Provoke troops to investigate

The man sat down outside the stone room, his body extremely stiff.

 At this moment, people kept poking their heads out of the surrounding rooms. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but show disdain, which made him feel extremely embarrassed.

 He came here arrogantly, thinking he had the teacher's order and could be domineering, but he didn't expect such a bleak outcome, being pointed and talked about by the crowd.

 As for Lin Feng, after hearing what the other party said, he also guessed what had happened. The man's arrival was unfriendly, and mentioning the arena and asking him to go there made things very clear.

 Lin Feng had already anticipated that the people from the arena would not let him off so easily.

 Returning to his room, Lin Feng changed into a robe from the academy, then headed towards the direction outside the stone room.


 A slight sound came out, the sound of the door opening.


 A voice came, still so indifferent, without any fluctuations. The person speaking naturally was Mengqing.

 "What's the matter?"

 Lin Feng turned around to look at Mengqing. At this moment, Mengqing's face was already covered with a light veil, slowly walking towards him.

 "When you go out in the future, I will follow you."

 Mengqing's voice was cold. Hearing this, Lin Feng's mouth showed a bitter smile, but in his heart, there was a warm feeling.

 "Okay!" Lin Feng nodded, thinking to himself that this woman, clearly speaking with concern, couldn't she say it more gently?

 The two of them arrived outside the stone room together, closed the stone room, and Lin Feng glanced at the man who had been blasted out by him, saying indifferently, "Lead the way."

 The man looked at Lin Feng and Mengqing, and said softly, "What about the two slave martial artists?"

 "Lead... the way." Lin Feng's voice turned cold. Immediately, the man's heart trembled, not daring to say anything more, and stepped out.

 The crowd around pointing and talking made his face extremely ugly, lowering his head, speechless facing the crowd.

 At this time, outside the castle where the people from the Xing Star System lived, there were already many figures gathered on the huge square.

 The middle-aged man in blue stood with his hands behind his back, facing the crowd, still exuding a sense of majesty.

 "He's here, Lin Feng is here."

 At this moment, a voice came out, and many people's gazes turned, looking towards the direction of the castle. Soon, the crowd saw Lin Feng's figure slowly approaching.

 Next to Lin Feng, there was also a graceful figure following him. Although this figure was veiled, just the sacred aura and perfect figure were enough to make people marvel and want to peek under the veil to see the wonderful face underneath.

 However, there seemed to be no slave martial artists as mentioned by the middle-aged man in blue beside Lin Feng.

 The man in the green robe frowned slightly when he saw Lin Feng and the others, and asked the person in front of Lin Feng, "What's going on?"

 The man lowered his head, afraid to answer.

 "Useless, can't even handle a small matter." The man in the green robe said coldly, then looked at Lin Feng and asked, "You broke into the arena and brought two slave martial artists to Tianyi Academy?"

 "I did break into the arena, but what I brought were my friends, not the slaves you mentioned."

 Lin Feng glanced at the man in the green robe, feeling disgusted by his words.

 "A slave is a slave, what friend? How can any slave enter Tianyi Academy at will?" The man in the green robe, seeming not to be given face by Lin Feng, said with a slightly cold voice.

 "Then I will ask the teacher, what is a slave?"

 "A slave is someone with a slave mark on their face," the man replied.

 "Then I will ask the teacher again, why do you say that no slaves are allowed to enter Tianyi Academy, but there is a so-called slave in front of you, and why are you indifferent, letting others flaunt themselves in Tianyi Academy?" Lin Feng stared directly at the man, speaking coldly.

 "Hmm?" The crowd's gaze condensed. This guy was so bold that he dared to be so arrogant and defy the academy's teacher openly, showing no respect.

 The man in the green robe also froze for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said coldly, "Where do you see a slave?"


 Lin Feng sneered, pointing his finger at the person behind the middle-aged man in blue, the masked man, saying, "Have him take off his mask and see if he's a slave."

