Four people join forces

Gazing into Lin Feng's ice-cold and relentless pupils, along with his continuously ascending aura, the deputy leader's countenance turned solemn. The shadow of the mighty demonic ape even began to stir, roaring skyward.


The deputy leader bellowed angrily, his palm striking towards Lin Feng. That palm, brimming with surging power, transformed into a phantom ape's giant palm capable of enveloping Lin Feng entirely.


The majestic momentum surged, and the qi of heaven and earth poured madly towards Lin Feng, making him feel as if he were suffocating.

Yet, his fighting spirit remained undaunted, fearless. Lin Feng transformed his finger into a fist, the entire fist like a sharp sword, aiming to pierce through everything, clashing with the giant palm.

"Boom! Boom!"

Another tremendously loud tremor resounded, cracks appearing behind and beneath Lin Feng, the earth splitting open. At this moment, the deputy leader resembled a colossal demonic ape, even mightier than a mountain.

The crisp sound was drowned out by the thunderous roar, the immensely powerful palm pressure pressing down on Lin Feng, shattering his bones, causing internal injuries. However, despite standing there with his entire body seemingly fractured and his internal organs severely damaged, he did not retreat a step, holding the crowd's gaze firmly.

The space momentarily fell silent as a drop of crimson blood dripped down from the deputy leader's palm. No one knew that at this moment, Lin Feng's punch had torn open a hole in the deputy leader's palm with overwhelming dominance. Yet, he didn't even furrow his brow; he knew that the injuries he inflicted upon Lin Feng were far worse.

At this moment, Lin Feng's fist still remained within the opponent's palm, standing motionless. His gray eyes, relentless pupils, and the surrounding world remained crystal clear. This was his world.

His bones shattered, his internal organs injured, seemingly on the verge of collapsing at any moment, yet he still stood there, firmly grounded.

In his black world, blue dots represented ice and snow; dazzling white specks, elements of the sword; and golden glimmers, the essence of battle. All of this vividly manifested in his mind, clear as day.

Momentum, borrowing the power of heaven and earth, merging it with oneself, unleashing an overwhelming force.

Subtlety, the epitome of momentum, condensing it into a single point, unleashing the greatest power, each movement capable of infinite variations, countless forms of momentum, at will.

However, whether momentum or subtlety, they both relied on external forces, not one's own power. They were a form of application, a comprehension, but ultimately had limitations.

In one's own world, one should possess power that belongs entirely to oneself.

In Lin Feng's world, the three-colored dots spun wildly, seemingly merging into one. Yet, at the same time, there was no ice and snow, no sword intent, no blazing battle aura within Lin Feng. At this moment, he seemed like an ordinary mortal with no cultivation, plain, unremarkable, devoid of any uniqueness.

However, within this plainness, there seemed to be a special charm, blending with the essence of heaven and earth.

Strands of natural energy flowed into Lin Feng's body, merging with the energy within him, circulating wildly through his muscles, bones, and flesh. The bones in Lin Feng's body emitted constant cracking sounds, seemingly restructuring.

Cultivation, stepping into the martial path, can change one's destiny.

This change doesn't only refer to the improvement of strength; similarly, martial arts can change a person's bones, flesh, temperament, making martial cultivation more suitable, constantly evolving, becoming stronger.

Bones can shape a perfect physique.

Flesh can transform into bloodlines.

Temperament is reflected in comprehension and soul.

Temperament changes constantly with a martial artist's cultivation. Bones must undergo continuous transformation to enhance oneself along the path of martial cultivation, achieving a perfect harmony with the physical body.

This change requires destruction before construction, reshaping bones, naturally requiring destruction first, then construction when the strength reaches a certain level.

However, Lin Feng seemed to have changed all this. His strength was only at the sixth level of the Lingwu Realm, and his bones were shattered by external forces, not naturally broken during cultivation. Yet, at this moment, Lin Feng was standing firm, relying on his own comprehension to rebuild.

Destruction followed by construction!

The crowd watched Lin Feng, their hearts trembling suddenly. They realized that Lin Feng had become different, but they couldn't pinpoint how.

