Lin Feng's birth

Above the calm lake, a gentle breeze occasionally brushed past, lifting Duan Xinye's long hair and adding a charming ladylike charm to her noble demeanor.

Duan Xinye, born into royalty, possessed the bloodline power of a martial soul. However, her cultivation was not high because her family did not push her to practice diligently. Instead, they taught her arts and etiquette, educating her on worldly matters, broadening her horizons, and cultivating her innate princess-like demeanor.

Her father, the ruler of the Snow Moon Kingdom and head of the royal family, told her that her future husband would be a hero who would rule the world. She did not need such immense strength; she only needed to cultivate her own grace and charm. Therefore, her cultivation was casual.

Over the years, she had met many noble children from the imperial city. However, except for a few, most of them were the same in her eyes—fawning and flattering, seemingly wanting to bask in her favor at first sight. This made Duan Xinye very annoyed. Could there be any genuine feelings at the first meeting?

Therefore, the more attentive they were, the more Duan Xinye disliked them. However, she did not show it.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was also meeting Duan Xinye for the first time. At first glance, she was not pleased with his unkempt appearance. After all, one's attire need not be extravagant, but it should at least be neat.

However, she later found that Lin Feng was different from what she had imagined. When he looked at her, there was no trace of the arrogant gaze of others. He simply looked appreciative. Although Lin Feng's clothes were not tidy, he exuded a prideful aura that was different from the superficial arrogance of the noble children.

Of course, even though Lin Feng was different, Duan Xinye could not possibly be attracted to him at first sight. She could only say that she felt good about him.

But what Duan Xinye did not understand was why her second brother, Duan Wuya, also an extremely proud person, would introduce her to Lin Feng? Did he think Lin Feng could become such a hero?

Duan Xinye did not understand, and Lin Feng was even more puzzled. Looking at Duan Wuya, Lin Feng's gaze flickered, and after a moment of contemplation, he asked, "Your Highness, may I ask you a question?"

"You don't need to ask. When the time comes for you to know, you will understand naturally, Lin Feng, you can rest assured that I called you here this time only to help you. You, as you are now, need an identity."

"Identity." Lin Feng was taken aback, murmuring.

"Yes, identity. Now, there are many people in this imperial city who want you dead. Although there is a strong Xuanwu Realm expert by your side, if those people are determined to deal with you, even the Xuanwu Realm expert may not be able to protect you. Therefore, you need an identity."

"In their eyes, just an identity is not enough to protect me. Of course, if this identity is bestowed by Your Highness, it will be different."

Lin Feng looked at the Second Prince with sharp eyes.

If the Second Prince gave him an identity, it would mean that he, Lin Feng, belonged to the Second Prince. Those who wanted to harm Lin Feng would have to consider Duan Wuya first.

"Exactly." Duan Wuya did not deny it, smiling and nodding.

"In that case, I thank the Second Prince." With a faint smile, Lin Feng did not refuse. Duan Wuya was willing to protect him, so why should he refuse? At least, so far, Duan Wuya had not done anything harmful to him; he had always been helping him. Lin Feng had no reason to refuse Duan Wuya's goodwill.

Duan Wuya heard Lin Feng's words and smiled slightly. Lin Feng's acceptance meant that he had accepted his help.

"Lin Feng, there is one more thing I need to discuss with you."

"If Your Highness has something to command, please go ahead." Lin Feng politely said. Although Duan Wuya used the word "discuss," he was still the Second Prince, and Lin Feng could not afford to be too arrogant.

"Recently, the imperial city has received news that the Moyue Kingdom is attacking the Edge of Heaven City, where the Heavenly Academy is located. They will send elite disciples from the academy for training, which has always been the tradition of the Heavenly Academy, especially for those destined for greatness. The battlefield is where they mature. Only those who have experienced the smoke of the battlefield can be considered qualified martial cultivators. Moreover, the Snow Moon Holy Academy will also send many people to Edge of Heaven City for training. This is both for training and to suppress the Heavenly Academy. Lin Feng, I hope that this time, you can also go to Edge of Heaven City, and it would be best if you can return with military exploits."

Duan Wuya said slowly, and Lin Feng's eyes sparkled.

