piano music

"They seem to be very afraid of you!"

Lin Feng looked at Proud Snow carefully, as if trying to discern something from his face, which was as beautiful as a woman's. A man so beautiful that he could instill fear in others.

"Perhaps it's reverence," Proud Snow said, unconcerned.

At this moment, Lin Feng and the others stood still, noticing that there were noticeably fewer people around them, clearly because of Proud Snow.

"The Star Test is the same every year, not too difficult. You should have no problem. Moreover, wanting to become a Star is the most common goal, so our faction in Tianyi Academy is the most powerful. Every year during these days, when Tianyi Academy recruits, many people come to participate in the test, including our Star faction's old students, who want to see how much they have improved."

As the crowd on the square grew, Proud Snow whispered to Lin Feng.

"The test, is it listening to him play a piece?"

Lin Feng looked at the figure sitting in front, hands on the zither, eyes slightly closed.

"Yes, the test is to listen to him play a piece," Proud Snow said with a smile.

A hint of doubt flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. Testing by listening to music?

Duan Han and Jing Yun were also slightly surprised. Listening to music, how is that a test?

Only Mo Ye remained indifferent, her eyes calm and peaceful, as if nothing mattered to her.

"You will soon understand."

Seeing the puzzled expressions of Lin Feng and the others, Proud Snow didn't elaborate.

More and more people gathered in the square, and in no time, there were over two hundred people there.

Some people behind saw Proud Snow and Lin Feng, their expressions unconsciously freezing, whispering, "It's him, he actually chose our Star faction."

"Hehe, this person is talented and powerful, and bold enough to challenge the arrogance of those nobles. It's worth getting to know him. I wonder if he can pass the test."

"There should be no problem. You've seen it too, he easily defeated Bai Ze and dared to slap Zuo Qiu and Bai Ze, contradicting the teacher. His courage and determination should not be in question."

These people were the ones outside Tianyi Academy confronting the noble disciples. They had seen Lin Feng's strength and courage and admired him to some extent.

Those willing to become Stars were not lacking in passionate and upright individuals.

Just then, the person in front of the crowd opened his eyes, scanning the crowd with gentle and tranquil eyes, giving a very comfortable feeling.

"Alright, let today's test begin. Those who missed it can wait for tomorrow's test." The middle-aged man playing the zither also spoke with a sense of calmness. "Old students on the sides, new students in the middle."

The crowd nodded slightly, the old students moved to the sides, and then sat down, while the new students, some of them knowing the rules, sat down cross-legged.

"Next, all you need to do is sit down and listen to a piece of music."

Proud Snow smiled at Lin Feng and the others, then walked straight to the side.

"Let's sit down too." Lin Feng said to the others, then sat down cross-legged like everyone else.

"Alright, I'll begin."

The middle-aged man's hands stroked the zither, his slender fingers dancing on the strings, and strands of melodious music floated out from the ancient zither.

But Lin Feng's gaze fell on those hands, so delicate and slender, so similar to Proud Snow's hands!

Notes danced on the ancient zither, floating out, and the serene and peaceful atmosphere grew stronger.

In no time, the entire square became incredibly quiet, except for the music, there was no other sound.

In this tranquil music, many people's eyelids slowly closed, quietly enjoying the silence and tranquility.

It felt as if they were standing on vast open land, breathing in fresh air, their hearts wandering.

Lin Feng's eyes gradually wanted to close, but at this moment, his heart involuntarily trembled, a sense of indifference emerging from his soul, instantly making him much more alert, his gaze slightly frozen.


Lin Feng's eyes flickered, a chill running through him. This piece of music actually had a hypnotic effect, causing people to fall asleep unconsciously, directly affecting their minds.

"So powerful, this is also a form of martial arts. This piece of music, I wonder what secrets it holds."

Lin Feng thought to himself, then closed his eyes, letting himself sink into this hypnotic state. He wanted to see how powerful this music was.

Perhaps because the music was too powerful, or perhaps because Lin Feng intended it, he quickly truly entered the mood of the piece.

