purple lake

The crowd also gazed at the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's chest, where the distinct cross was imprinted, and fresh blood slowly oozed out, a chilling sight to behold.

"Who said that the Spiritual Martial Realm couldn't harm the Xuanwu Realm powerhouse."

Just as Lin Feng's words indicated, Lin Feng, he achieved it. With the strength of the Spiritual Martial Realm, he injured the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion in the Xuanwu Realm, not only injuring him but severely so, almost killing the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion on the spot, which was unbelievable.

With his head lowered, looking at the clear cross-shaped bloodstain, the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's complexion could no longer be described in words. The flow of true yuan, the coagulation of blood, the fresh blood from the wound stopped flowing. When the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion looked up at Lin Feng, there was only endless murderous intent. He had never wanted to kill someone so badly.

"I will cut your body into pieces, and then kill you."

The Patriarch of the Purple Mansion uttered a sinister and chilling phrase, sending shivers down the spine.


Lin Feng snorted coldly, retreating to his original position, pulling up Duan Xinye, his body retreating straight back. This scene caused a change in the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's complexion, who shouted, "You dare."

Behind Lin Feng at this moment, not far away, was the massive statue of the ancestor of the Purple Mansion, which was the entrance to the forbidden area of the Purple Mansion. The huge opening was still there, untouched by anyone.

Seeing the change in the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's complexion, Lin Feng's eyes flashed, then he sneered. Stepping forward, his body became like a phantom. He and Duan Xinye disappeared directly into the forbidden area entrance.

The more exaggerated the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's complexion became, the more Lin Feng wanted to enter.

As his figure flickered wildly, the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion followed, but when he was about to step into the entrance, an extremely sharp sword aura burst out, causing his body to retreat again.

With a rumble, accompanied by a faint roar, the door to the forbidden area slowly closed, making the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's gaze focus on it.


The Patriarch of the Purple Mansion's fists made a cracking sound as he stared at the entrance. The thing he was most worried about had happened.

Just now, when Lin Feng approached the forbidden area, he didn't show any unusual behavior, even pushing Lin Feng back, allowing him to get closer to the forbidden area. He did this to prevent suspicion about the forbidden area, to prevent Lin Feng from entering it. But in the end, Lin Feng still went in.

If it weren't for Lin Feng, he wouldn't have been too worried. But Lin Feng, with his extraordinary talent, if he stayed inside for a few years and didn't come out, he would have no way to deal with Lin Feng at all. Moreover, with Lin Feng's talent, when he came out after a few years, he might be able to kill him.

Furthermore, inside the forbidden area, there were some peculiar things. Although no one from their Purple Mansion had ever comprehended them, with Lin Feng's insight, who knows what might happen? Perhaps, it wouldn't even take a few years...

With ever-changing expressions, Ziyin's body remained still, always guarding the entrance to the forbidden area, silently staring at the door of the forbidden area, his gaze extremely dark.

The crowd also did not rush to leave. In fact, they were all curious about what was inside the forbidden area of the Purple Mansion. Was it truly the tomb of the ancestor of the Purple Mansion?

However, constrained by the reputation of the Purple Mansion in the thousands of miles around, no one dared to forcibly intrude. Moreover, the strong in other areas of the Xuanwu Realm would not have much interest in the forbidden area of a mere Purple Mansion.

After all, the strength of the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion was only enough to dominate the thousands of miles around here. Faced with the real powerhouses in the region, it didn't amount to much.

Within the forbidden area, there was a faint oppressive atmosphere.

The silent space was terrifyingly quiet, and the space was filled with a faint purple light.

Purple, illuminating the space inside the forbidden area.

Duan Xinye held Lin Feng's hand tightly, as if afraid that he would let go, her beautiful eyes gazing at the forbidden area space with a hint of curiosity.

Although there was also some fear, it wasn't too intense because Lin Feng was by her side.

"Xinye, have the people from the Purple Mansion ever told you about this forbidden area?" Lin Feng asked, his voice producing faint echoes.

"No, I've hardly spoken to anyone from the Purple Mansion," Duan Xinye replied, shaking her head slightly.

