
"Quiet your mind!" Lin Feng murmured, his gaze flickering.

The teacher's point was that when one's actions align with their true intentions, their talents are high, much like those inclined to combat who must possess a genuine penchant for it to excel.

On the other hand, those who are kind-hearted and perform benevolent acts also possess high talents.

"My true intentions do not align with my actions," Lin Feng sighed inwardly. Living in this world, there are too many external pressures and constraints. It is difficult to adhere to one's true intentions. The vast majority of people end up doing things against their true intentions.

For example, Lin Feng was not inclined to kill, but when Duan Tianlang destroyed the Cloud Sea Sect and the Bai Family enslaved Han Man, how could he not take up the sword of combat, using blood to mourn the hatred in his heart? Even though he knew it went against his true intentions, he had to do it because he was a person.

As long as one is human, they cannot escape the seven emotions and six desires.

Therefore, those truly wicked individuals whose true intentions align with combat also engage in combat, but they possess extremely high talents and strength because their actions align with their true intentions.

"Please enlighten me, teacher," Lin Feng slightly bowed to the teacher playing the tune, showing great respect.

"Quiet your mind!" the teacher playing the tune said calmly. "You are unable to align your actions with your true intentions, so you need to quiet your mind often. Let your mind settle and transform, quieting it to cast off the worldly distractions and cleanse the accumulated dirt in your heart, not letting them become obstacles."

"Quiet your mind, cleanse the dirt in your heart."

Lin Feng whispered, the silent voice still drifting into his ears. Feeling a sense of understanding, Lin Feng slowly sat down in the peach blossom forest, his eyes closing slowly.

The teacher continued to play, his head never lifting.

Mengqing, on the other hand, glanced at Lin Feng, then turned away, standing behind him, admiring the fluttering peach blossoms. Such a splendid sight, even she, living in the Black Wind Ridge, had never seen before.

This was a true tune for quieting the mind, tranquil and peaceful, making one forget everything and discard the distractions of the world.

In Lin Feng's mind, scenes suddenly appeared: from stepping into the Nine Heavens Continent, to being expelled from the family, leaving Yangzhou City, to the destruction of the Cloud Sea Sect by Duan Tianlang leading the Blood Iron Cavalry, to the Broken Blade Abyss. Each scene vividly presented itself in his mind.

However, there was no cold hatred or deep pain in Lin Feng's mind. It was as if he was watching all of this quietly as a third party. Under the influence of the tune, his heart was extremely calm.

This was truly a tune for quieting the mind. Even Lin Feng's Martial Soul did not resist, allowing Lin Feng to remain clear-headed. He was not swayed by the tune; it was simply cleansing his inner self.

In the tune, the years passed in the blink of an eye. In this tranquility, Lin Feng's mind completely relaxed, gradually sinking into sleep.

The peach blossoms continued to dance in the sky. After an unknown amount of time, Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes, only to see the teacher still playing, the tune flowing like a stream, tranquil and peaceful.

As for Mengqing, her saintly figure stood there without moving, as if this glance would last forever.

Lin Feng slowly stood up, but at this moment, his gaze slightly condensed, a strange expression appearing on his face.

"Spiritual Martial Realm, Fifth Stage?"

Lin Feng checked his own cultivation level. Yes, he had indeed reached the Fifth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, breaking through without realizing it.

"Quiet your mind, this effect is too terrifying."

Lin Feng was a little surprised, but a smile appeared on his face. It was not easy to advance in the Spiritual Martial Realm. He had only recently broken through to the Fourth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and now, he had broken through again.

"Teacher, thank you."

Lin Feng bowed slightly to the teacher playing the tune, showing great politeness.

"No need to thank me. Your cultivation was already close to the Fifth Stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and your internal energy was sufficient. It was just a slight difference in realm. My tune helped you break through your mental barrier, and the breakthrough in cultivation naturally followed."

The teacher smiled at Lin Feng, his voice very friendly. Although his strength was unfathomable, he did not show the arrogance that the other two teachers Lin Feng had met possessed.

"If it weren't for the teacher's tune, it would not have been so easy to break through this slight barrier in realm. If it weren't for the teacher's guidance, I, Lin Feng, would not have come here. Teacher, your deserved thanks are truly deserved, so why refuse?"

