Dark lord

Feeling the chill in his throat, the man in black swallowed hard, making a low, gurgling sound, with cold sweat moistening his back.

"This is the Tianyi Academy. While fighting is allowed within the academy, killing is strictly prohibited."

The black-clad youth struggled to speak, his words slightly unclear.

"I know." Lin Feng replied indifferently, bringing a glimmer of hope to the black-clad youth's heart.

"However, I also know that in the Tianyi Academy, it's not allowed to disturb those who are cultivating in the stone rooms. Yet, what have you done?"

Lin Feng's words caused the black-clad youth's gaze to falter, and his heart turned cold once again.

"I admit that I violated the rules, but it seems that it didn't cause much of a consequence. However, if you kill me, it will be a completely different story."

"Are you trying to scare me?" Lin Feng's long sword inched forward slightly, making the black-clad youth shudder violently again, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Not much of a consequence?" Lin Feng glanced at the exhausted Liu Fei, his voice icy. "That's your opinion. In my eyes, the consequences of your actions are more valuable than your own life. You, a despicable person, killing you is nothing but a consequence."

"You can't kill him."

Once again, Cui Ting repeated these words, and Lin Feng turned his head slightly to look at him.

"You can't kill him, otherwise, you will regret it."

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I never regret what I do." Lin Feng moved his hand slightly, surprising Cui Ting, who shouted, "Wait."

"Do you have something else to say?" Lin Feng glanced at Cui Ting but listened to Cui Ting's serious words: "He is the younger brother of the Black Demon. If you kill him, the Black Demon will not let you off."

"Black Demon!"

Upon hearing these two words, many people in the crowd watching the excitement were shocked. It was actually the Black Demon.

Yuan Shan's gaze also froze, having heard of the Black Demon's name.

"Lin Feng, the Black Demon is one of the top ten powerhouses in the Tianyi Academy, rarely cultivating in this cultivation tower. Even if he does, it would be on the first floor."

Yuan Shan reminded Lin Feng among the crowd that the Black Demon was not someone to be trifled with.

Lin Feng's gaze flickered as he stared at the black-clad youth, a glimmer of hope appearing on his face again.

"Yes, I am the Black Demon's younger brother. If you kill me, you will definitely die."


Upon hearing the threatening words, Lin Feng's hand trembled. Suddenly, his long sword plunged into the youth's throat, and in an instant, everyone's gaze froze on the scene.

No one would have expected that after hearing about the Black Demon, Lin Feng would decisively kill the black-clad youth with his sword, without a hint of hesitation.

The black-clad youth, who had just felt hope, was plunged into despair. As Lin Feng's sword pierced his throat, his mind was still pondering. He hated himself for provoking Lin Feng, even though he and Lin Feng had no major grievances. In the end, he paid for his life because of this trivial matter. He was truly an idiot!

"What an arrogant person." Cui Ting took a deep breath. He, too, had not expected Lin Feng to act at that moment, after being told about the Black Demon's identity.

Lin Feng withdrew his soft sword, wiped away the blood from the tip of the sword, sheathed his sword, and then looked at Cui Ting.

"If it weren't for that Black Demon, he wouldn't have been so bold to break the rules, would he?" Lin Feng pointed to the fallen body, asking calmly.

Cui Ting's expression froze for a moment, then nodded. Yes, without the Black Demon, the black-clad youth wouldn't have had the courage.

"So, the one who broke the rules was actually the Black Demon, and my friend was harassed for a whole hundred days because of him, right?"

Lin Feng spoke again, causing Cui Ting's pupils to shrink. So that's how it was. He finally understood why Lin Feng had struck at that moment.

It was not that Lin Feng had not considered the Black Demon; on the contrary, Lin Feng had already taken the Black Demon into consideration. However, what Lin Feng considered was not the Black Demon's formidable strength, but rather, the enmity between the Black Demon and him. It was the Black Demon who had caused Liu Fei to be harassed for a hundred days. So, with that strike, Lin Feng told everyone, and also told the Black Demon, not to provoke him. Otherwise, no matter who it was, they would be killed.

"Let's go back."

Lin Feng said to Liu Fei beside him. Liu Fei nodded slightly, then joined Yuan Shan and Jing Yun in the crowd, leaving together, leaving behind a stunned Cui Ting and the cold body on the ground.

"What's your name?"

Cui Ting shouted at Lin Feng's back. After a moment, a indifferent response came, two words, Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng!" Cui Ting secretly remembered this name, and the crowd also remembered this name. Anyone who dared to provoke the Black Demon would be hard to forget.

After Lin Feng left for a while, the number of people in the tenth-floor space of the cultivation tower not only did not decrease but instead increased.

There was a corpse in the cultivation tower.

This also meant that someone had killed in the cultivation tower. It was unknown who it was, but they were incredibly bold.

It was at this moment that a cold figure, stepping on the stairs, slowly ascended to the tenth-floor space of the cultivation tower.

With just one glance, this cold figure saw the corpse on the ground. However, his eyes did not show any signs of surprise, remaining calm and cold.

The surrounding crowd all moved aside, watching this figure with eyes full of awe.

The Black Demon, among all the disciples of the Tianyi Academy, including all the others from the two other sects, ranked tenth, incredibly powerful.

"Who did it?"

The Black Demon asked faintly, his tone so calm it was terrifying.

"Lin Feng." Cui Ting walked up to the Black Demon and replied, "I'm not as strong as him."

The Black Demon didn't say anything, just glanced at the corpse on the ground, and indifferently said, "Have someone take him to my clan. Also, investigate the name you mentioned."

After speaking, the Black Demon turned around, dragging his light footsteps, and left down the stairs.


Back in the ancient castle where he lived, Lin Feng and the others exchanged greetings before preparing to enter their own residence.

"I can't wait to see someone."

A voice came out, causing Lin Feng to pause his steps. He turned around, a strange look in his eyes as he looked at Liu Fei, who was speaking with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

"Do you mind?"

Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Why would I mind?"

Liu Fei avoided eye contact, saying indifferently.

But Lin Feng's mouth curled into a slight smile. "Since you don't mind,I'm continuing from where we left off:

then why do I detect a hint of sourness in your tone?"

"Perhaps your ears are the problem," Liu Fei retorted, glaring at Lin Feng. This guy's gaze was relentless.

"Is that so?" Lin Feng chuckled, scratching his head. "I've just returned, so naturally, I want to go back to my own place. Why would you think I'm eager to see her? Do you want me to come to your place instead?"

"You're dreaming," Liu Fei exclaimed, stomping her foot before hurrying away. This guy, what's with that expression? He's been staring at her the whole time.

"I see." Lin Feng watched Liu Fei's retreating figure, a faint smile playing on his lips. How had he not noticed before that this hot-tempered beauty also had such a cute and naive side?

Entering his own stone chamber, Lin Feng didn't immediately head to his residence. Instead, he knocked on Meng Qing's door.

"Come in."

A disinterested voice sounded, and Lin Feng pushed open the door, finding Meng Qing leaning against the bed. She wasn't wearing a veil in the room, her stunning face perfectly presented, prompting Lin Feng to once again marvel at the wonders of creation, how could someone be so beautiful?

But, she seemed a bit cold.

"If Meng Qing were born in ancient times, even a king would abandon his kingdom just to win her a smile," Lin Feng thought to himself. He also wished Meng Qing wouldn't be so cold; her smiling would be a beautiful sight.

"Has the situation from that day happened again?" Lin Feng walked to Meng Qing's bedside and sat down calmly, asking.

Meng Qing looked at Lin Feng, shaking her head slightly, and said softly, "Didn't I tell you before? The chill comes every six months."