Purple Gold Mountain

Zinan's intentions were simple; he desired to create opportunities for Lin Feng to spend time alone with his two daughters.

Ziling, slightly younger than Lin Feng, and Ziyi, around the same age as him, though not considered stunning beauties, possessed a fair share of charm. Moreover, their talents were commendable. If Lin Feng were to take a liking to either of them, it would naturally be favorable.

Of course, even if Lin Feng didn't develop any affection, he could still ensure the safety of the two young women. There was no harm in that.

However, at this moment, Ziling and Ziyi were surprised. They looked at Zinan, their father, addressing Lin Feng as "Young Sir"?

"Dad, why do you call him that?" Ziling's eyes flickered incessantly. Her father rarely scolded her, but today he scolded her twice, seemingly because of Lin Feng.

"Ziling, Ziyi, both of you are out of line. Lin Feng's cultivation level far surpasses yours. His tolerance towards you stems from his humility and generosity, yet you fail to appreciate it. Instead, you dare to order him around, which is simply unacceptable," Zinan reprimanded his two daughters, his words carrying a hint of profound meaning. "This time, I'm letting Lin Feng accompany you. I hope both of you will seek guidance from him and get closer to him."

"Him, his cultivation level far surpasses ours?" Ziling stared at Lin Feng, curiously assessing him. "Dad, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"Father, you shouldn't trust others blindly, being influenced by them," Ziyi also doubted. She was a genius with a triple cultivation level of Spirit Martial Realm. Lin Feng was around her age. Even if he wasn't a waste, he couldn't possibly be stronger than her.

"Shut up! Are you disrespecting my words?" Zinan felt somewhat helpless and reprimanded once again. "Hurry up and pack your things. Get ready to leave."

"Oh!" Ziling stuck out her tongue and then pulled Ziyi away.

Watching them leave, Zinan shook his head and sighed at Lin Feng, "Young Sir, my daughters can be unruly at times. I hope you won't mind."

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, shaking his head dismissively. Only then did Zinan feel relieved. He thought to himself that it was no wonder Lin Feng had such a high realm; his broad-mindedness was far beyond ordinary people's.

Ziling and Ziyi simply packed a few personal belongings and set out lightly.

Outside the Purple Orchid Villa, Ziling, Ziyi, and Lin Feng rode on three Thousand Mile Snow horses. As Zinan intended, only Lin Feng and the two women were going to the Purple Mansion.

Originally, as the head of this branch, Zinan should have made the trip, but he believed that the people of the Purple Mansion would understand once they saw his two daughters and Lin Feng.

"Young Sir Lin, I entrust my two daughters to you."

Zinan instructed, and Lin Feng nodded slightly, saying, "I promise to safely escort them to the Purple Mansion."

Lin Feng didn't mention anything about coming back, and Zinan naturally understood, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded. If Lin Feng took a liking to his two daughters, he would naturally bring them back. If not, then so be it.

"Dad, with Ziyi and me together, what could possibly happen? We're leaving," Ziling turned back and said, then spurred her horse, and Thousand Mile Snow galloped away.

Ziyi and Lin Feng also urged their horses forward, catching up with Ziling.

"Lin Feng, what did you say to my father to make him trust you so much?"

Riding on the road, Ziyi and Lin Feng rode side by side, and Ziyi asked loudly.

"I didn't say anything."

Lin Feng's gaze was indifferent, not even looking at Ziyi, which made Ziyi's face slightly displeased, and she snorted coldly.

"Sister, I think Dad sees that he has an extraordinary appearance and wants to match you two."

Ahead, Ziling smiled and said, causing Ziyi to furrow her brows and glance at Lin Feng coldly, saying, "I won't marry a waste."

With that, Ziyi swung the long whip in her hand, and Thousand Mile Snow turned into a swift wind, rushing past Lin Feng in an instant, swift and incomparable.

Lin Feng remained indifferent. At this moment, he was pondering whether the woman who was to marry Ziqiong was indeed Duan Xinye.