 Since Lin Feng arrived, he had always felt a vicious and icy gaze staring at him, which was the masked man, Bai Ze.

 Sure enough, when he saw Lin Feng pointing at him, the pupils under Bai Ze's golden mask slightly contracted, and his gaze became colder.

 "Such arrogance, this is Tianyi Academy, a disciple dares to be so arrogant, not even putting the teacher in his eyes."

 The man in the blue shirt stood with his hands behind his back, sarcastically said.

 Indeed, hearing this, the man in the green robe's face stiffened, his gaze ice-cold. In front of so many people, Lin Feng's behavior undoubtedly damaged his authority and made it difficult for him to step down.

 "I told you to bring the two slaves, did you hear me?"

 The man in the green robe stared at Lin Feng, a chill spreading over him, his icy gaze fixed on Lin Feng.

 Lin Feng's gaze paused, a cold smile appearing at the corner of his mouth, saying, "Tianyi Academy has teachers like you, it's really shameful. When others come to the academy to be arrogant, you only dare to be overbearing to your own people, ruining the face of the academy, becoming a laughingstock, and still thinking how impressive you are."

 Lin Feng's indifferent words made everyone's pupils shrink. This guy really dared to speak up.

 Lin Feng paused, his mouth continued to open, staring at the man in the green robe, saying, "If you really have the guts, first drive out the intruder in the academy, let everyone see the authority of the teacher, see the authority of the academy, and then punish me. If you don't have the guts, don't talk nonsense here, at best, you're just someone else's dog."


 A burst of anger rose from the man in the green robe, the whole space carrying a hint of killing intent. Lin Feng, how dare he insult him like this, he must die.

 "You're asking for death." Staring at Lin Feng with a fierce gaze, the man in the green robe was angry.

 "Asking for death? I don't want to die so early." Lin Feng said indifferently, reaching into his pocket. Then, in his palm, appeared a token, making everyone's eyes narrow.

 "Back then, I had no intention of coming to Tianyi

 Academy, because when I arrived at Tianyi Academy, I encountered a bastard teacher. But the vice dean personally invited me, granting me privileges to practice in the academy freely and bring anyone into the academy. That's why I stepped into Tianyi, but I didn't expect that today there would be such a shameless teacher who would rather be an outsider's dog, come to question the people of the academy. I am truly ashamed for Tianyi Academy."

 Lin Feng said coldly, and the crowd trembled, many people only now knowing that Lin Feng was personally invited by the vice dean and granted privileges, no wonder he could bring people in and out of the academy freely, without restriction.

 The man in the green robe's face stiffened there, the token did belong to the vice dean, with special privileges.

 "This person has insulted me like this, if I retreat now, how can I still stand in the academy."

 The man in the green robe thought to himself, his gaze cold as a knife.

 "Since the establishment of Tianyi Academy, I have never heard of anyone who is not a disciple of the academy but can still enjoy privileges." The man in the green robe said coldly, "Lin Feng, you're so bold, even daring to steal the vice dean's token and show off here, I didn't expect Tianyi Academy to produce such a scum. Today, I will clean up the academy's reputation."

 "Steal?" Lin Feng was stunned, seeing many people nodding secretly, believing the man's words, he couldn't help but feel speechless.

 "Only an idiot would say such things to you, you should know better than anyone the vice dean's cultivation level. How could I steal his token?" Lin Feng sneered, not needing any reason since the other party had already made up his mind to deal with him.

 "Smooth talker, thinking to escape punishment, what a dream."

 The man in the green robe trembled, a surging and icy momentum emanating from him, actually launching an attack towards Lin Feng. He couldn't care less about so much, he would disable Lin Feng first before saying anything else.

 Seeing this scene, the crowd slightly paused, thinking that Lin Feng was finished, actually daring to provoke the teacher of the academy so openly, such behavior was too irrational.

 However, Lin Feng's gaze was extremely indifferent. Only seeing behind him, the sacred figure took a light step forward, standing in front of Lin Feng.