the heat on their faces. Lin Feng didn't lack a letter of recommendation; he simply wasn't interested in Tianyi Academy. Despite several invitations, he had refused each time. Now, even the Vice Dean was personally inviting him.

"You have already humiliated several mediocre students of Tianyi Academy. As for the teacher, his vision is indeed short-sighted. I'll have him apologize to you."

The Vice Dean said lightly, causing the crowd to be even more shocked.

For Lin Feng, the Vice Dean was asking the teacher to apologize?

Even Lin Feng was puzzled. Although he had good talent, Tianyi Academy had many outstanding individuals like Zuqiu and Baize. Why did this unknown Vice Dean value him so much, to the extent of making the teacher apologize to him?

"Dean." The old man's gaze stiffened slightly, his face somewhat stiff. Looking at the Vice Dean, he saw the Vice Dean raise an eyebrow, causing the corner of the old man's eye to twitch slightly.

Turning his gaze, the old man looked at Lin Feng and said, "I'm sorry, I was reckless."

"Be more sincere."

The Vice Dean seemed dissatisfied with the old man's stiff attitude, saying lightly, causing the old man's body to tremble slightly, and the crowd was even more astonished.

Lin Feng, was given such face by the Vice Dean.

Could it be that Lin Feng had a powerful background? The crowd couldn't help but think, finding it hard to imagine.

The teachers of Tianyi Academy were all invited by the academy, each one powerful and well-known even in the imperial city. However, the Vice Dean actually forced the teacher to apologize to Lin Feng in front of everyone. It made them wonder.


The old man's face was extremely stiff, inwardly resentful. But seeing the Vice Dean's gaze, he could only turn his eyes to Lin Feng. Bending slightly, he said, "I apologize for my disrespect."

"What do you think?" The Vice Dean asked Lin Feng again. Seeing Lin Feng's gaze flicker as he looked at him, the Vice Dean seemed to want to see something in the other's eyes. However, the Vice Dean's eyes remained calm, showing no significant fluctuations, making it impossible for Lin Feng to discern anything.

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, the Vice Dean continued, "If you're not willing to join Tianyi Academy, that's fine too. I can allow you to be a special envoy of Tianyi Academy. You can leave at any time, free from any constraints of Tianyi Academy. However, you will receive the same teachings from the teachers and access to the academy's resources for cultivation. For you, it's only beneficial, with no harm."

Upon hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but twitch in their hearts.

To enjoy all the benefits of the academy without being bound by any rules, and to be able to leave the academy at any time after getting what you want. Was there such a good thing in the world? Moreover, this offer came directly from the Vice Dean, indicating that there would be no problem with this promise.

"Could his surname be Duan, or Yue, or Yu?" The crowd wondered. If his surname were Duan and he had such talent, they should have heard of him. As for the members of the Yue family, they were all extremely proud and unlikely to join an academy for cultivation. The Yue family was as strong as a sect, so it was impossible. Many thoughts arose in their minds, and they couldn't understand why the Vice Dean would value him so much and make the teacher apologize to him.


The old man's face was extremely stiff, inwardly resentful. But seeing the Vice Dean's gaze, he could only turn his eyes to Lin Feng. Bending slightly, he said, "I apologize for my disrespect."

"What do you think?" The Vice Dean asked Lin Feng again. Seeing Lin Feng's gaze flicker as he looked at him, the Vice Dean seemed to want to see something in the other's eyes. However, the Vice Dean's eyes remained calm, showing no significant fluctuations, making it impossible for Lin Feng to discern anything.

Lin Feng, however, couldn't understand the Vice Dean's intentions and couldn't help asking, "Is such good fortune really coming to me? I want to understand why."

"In fact, when good fortune comes, you don't need to refuse." The Vice Dean smiled and said, "I can only tell you that I am also acting on someone else's behalf."

"On someone else's behalf?" The crowd was even more puzzled. In the imperial city, he had no acquaintances, so who could have such a big face as to make the Vice Dean of Tianyi Academy treat him like this?

However, as the other party said, this was such a beneficial matter that he had no reason to refuse.

There was no need to join Tianyi Academy, yet he could enjoy all the benefits. Lin Feng had no reason to refuse such an offer.

Moreover, if the other party had ill intentions toward him, there was no need for such elaborate arrangements. In the other's eyes, dealing with him, a Spiritual Martial Realm cultivator, would be effortless.

"Perhaps it is indeed on someone else's behalf." Lin Feng smiled faintly and said, "If I am to enter,

 I need to bring my companions with me."

"No problem. As long as they are with you, they can come and go from Tianyi Academy as they please. However, I must first make it clear that, except for you, those who are not of Tianyi Academy must still follow some rules."

The Vice Dean readily agreed.

"Of course." Lin Feng smiled.

"Well, take this little thing and let's all disperse." With a wave of his hand, the Vice Dean sent a blurred object towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng reached out and grabbed it in his palm, making many people itch with curiosity, wondering what the Vice Dean had given him.

"Welcome to Tianyi. Let me show you around."

Proud Snow said to Lin Feng, who nodded slightly. The four of them, along with Proud Snow, entered Tianyi Academy together.

As they crossed the arched gate, small palaces and castles appeared before Lin Feng's eyes, magnificent and spectacular.

"Exquisitely crafted."

Lin Feng looked at these palaces and castles, as well as the gardens and rivers in his line of sight, couldn't help but exclaim. These buildings were too perfect, each palace and castle having its own unique style.

"You can look at them from afar and close up."

Proud Snow smiled faintly and said.

Lin Feng listened to him and looked at the palaces and castles from afar, his gaze becoming even more focused.


The city composed of palaces and castles faintly formed two big characters, "Tianyi," as if proclaiming its status, as if there were only Tianyi in the world.

"Entering Tianyi, you won't regret it." Proud Snow said calmly.

Lin Feng looked at this strangely beautiful and enchanting man and asked, "Why do you speak up for me? Are you also acting on someone else's behalf?"

Proud Snow shook his head. "If I say that I and the Vice Dean came separately, it's purely coincidental. Do you believe me?"

"You have no need to lie to me, but we are strangers. Why did you help me?"

"Fate is always so mysterious. Some people, with just one glance, feel a connection, making them likable. In my eyes, you are such a person."

A blush appeared on Proud Snow's beautiful face, causing Lin Feng to laugh out loud. Indeed, some people, even if you haven't known them for long, will make you like them. Proud Snow was undoubtedly one of those people.


Meanwhile, elsewhere, the Vice Dean and the old man who had apologized to Lin Feng were walking on the academy's path. The old man's face was still not very pleasant. No one would be happy to be forced to apologize to a junior in front of all the disciples.

"Do you still feel aggrieved?"

The Vice Dean asked the old man lightly.

"Under the Dean's orders, I dare not disobey." The old man's tone was stiff. He was invited to Tianyi Academy by the Dean and was not his subordinate.

"Hehe, you don't have to be like this. You should understand that I have my principles in doing things. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here with me." The Vice Dean said lightly. "Since I did that, there must be a reason. As for you... you can directly go to receive that martial skill you mentioned before. Just say that I said so."

The old man paused in his steps, and then the stiffness on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of ecstasy. Despite the gloom, his face was now filled with joy!