"Then let's go inside and take a look."

Lin Feng took Duan Xinye's hand and, with the faint purple light, slowly walked forward.

As Lin Feng and Duan Xinye moved forward, the purple light actually became brighter, and everything around them became clear.

At this moment, they were stepping on smooth slabs of stone, clean and neat, with walls on both sides engraved with patterns. As Lin Feng walked forward, the distance between the walls grew wider because the space became broader.

After some time, Lin Feng and Duan Xinye's gaze slightly froze as they looked ahead, their eyes filled with shock.

A lake appeared in front of them, a purple lake, with the purple liquid in the lake churning violently, as if it would never calm down.

Moreover, this lake was not large. Vaguely, you could see the other end of the lake, brightly lit, with carved railings and jade walls, resembling a huge palace.

"Purple lake, and a palace!"

Lin Feng's eyes slightly narrowed. This continuously churning lake actually bore some resemblance to Ziying's martial soul. What shocked him even more was that this lake seemed to be roaring constantly, as if it would never stop.

"Let's cross over and take a look."

Lin Feng said to Duan Xinye, who nodded slightly. Then, Lin Feng took Duan Xinye's hand, his body trembling, and soared into the air, stepping directly across the purple lake, intending to go straight to the palace on the other side.

However, just as Lin Feng crossed over the purple lake, a fierce roar erupted.

Only to see that the purple lake surged into the sky, countless purple vortexes enveloping Lin Feng and Duan Xinye's bodies, then directly pulling them into the lake.

Everything happened in an instant, so fast that it was unbelievable.

Lin Feng's face changed drastically. This purple lake seemed to suddenly come to life, rushing towards him, pulling him into the purple lake, something he had never expected.

Duan Xinye let out a scream, her hand tightly gripping Lin Feng's, unwilling to let go. Together, they were swept into the purple lake.


At this moment, the purple lake seemed to surge with excitement, roaring wildly as its violet liquid continuously surged into the sky, rolling ceaselessly, all converging towards Lin Feng and Duan Xinye.

The sleeves on Lin Feng and Duan Xinye's arms instantly vanished into thin air, melted away by the purple lake. Soon after, to their horror, they found their garments also disappearing, dissolved by the lake. Fortunately, their bodies submerged entirely in the purple liquid, sparing them from embarrassment.

Moreover, this sudden and eerie phenomenon left them too preoccupied to dwell on their embarrassment.

With only their heads and a single arm exposed, Lin Feng and Duan Xinye clung tightly to each other's radiant arms. Witnessing the roaring purple liquid directly infiltrating their arms and flowing through them, entering their bodies.

Not only that, the purple liquid permeated through every part of their bodies, infiltrating relentlessly as if seeking to seize control of their beings.

"Lin Feng, I feel terribly uncomfortable," Duan Xinye said, her face pale, illuminated by the purple light. At this moment, she felt as though her body were about to swell. Then, her grip on Lin Feng's arm, which she had held tightly, gradually loosened, devoid of strength.

Lin Feng's expression darkened; he, too, felt the discomfort as the purple liquid invaded his body.

Yet, at this moment, a powerful aura surged forth, and behind Duan Xinye, several shadows emerged, revealing several ancient doors, shrouded in darkness.

Three doors, seemingly ancient and timeless.

"The Sealing Gates!" Lin Feng's eyes trembled. These were the Sealing Gates, possessed only by the royal bloodline of the Duan family, housing soul martial arts and bloodline soul martial arts.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The three Sealing Gates flickered, enclosing Duan Xinye's body, sealing everything. An ancient sealing aura emanated, causing the purple liquid to cease its invasion, slowly receding.

The Sealing Gates prevented the purple liquid from intruding.

Duan Xinye's eyes slowly closed, her breathing steady, bringing a slight relief to Lin Feng's heart. Duan Xinye had merely passed out, with no serious injuries. On the contrary, the purple liquid continued to assail his body, causing unbearable agony.

Yet, at this moment, a familiar sensation arose, causing Lin Feng's body to tremble. Then, behind him, the shadow of a martial soul emerged.

The dormant Devouring Heaven Martial Soul had once again appeared.