Understand swordsmanship

Yu Jiao's gaze fixed on Lin Feng, the enchantment in her eyes vanishing, replaced by a thread of astonishment.

Just now, Lin Feng's released aura was merely at the fifth level of the Spirit Martial Realm, but he had comprehended the control of sword intent, its power boundless. With a single strike, he killed Ke Cheng in an instant. While part of it was due to Ke Cheng's arrogance and underestimation of Lin Feng, it couldn't be denied that Lin Feng's own strength was formidable enough to threaten someone at the sixth level of the Spirit Martial Realm.

Yu Jiao's brows slightly furrowed. She had never met Lin Feng before, so she had looked down on him just now. But just because of this disregard, Ke Cheng had lost his life.

"Giggle, Zuning, that guy Ke Cheng is truly useless, so reckless. Even at the sixth level of the Spirit Martial Realm, he should be able to deal with him even if this guy forever controls the sword intent." Yu Jiao giggled, first pointing out Ke Cheng's uselessness and recklessness, then telling Zuning that the sixth level of the Spirit Martial Realm should be enough to deal with Lin Feng, showing her deep scheming.

Zuning frowned. Although he knew that Yu Jiao's words were encouraging him, he felt that it was true. Even if someone at the fifth level of the Spirit Martial Realm had mastered sword intent, was it enough to deal with him?

His gaze flickered, dispelling a hint of fear in his heart. His eyes then showed a trace of fighting spirit.

"Zuning, are you afraid after seeing Ke Cheng being killed?" Yu Jiao's voice sounded a bit strange, opening her mouth, making Zuning's gaze stagnate as he gritted his teeth, staring at Lin Feng, saying, "How could I be afraid? Just at the fifth level of the Spirit Martial Realm, I'll take his life now."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of indifference, mocking, "Why are you still standing there?"

Seeing the calm and confident gaze on Lin Feng's body, Zuning's expression changed, his face unsightly. With a thought, behind Zuning, a pair of eyes appeared, floating in the air, like the eyes of a hawk, extremely sharp. At the moment when these eyes, filled with a hint of illusion, appeared, Zuning's gaze also became eerie.

"Soul of martial arts!" Lin Feng's gaze slightly condensed. The eyes behind Zuning were certainly a kind of martial soul, one he had never seen before.

However, Lin Feng wasn't too surprised. The Nine Heavens Continent was vast, and he couldn't know everything. Even in the Snow Moon Kingdom, a common kingdom, he was unaware of countless martial souls.

"A Sword Startles Thunder." Lin Feng's body trembled slightly, a sword thrust out, thunderous.

Zuning's eerie eyes stared at Lin Feng's sword, standing still. Only when Lin Feng came in front of him did his body slightly tilt, and Lin Feng's sword brushed past his body.

At the same time, Zuning's palm lifted. His hand, like his eyes, was eerie, with a hint of sharp light, directly aiming at Lin Feng's eyes, a vicious move.

Lin Feng's long sword buzzed and swirled out, but Zuning's body actually rotated along with the long sword, his palm still advancing, seemingly about to hit Lin Feng's head.

With a light touch on the ground, floating like a shadow, Lin Feng's body drifted back, another sword, decisively striking out, a life-taking sword, dazzling, swift as thunder.

"Your sword can't even touch me."

A cold voice came from Zuning's mouth. He rotated slightly, and the deadly sword aura actually passed by in front of him, missing him by a hair's breadth, but it could not harm Zuning at all.

"These eyes can see the trajectory of my movements, avoiding and dodging, somewhat similar to the Sun Illumination martial soul."

Lin Feng thought to himself. His aura gradually became cold, his gaze, merciless. The gray pupils appeared once again.

Watching the change in Lin Feng's aura, Zuning's brows furrowed. Lin Feng's demeanor had suddenly turned cold and merciless, making his heart tremble slightly.

If his eyes were eerie, then Lin Feng's eyes at this moment couldn't be described as eerie, but cold and merciless, not like human eyes.

"Can't touch me?" A chilling voice came from Lin Feng's mouth, followed by a bone-chilling cold descending on Zuning. The sword intent became sharper, carrying a hint of destruction.

