Life and death battle

Lin Feng shook his head indifferently. "No 'how.' You've had your say, now it's my turn."

"Firstly, I want to say, your worthless brother, full of himself, tried to take over my cultivation room. When he was driven out, shamelessly, you came to plead his case, breaking the rules of the academy. He bombarded the stone door of the cultivation room for a full hundred days, even using extremely vicious words to insult my friend. I killed him. Was I wrong?" Lin Feng stared directly at Hei Mo, asking.

"You killed him, no mistake, but..." Hei Mo tried to continue, only to be interrupted by Lin Feng: "You said you were done speaking, so please, shut up."


The crowd's gaze slightly sharpened. This guy was really arrogant, daring to tell Hei Mo to shut up. Did he think he could be so reckless just because Ask Ao Xue was by his side?

Hei Mo was also taken aback, then sneered and said, "Go on."

"You also said I was right to kill him. Then, let me ask you, your brother broke the rules, obviously with your approval, only then did he dare to be so arrogant. And you, not only did you send your men to assist your brother, your actions were not just about wanting to slap my face, but about wanting to help your brother take my life. Since you want my life, do you not allow me to slap your face? Are you so idiotic, Hei Mo, to the extent that you believe your strength makes it necessary for me to present my face for you to hit?"

Lin Feng's sharp words made the crowd pause. Yes, they had only been thinking from the perspective of strength being paramount, without considering Lin Feng's perspective.

"Even if what you say is reasonable, so what?" Hei Mo's face darkened slightly, saying coldly.

"No 'so what.' I've seen too many self-righteous people. I want them to understand how foolish and laughable they are." Lin Feng sneered, continuing, "Just now, you said I needed to rely on Ask Ao Xue for protection. What I want to say is, even without Ask Ao Xue, you couldn't kill me."

"You don't need to rush to refute me. You will know this for yourself in the future, but I advise you not to try it easily. As you said, some things, once done, the price paid may be life."

Lin Feng's tone carried a hint of threat, causing the crowd to furrow their brows. Even without Ask Ao Xue, Hei Mo couldn't kill him? And he might even lose his life?

However, Yuan Shan did not doubt Lin Feng's words. He had witnessed how terrifying that fairy-like woman could be.

Hei Mo's gaze also slightly froze, coldly saying, "You think highly of yourself."

"I never see myself clearly, but I'm also not blindly arrogant. Thinking there's no one in the world, like you, constantly saying you want my life, as if my life is already in your hands. Are you so conceited, so arrogant, that I should present my face for you to hit?"

Lin Feng asked.

Conceited, arrogant, thinking no one was worth considering?

Hei Mo sneered, replying, "Peak of the Sixth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, without opponents, I could easily crush you."

"Truly boundlessly arrogant. Only a ridiculous person would say such ridiculous words." Lin Feng chuckled, mocking Hei Mo, "You could just say the Sixth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, no need to say there are no opponents."

"The world of martial artists is vast. There are countless geniuses who can challenge higher stages. You dare to claim invincibility at the same stage. I just want to give you four words: shortsighted."

"Such a sharp tongue, such sharp words." The crowd, seeing Hei Mo unable to speak under Lin Feng's rebuttal, thought to themselves, "Hei Mo's strength is indeed at the peak of the Sixth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, but in Tianyi Academy, there is truly no one else at the same stage who dares to claim superiority over him. Even many Seventh Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm practitioners have not made it into the top ten, but Hei Mo has, showing a glimpse of his strength."

But to claim invincibility at the Sixth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm was indeed an exaggeration.

As the saying goes, appearance reflects the heart, and speech also reflects the heart. Someone with such sharp words must also have a sharp personality.

Lin Feng paused for a moment and continued, "Of course, perhaps you think that entering the top ten of the academy makes you arrogant, thinking you are exceptional. But what I want to say is, for those who are shortsighted, there will be no great achievements. Just now, you said I would have to hide by Ask Ao Xue's side for the rest of my life. Well, I want to tell you now, three months from today, I, Lin Feng, will challenge you, Black Demon, in Tianyi Academy, to a battle to the death."