Military exploits!

Duan Wuya was meticulous in his actions. If Lin Feng could return with military exploits this time, it would justify the identity he bestowed upon him, avoiding some idle gossip that could damage his reputation.

Furthermore, with both the Heavenly Academy and the Snow Moon Holy Academy going to Edge of Heaven City, it was already a battlefield between the two academies.

"Lin Feng, my sister is going to marry a hero in the world who can overlook everything."

Duan Wuya casually laughed, his words full of profound meaning.

"Edge of Heaven City, I will go."

Lin Feng nodded. Even if Duan Wuya had not said so, he would still go to Edge of Heaven City. He needed the training of the battlefield, and those disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect who had survived by exchanging for primordial stones also needed the baptism of the battlefield to become true elites. He did not want those survivors of the Cloud Sea Sect to be useless.

In addition, he did not know how Han Man and Po Jun were doing there. He also needed to go see Lui Fei and her father, Lui Canglan.

Regardless of the reason, he had to make a trip to Edge of Heaven City.

"Good." Duan Wuya nodded heavily and smiled, "Lin Feng, if the military exploits you bring back this time are significant, I will grant you a title, a leading identity, and also grant you the city of Yangzhou as your fief, allowing you to return in glory."

"City of Yangzhou, just a city."

Lin Feng's eyes trembled slightly. Although Yangzhou was a small city, it was not much compared to the vast territory of the Snow Moon Kingdom. However, granting him a city was quite a generous gesture.

Lin Feng was somewhat looking forward to this promise. If he were to return with a leading identity in the future and return to his fief in Yangzhou City, the expressions of the people in the City Lord's Mansion of Yangzhou and the Lin Family would surely be wonderful.

The abandoned son of the Lin Family, the discarded and unwanted, yet possessing a fiefdom of a city, governing many families in Yangzhou City. If it were true, it would indeed be quite ironic. The Lin Family would

 become the biggest joke in the history of Yangzhou City.

"I thank Your Highness for your grace." With a faint smile, Lin Feng spoke, "Your Highness, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave."

"Alright, you may go." Duan Wuya nodded with a smile.

Lin Feng bowed slightly, then nodded slightly at Duan Xinye before turning around and leaving gracefully.

Watching Lin Feng's figure disappear, Duan Wuya and Duan Xinye turned their gazes back. Only after Lin Feng's figure disappeared did Duan Wuya turn around and ask Duan Xinye again, "Xinye, what do you think of Lin Feng?"

"He is very polite," Duan Xinye responded, causing Duan Wuya to smile slightly, "My sister has learned how to change the subject. You should know that I was not asking about that."

Duan Xinye looked at Duan Wuya and then answered, "He is outstanding in both strength and talent, much stronger than those so-called young talents of the nobility. Moreover, he is polite, unassuming, not arrogant, and has a fierce tiger in his heart and hot blood in his bones."

Duan Wuya was a little surprised by Duan Xinye's impassioned response and laughed, "It's the first time I've heard my sister give such a good evaluation of someone. But you're right, the second son is destined for greatness. He can barely match up with my sister."

"Second Brother, stop teasing me." Duan Xinye showed a hint of shyness and said, "Also, Second Brother, if he only has these advantages, it is not enough for you to treat him like this, right?"

"I knew nothing could escape your notice." Duan Wuya was not surprised and smiled, "To match my sister, one must also have an extraordinary status. Lin Feng, although not as noble as you, is not far behind."

"Status?" Duan Xinye asked puzzledly, "Isn't he without any special status?"

"How can he have none, it's just that no one knows." Duan Wuya smiled, "Do you know why I chose to have this gathering in the Lovers' Forest?"

"Why?" Duan Xinye looked at Duan Wuya curiously.

"Because Lin Feng is her son." Duan Wuya's gaze swept into the distance, his eyes deep.

And Duan Xinye's eyes also trembled slightly. Her son!

The legendary woman of the Snow Moon Kingdom!

The Lovers' Forest, drinking the Lovers' Wine, intoxicated with love. This was a place that only people with transcendent status could set foot in. Who would know that its creator was just a woman!