"Death Sword."

Lin Feng swung his sword, his body like an illusion, slashing towards Zuning.

Zuning snorted coldly, his eerie eyes emitting a sharp aura. His body moved lightly, and the sword once again missed.

"Death Sword."

Lin Feng's face was expressionless, another sword danced out, the gray aura of destruction blooming. The deathly chill enveloped Zuning, making his body somewhat stiff. Even at the sixth level of the Spirit Martial Realm, he dared not directly face Lin Feng's sword. The attacker with sword intent was too strong, he had to avoid its edge.

Turning into a phantom, although the Death Sword was fast, the trajectory under his eerie gaze became exceptionally clear, unable to touch him.

At this moment, Lin Feng's eyes were firmly fixed on Zuning, the trajectory of Zuning's body movement slowing down in his pupils, incredibly clear.

Lin Feng looked at Zuning as Zuning looked at his sword.

The gray aura flowed on the long sword, and Lin Feng's movements did not stop for a moment, sword after sword swinging out, and Zuning kept retreating.

Quietly observing the trajectory of Zuning's body movement, a trace of indifference appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he said softly, "It's over."

A very calm voice, but with an extremely strong confidence, made Zuning's heart tremble slightly. Suddenly, he felt the sharp sword intent between heaven and earth abruptly disappear, turning into nothingness in an instant.

Without the coldness, without the sharpness, there was only a sword, an extremely ordinary sword, thrusting towards him.

Zuning's eerie pupils stared at this sword, with a look of doubt in his eyes. He wanted to see how this sword would end.

His body trembled, Zuning dodged to the left, but in the next moment, his pupils contracted.

The sword was still in front of him, pointing towards his heart.

The eerie light in his eyes released a sharp light, and Zuning's body dodged again. His gaze was fixed on the plain and unremarkable sword, but what shocked Zuning was that this sword seemed to be inseparable from him, following his every move without any deviation, still pointing at his heart. What made Zuning even more frightened was that the sword was even closer to his heart.

"How is this possible, my Hawk Eye martial soul can't possibly misjudge the trajectory of the sword."

Zuning's heart began to tremble, and he suddenly realized that this plain and unremarkable sword was the Sword of Return to Simplicity, a sword of death.

Seeing the sword getting closer and closer, Zuning wanted to dodge, but found it impossible.

Raising both palms

, since he couldn't dodge, he would fight. However, at this moment, abruptly, an extremely sharp and extreme sharpness radiated out, causing Zuning's heart to convulse fiercely, a hint of despair flashing in his eyes. The sharpness of the sword intent at this moment was even stronger than when the endless sword intent was released.

This was no ordinary sword, but a sword that had reached the realm of meticulousness.

Lin Feng also looked at his own sword, which was meticulous, entering the realm of meticulousness. However, it shouldn't just be the meticulousness of the sword intent, but enhancing the attack power.

Meticulousness meant being extremely detailed and subtle; it was a small attack, but it contained various changes, containing sword intent and sword intent within it; it was every seemingly inconspicuous sword move, yet it possessed the most powerful attack. This was true meticulousness, from the grand momentum, entering the realm of meticulousness.

His eyes regained their luster, no longer cold and merciless, but containing a hint of profound understanding.

Meticulousness, like momentum, belonged to a realm. Some people comprehend it more, some less. Only by completely comprehending momentum could one enter the realm of meticulousness. Even though it was also the realm of meticulousness, the comprehension could vary greatly. At this moment, Lin Feng's understanding of the realm of meticulousness deepened.


With a light sound, the long sword in Lin Feng's hand pierced through Zuning's body without any surprises, penetrating Zuning's heart. The sword intent contained in the meticulous sword instantly destroyed Zuning's internal organs.

Zuning's eyes widened, the eerie luster dissipating, softly saying, "I... regret!"

After speaking, Zuning's head tilted, devoid of life.

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, pulling out his long sword, and Zuning's body fell. Lin Feng's gaze then fell on Yu Jiao not far away, making Yu Jiao tremble all over.