
"Duan Tianlang, why not command a ceasefire?"

Liu Canglan fiercely slapped away the arrows in front of him, shouting in anger.

If Moyue Country were to launch a full-scale invasion, they would undoubtedly be defeated in this battle, and it would be a disastrous defeat. Now, all he could hope for was to quell the internal strife as quickly as possible and resist Moyue's attack.

"A ceasefire? Liu Canglan, you harbor rebellious intentions, sheltering those who ambushed and killed the princess. Even though my power is weak, Duan Tianlang, I will fight you to the death."

Duan Tianlang's gaze was cold, sending chills down Liu Canglan's spine.

Damn it, Duan Tianlang, this would lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers.

With a step forward, Liu Canglan leaped into the air, roaring, "All Snow Moon warriors, cease the battle and defend against the external enemy, otherwise, we will all perish here."


A sharp whistling sound rang out as an arrow shot directly towards Liu Canglan with great force.

"Duan Tianlang, you scoundrel!"

Liu Canglan roared in anger, his tyrannical palm turning the incoming arrow into powder. As he landed, he took Lin Feng with him, shouting loudly, "All Snow Moon warriors, obey orders and retreat to the Abyss of Broken Blades."

Liu Canglan was well aware of the situation at hand. The Snow Moon soldiers were in complete disarray and could not resist Moyue's formidable army.

"Red Blood Iron Cavalry, obey orders and retreat to the Abyss of Broken Blades."

Jiuchi Xue roared, his horse galloping away as the Red Blood Iron Cavalry ceased their combat and retreated to the rear of the camp.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Terrifying whistling sounds filled the air as Liu Canglan looked towards the distant sky, his face turning pale. Above, countless arrows rained down, covering the entire area for miles.

In just an instant, Liu Canglan felt the sky darken and the arrows descend like a deluge.

Endless wails and screams filled the air, as the scene unfolded like doomsday for the Snow Moon soldiers.

With a sharp sword in hand, Lin Feng unleashed a dazzling display, creating a barrier of sword energy that shredded incoming arrows to pieces.

The rain of arrows lasted for ten breaths of time before the sky regained its light. However, the Snow Moon soldiers' tents were destroyed, and countless bodies littered the ground.



The shouts became frantic as countless people screamed for retreat, hoping for a glimmer of hope at the Abyss of Broken Blades.

"Buzz, buzz..."

Another wave of darkness appeared, and once again, arrows hung in the sky before descending.

The battlefield, where life was as fragile as grass, became a place of confrontation where the brave prevailed.

With a step forward, Lin Feng leaped onto a fiery horse, exuding a chilling aura as he wielded his sword, cutting down enemies one by one. His steed galloped uncontested, like a war god on the battlefield.

Though only ten miles from the Snow Moon camp, the Abyss of Broken Blades became a hellish battleground where countless bodies lay strewn across the ground.

On the Abyss of Broken Blades, three thousand archers, all skilled marksmen, lined every corner, releasing arrows whenever Moyue soldiers approached.

In the narrow passage, Moyue soldiers dared not charge in. Not only would they risk being shot by arrows, but the mountain was also filled with ambushes.

Standing at the entrance, preventing Moyue soldiers from passing, was the indomitable archer, Liu Canglan.

Snow Moon soldiers could easily pass behind Liu Canglan or climb onto the Abyss of Broken Blades to defend themselves with bows and arrows.

However, Moyue soldiers risked being shot by Liu Canglan's arrows if they approached. His arrows never missed their mark, bringing certain death.

Watching the continuous slaughter of Snow Moon soldiers in the distance, Liu Canglan felt a pang of anguish.

When Lin Feng arrived on horseback, he dismounted and stood beside Liu Canglan, silently watching the distant figures falling one by one.

The deaths of these soldiers were caused by him, Lin Feng.

"Duan Tianlang."

Lin Feng's murderous intent towards Duan Tianlang had reached its peak. What did the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers mean to Duan Tianlang?

Why did Duan Tianlang do this? To kill him, to incite civil war, and give Moyue an unprecedented opportunity.

And Moyue, seeming to seize this internal strife, exploited the situation.

The crowd gathered more and more, but all were driven onto the Abyss of Broken Blades by Liu Canglan, avoiding direct confrontation with the Moyue soldiers.

In the distance, it seemed that the remaining Snow Moon soldiers had been slaughtered, and countless iron riders slowly approached the Abyss of Broken Blades.

However, when they were a kilometer away from the Abyss of Broken Blades, the iron riders all stopped.

The Abyss of Broken Blades was the last line of defense for Snow Moon, a natural barrier. The Moyue soldiers knew this very well.

Standing on the Abyss of Broken Blades, they could easily shoot down anyone passing through the only passage. Rolling boulders from above not only injured but also prevented the iron riders from passing. With the relentless barrage of arrows, one person could kill ten or even a hundred.

Moyue soldiers were not foolish enough to charge directly into the Abyss of Broken Blades, where many ambushes lay.

If they tried to pass through the narrow valley one by one, at least tens of thousands of soldiers would perish, which was not what Moyue desired.

Watching the Moyue army, Liu Canglan's heart continued to tremble.

Defeated. This battle was a massacre. Snow Moon soldiers no longer had the strength to resist Moyue, having barely made it to the Abyss of Broken Blades, with only about a hundred thousand left, many of whom were injured.

In this battle, nearly three hundred thousand soldiers had been sacrificed, a horrifying number.

During the internal strife, the Moyue army marched swiftly, launching a massacre before the Snow Moon side could even organize a defense. With only a hasty retreat, how could they outrun the iron riders? The pursuit of five hundred thousand iron riders resulted in countless deaths.

At this moment, a figure slowly emerged from the halted crowd. It was a young man, tall and slender, with a slightly pale complexion. However, his eyes exuded a sharpness that commanded respect, a true king's aura.

"General Godarrow."

The young man's lips moved slightly, his voice seemingly low but clearly reaching the ears of Liu Canglan and others.


Liu Canglan looked at the young man and spat out the word coldly.