Lin Feng smiled sincerely.

The teacher nodded slightly, saying, "Then I will accept your thanks."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up with a bright smile as he said, "Teacher, last time you said that if I wanted to seek guidance, I could find you. Now, I would like to ask the teacher to teach me how to play the zither."

The teacher glanced at Lin Feng and asked, "Aren't you afraid it will affect your cultivation?"

"To cultivate the heart is also to cultivate," Lin Feng smiled lightly, making the teacher pause before nodding with a smile.

"Since you are willing to learn the zither, I will do my best to teach you."

The teacher looked at Lin Feng and said, "In the future, you can come here to find me when you have time. Today, you will listen to the zither first. Only by learning to listen first will you be qualified to talk about playing."

"Okay." Lin Feng naturally had no objections. Listening to the zither could also help him advance in cultivation, so why not?

The teacher sat on the stone chair, continuing to play the tune, while Lin Feng and Mengqing sat in the peach blossom forest, quieting their minds and listening.


In Lin Feng's room, there were several figures standing at this moment.

Lin Feng, Liu Fei, Han Man, and Po Jun.

Lin Feng looked at Han Man and Po Jun, asking, "Are you sure you have made up your minds?"

"Yes, Brother Feng, I have made up my mind," Han Man nodded. At this moment, he wore a silver mask, concealing the slave mark.

Once a person is branded with a slave mark, they may be followed for life. Only by cultivating to a high realm, reshaping their muscles, bones, and blood vessels, and changing their skin and flesh can they remove the slave mark. Therefore, Han Man and Po Jun are eager for strength.

Who would be willing to be followed by a slave mark for life, unable to show their face to others?

"Brother Feng, I have also made up my mind."

Po Jun also nodded. Although he and Han Man were not younger than Lin Feng, they willingly called Lin Feng Brother Feng. Naturally, Lin Feng did not think there was anything wrong with this. In terms of age, he was indeed much older than Han Man and Po Jun, who were two lifetimes younger than him.

"Okay, then I

 won't stop you." Lin Feng nodded solemnly, saying to Liu Fei, "Feifei, please write a letter and let them carry it with them."

"Okay." Liu Fei nodded and went to the side to pick up a pen to write a letter.

"Han Man, Po Jun, what weapons do you use?" Lin Feng asked again.

"I don't need a weapon. The earth is my weapon," Han Man shook his head.

Po Jun pondered for a moment before saying, "I use a long spear."

"Okay." Lin Feng nodded slightly, extending his palm. Suddenly, a brilliance flickered, and a pitch-black long spear appeared in Lin Feng's hand.

"Hmm?" Po Jun and Han Man's eyes narrowed. A long spear appeared out of thin air in Lin Feng's hand?

"No need to be surprised. I have a storage ring," Lin Feng did not hide it from them. Han Man was not surprised, but Po Jun felt responsible. Lin Feng not only saved his life but also trusted him, which moved him.

"Po Jun, this long spear is for you."

Lin Feng handed the long spear to Po Jun. Po Jun pondered for a moment before accepting it. Immediately, a sense of blood and flesh connection came over him. He could even clearly feel the sharpness contained in the spear. This long spear seemed to have a life of its own.

"This is a spiritual weapon. Use it well. Be careful on the battlefield."

Lin Feng instructed, as Han Man and Po Jun wanted to go to the border, to the battlefield.

"Spiritual weapon!"

Po Jun's pupils contracted, and of course, he had heard of it.

A spiritual weapon is sharp, responsive, and its attack power increases several times when infused with elemental energy. It is extremely precious and rare. For those in the Spiritual Martial Realm, it is invaluable. Lin Feng actually gave it to him.

Po Jun felt his hand was heavy.

At this moment, Liu Fei walked over and handed the letter to Han Man, saying, "When you arrive at the Broken Blade City, give it to my father. He will understand."

"Okay." Han Man nodded, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "Brother Feng, we're leaving."

"Be careful." Lin Feng nodded heavily. Han Man turned around, taking big strides, as if he had no regrets, but who knew that this reckless man's eyes were slightly red.

Po Jun bowed deeply to Lin Feng and followed Han Man, leaving.

Lin Feng did not see them off, as he would only attract attention. Watching their backs, he silently prayed in his heart, "Take care!"