This was a change in temperament. Lin Feng at this moment, seemed to blend with heaven and earth, returning to simplicity.

A sense of crisis spread in their hearts. The deputy leader, who was currently fighting Lin Feng, held an absolute advantage, but he felt uneasy, sensing that danger could strike at any moment.

This feeling of unease made him move again. Stepping on the ground, it was as if a mighty demonic ape possessed him, trampling the earth, causing the ground to quake and dust to rise.

The deputy leader's hand lifted once again, then fiercely struck out, a boundlessly massive illusory palm aiming to engulf Lin Feng entirely.

Lin Feng's hand also moved, slashing directly towards the void. A dazzling light flashed, accompanied by a splatter of blood. A palm was severed and flung away.

Immediately followed by a piercingly agonizing scream.

"Ah, my hand..."

After a momentary pause, the deputy leader realized his hand was gone, severed by the radiant brilliance just now. He clutched the stump of his arm, blood oozing out frantically, his face contorted in extreme agony.

How could this happen? His hand was impervious to weapons; even someone at the seventh level of the Lingwu Realm would find it challenging to harm him. The defense of the mighty demonic ape was beyond doubt. With his martial soul, possessing the demonic ape, both his strength and defense were terrifying. Yet at this moment, his hand was easily severed, and he didn't even know where that radiant brilliance came from.

Because at this moment, Lin Feng's hand held nothing.

The crowd also stared at Lin Feng's hand, utterly shocked. That radiant brilliance... it was from Lin Feng's palm.

At this moment, Lin Feng, shedding his plainness, stood there like an extremely sharp sword.

He himself was the sword; the sword was him.

The radiant brilliance was from his severed palm because it was his palm. Similarly, it was also a sword.

"Unity of man and sword!"

The hearts of the crowd trembled violently. Yes, this was the realm of unity of man and sword. Lin Feng had unexpectedly surpassed the realm of sword momentum and subtlety, reaching another level, a monstrous level, the unity of man and sword.

Lin Feng, only at the sixth level of the Lingwu Realm in cultivation, had actually comprehended a realm that even experts at the Xuanwu Realm might not be able to touch. This talent and comprehension were terrifying, almost monstrous.


A low roar echoed, and Lin Feng's palm slashed out again. The last remaining deputy leader, who was handed back to Lin Feng by the masked soldier, trembled all over, wanting to retreat, but there was no time. A sinister sword light flashed, cutting across the deputy leader's throat.

The deputy leader's body shuddered, convulsing, as the powerful sword energy destroyed his internal organs. His eyes widened, staring fixedly at Lin Feng.


He attempted to speak, but the masked soldier swiftly delivered another blow. Instantly, the last Black Demon Guard deputy leader fell beneath his horse, lifeless.

A cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingwu Realm, deceased!

Lin Feng, with his own strength, had slain three cultivators at the seventh level of the Lingwu Realm and one at the eighth level.

Now, only the last Black Demon Guard deputy leader and three helmeted soldiers remained.

Lin Feng's gaze shifted, landing on the masked soldier beside the princess. The soldier maneuvered his horse aside, parting ways with Duan Xinye, and said, "The princess is returned to you."

Li Feng's gaze narrowed as he glanced at the soldier, then lightly trembled, walking to Duan Xinye's side. Meanwhile, the masked soldier rode over to the other three men.

"You're not going to kill him?" The remaining Black Demon Guard deputy leader, looking at the masked soldier returning Duan Xinye, spoke coldly.

"We stand a chance only if we four join forces," the masked soldier, riding forward, approached the Black Demon Guard deputy leader. Suddenly, his body transformed into a phantom, leaping from his horse in an instant, and landing on the deputy leader's body. With a violent and ferocious surge, his palm struck the deputy leader's heart.

The deputy leader convulsed, his internal organs obliterated by the surging palm force, his eyes staring wide with disbelief at his assailant.


He tried to speak, but before he could, the masked soldier struck again. In an instant, the last Black Demon Guard deputy leader fell beneath the hooves of his horse, dead!