The Purple Orchid Villa was about two days' journey from the main family's Purple Mansion, and Ziqiong's wedding day was three days away.


A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the dark night. The sky continuously poured down large raindrops onto the earth, making the journey to the Purple Gold Mountain muddy and difficult.

The Purple Gold Mountain was a continuous range of mountains, with the Purple Mansion situated on it.

At the foot of the Purple Gold Mountain, within a dilapidated grass hut, three Thousand Mile Snow horses dashed to the eaves, followed by three figures swiftly jumping down from them, rushing into the relatively spacious grass hut.

"This cursed weather! We're already at the foot of the Purple Gold Mountain, and yet such a heavy rain descends upon us. We could have reached the Purple Mansion tonight and enjoyed a comfortable sleep."

Ziling, drenched from head to toe, cursed under her breath. Her clothes clung tightly to her body, revealing her well-developed and enticing curves.

At that moment, Ziling suddenly felt someone watching her. She frowned, only to see three figures sitting on the ground in the grass hut. As she entered, their eyes immediately swept over her, emanating a hint of malevolence and lasciviousness.

Feeling a chill run down her spine, Ziling fell silent. Confronted with such malevolent gazes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

Ziyi and Lin Feng followed suit. They were no better off than Ziling, drenched, and Lin Feng even wore a silver mask on his face.

Ziyi also sensed the gaze of those three individuals. Her cold eyes swept over them, emanating a hint of hostility. These people couldn't be good.

However, her gaze also carried a hint of wariness. After all, they were far from the Purple Orchid Villa at the moment, so caution was necessary. She pulled Ziling and the two of them sat down in a corner of the grass hut.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng picked up some wood from the grass hut and piled it in front of Ziling and Ziyi. He then lit a fire and sat beside it, continuously tending to it to dry himself sooner.

The three men glanced at Lin Feng again. They saw him busy with making the fire, seemingly unaware of their presence.

"So useless! I really don't understand what Father is thinking, letting such a waste accompany us."

Seeing Lin Feng only doing menial tasks and showing no gratitude, Ziyi mocked him disdainfully, her eyes filled with contempt.

When one dislikes another, no matter what the other person does, they will find fault with it. Ultimately, Ziyi looked down on Lin Feng because she thought his strength was low. If she knew that Lin Feng's strength surpassed even her father's, she wouldn't know how she would feel.

However, Ziyi didn't know that her words didn't affect Lin Feng in the slightest. Because, Lin Feng simply didn't care about her, naturally he wouldn't care about her words.

Of course, such ingratitude from Ziyi made Lin Feng hold no affection towards her.

"Boss, what do you think of these two girls?"

At this moment, a smirk emerged, and one of the men sitting opposite stared back and forth between Ziyi and Ziling, his gaze lascivious.

"I prefer the one who's a bit colder, with a plump top and a perky bottom. She has a mature charm, and playing with her must be enjoyable. I just wonder if she'll still be as cold when we're playing."

The boss's eyes emitted a green light as they fixated on the ample curves of Ziyi's upper body, drenched by the rain, her clothes clinging tightly to her chest, making her bosom appear particularly prominent and enticing.

Hearing the lewd words, Ziyi's face instantly turned cold, her gaze locked onto the three men, emanating a chill.

"Boss, this girl seems angry. Not fun to play with. I prefer the one who's a bit younger, cute, and has a great figure."

The other person who hadn't spoken also chimed in, his eyes fixated on Ziling, his gaze sly.

These three men spoke without reservation, their gazes toward Ziyi and Ziling akin to predators eyeing their prey.

As for Lin Feng, who was busy making the fire, he was completely ignored by the three men.

Ziling leaned closer to Ziyi, although she was usually lively, facing such a situation, she couldn't help but feel some fear.

"You shameless lot! Say one more word?"

A coldness emanated from Ziyi as she stood up, her gaze icy as she stared at the three men across from her.

"Tsk, tsk, these curves are really something. I wonder what shape is underneath."

The boss's eyes stared straight at Ziyi's upper body as she stood up, as if scrutinizing a naked woman.