On the vast and boundless land, only he stood, breathing in the air, incredibly refreshing.

But just then, the sound of galloping hooves, deafening, filled the air with a murderous aura.

Soon, he noticed that on both sides of him, thousands of people were galloping on horseback, wielding cold long knives, charging towards each other.

Cold blood splattered on his face.

Limbs fell in front of him, even hitting him.

Moreover, a bloody head was flying towards him, its huge eyes still open, filled with fear and resentment.

Soon, his body was covered in blood, stepping on a river of blood under his feet, surrounded by piles of corpses, the freshly alive lives of just a moment ago, their blood still flowing.

The sun was setting, and the cries of women filled his ears. They searched for bodies in the crowd, carrying children in the crowd, in the sea of blood.

The cold moonlight fell on him, the roar of countless souls of injustice in his ears, the bloody scenes constantly appearing before his eyes.

At this moment, many people in the square opened their eyes, some breathing heavily, some with cold eyes, some with red eyes, but without exception, their bodies were soaked in cold sweat.

They were all awakened by the scenes in their minds. Looking around, these people found that some still had their eyes closed, especially the old students next to them, as if completely immersed in it, with their eyes tightly closed.

Lin Feng's back was also constantly sweating, and anyone who saw such a hellish scene could not maintain absolute composure. Moreover, in the mood of the zither, everything seemed to be happening right in front of him, not illusory at all, the mood was too real.

A trace of indifference once again emerged from Lin Feng's body, making his mind tremble, feeling the chill on his back.

"Illusion, such a powerful illusion of the zither."

Lin Feng came to his senses from this mood, opened his eyes, this music could actually directly implant scenes into people's minds, making them immerse in it, unable to extricate themselves. It was terrifying.

If the player of this music were even more powerful, and implanted a more terrifying atmosphere into people's minds, presenting it in the mood, wouldn't it crush people's spirits?

Looking around, Lin Feng found that Duan Han still had his eyes tightly closed, but his body was twitching slightly, while Jing Yun's eyes were already open, breathing heavily.

As for the others, many had awakened, and many still had their eyes closed, but their bodies were already reacting.

"This kind of test is indeed very formidable."

Lin Feng muttered to himself, a wry smile appearing at the corner of his mouth. He hadn't awakened because he couldn't bear it; rather, his Martial Soul had awakened him, not allowing him to sink completely into this illusion.

Many people's eyes showed disappointment, leaving one after another. They also understood that staying was useless. The scenes just now had made them question their choices. Perhaps they were truly unsuitable to become Stars.

The person playing the zither slowly turned his gaze, finally landing on Lin Feng, and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

"Hmm?" Those who knew Lin Feng were surprised. Lin Feng hadn't passed the test?

Even Proud Snow showed a strange expression, seemingly questioning Lin Feng's determination. Although the test was not easy, for someone with a firm will, it should not have been too difficult to pass. After all, although it seemed real, it was still not real. How could they ride on the battlefield if they were awakened in the illusion?

"Teacher, I was not awakened," Lin Feng said with a wry smile, shaking his head. After saying this, he felt many contemptuous gazes on him. How could the teacher be mistaken? Lin Feng didn't even have the courage to admit it, which made them look down on him.

"If you really want to become a Star and are unwilling to give up, come back at this time tomorrow."

The middle-aged man's voice was calm, not saying anything more to Lin Feng.

"Tomorrow?" Lin Feng pondered for a moment. Tomorrow seemed to be the day when the Snow Moon Holy Academy was founded.

"Teacher, can I try again?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"You are shameless. Since the teacher has given you a chance, why do you still insist on it? Just come back tomorrow," a vulgar voice sounded, making Lin Feng's face stiffen, and the crowd pointed and whispered at him.

Lin Feng shook his head, smiled indifferently, and spoke again, "Please give me another chance, Teacher."

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Feng with a strange look in his eyes and said in a low voice, "With your perseverance and performance just now, you should not have failed the test. So, I will make an exception today and give you another chance."