As Lin Feng's words fell, everyone's gaze immediately focused on him.

Lin Feng, actually challenging the tenth-ranked Black Demon in the academy to a battle to the death.

You have to know, Lin Feng has just entered Tianyi, it's simply outrageous.

"Doesn't he know how strong Black Demon is? Truly arrogant."

"This kid is seeking his own death, but you have to admire his courage."

The crowd's thoughts turned, no one was optimistic about Lin Feng, all thought he was overestimating himself, asking for trouble.

Not to mention others, even the crowd around Lin Feng was stunned. They acknowledged Lin Feng's talent, but to challenge Black Demon in three months, that was too difficult!

Ask Ao Xue glanced at Lin Feng, showing a pensive expression.

Regardless of how others viewed it, for Black Demon, Lin Feng publicly challenged him in front of everyone, this in itself was humiliating.

A kid who had just entered Tianyi Academy, not only killed his brother in the cultivation tower, slapped him in the face, and now, three months later, challenged him to a battle to the death, where was his dignity, where was his dignity?

Black Demon had every reason to believe that what happened here would spread throughout every corner of Tianyi Academy in no time. How many of the nine people ahead of him would mock him?

At this moment, Black Demon's face was terrifyingly cold, exuding a chilling aura all over.

In Black Demon's eyes, a silent black flame slowly burned, extremely terrifying.

"Feel ashamed?" Lin Feng looked at Black Demon with a smile that wasn't a smile, coldly saying, "You embarrass yourself, but do I embarrass myself? You came with people, threatening to take my life, not even bothering to look at me. Have you ever thought about where I should put my face?"

"So, you don't need to look at me like that. If you want to regain your dignity, three months later, show your strength and let everyone see if you, Black Demon, truly have the qualifications to be proud, or if you are just pitifully arrogant."

The pitch-black and cold flames flickered in his eyes,

 looking at Lin Feng, Black Demon said coldly, "Three months later, you will understand how foolish your decision today was, how laughable your words were."

After speaking, Black Demon waved his sleeve and turned to leave.

With this last sentence, he was undoubtedly telling everyone that he, Black Demon, accepted the challenge.

Only in three months, by humiliating and trampling Lin Feng mercilessly, could he regain his dignity. He wanted to make Lin Feng feel so miserable that he wished he were dead.

Watching Black Demon's departing figure, then looking at Lin Feng, everyone also felt a bit of anticipation.

Lin Feng was so arrogant, proclaiming to challenge Black Demon to a battle to the death in three months, what did he rely on?

And in the challenge three months later, what powerful means would Black Demon use to prove his strength and regain his lost face?

Three months, for a martial artist, was just a snap of the fingers. A single seclusion would pass.

"Let's go." Lin Feng lifted his foot and walked towards the gate of Tianyi Academy with Ask Ao Xue and the others.

On the way, Ask Ao Xue looked at Lin Feng and said, "Black Demon's strength is at the peak of the Sixth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm. Even those at the Seventh Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm have many who can't fight him. At the Sixth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, he has no opponents in Tianyi Academy. And you, now at the Fourth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, wanting to defeat Black Demon in three months, is very difficult, extremely difficult!"

Lin Feng smiled. Of course, he knew it was difficult. Looking ahead, Lin Feng said indifferently, "Now, I urgently need strength, strong strength."

Ask Ao Xue's ink-colored eyebrows slightly raised, looking at Lin Feng somewhat puzzled. Did this have to do with challenging Black Demon?

Lin Feng turned his gaze and said to her, "Strength, many times, is forced out. Only by constantly forcing oneself, threatening oneself, can there be the motivation to forge ahead."

Upon hearing Lin Feng's words, a spark of brilliance flashed in Ask Ao Xue's eyes. What a terrifying young man.