Purple Serpent Demon Venerable

Apart from the Remnant Soul Heavenly Art that startled Lin Feng, the other memories of that expert were equally awe-inspiring to him.

With some memories of the other's life, he also learned about the other's strength.

Respected in the martial realm, the supreme in martial arts!

A punch could shatter mountains, a sword could cut off rivers and lakes of the venerable.

Lin Feng finally understood the division of strength. Above the Spiritual Martial Realm was the Profound Martial Realm, also divided into nine layers.

The Profound Martial Realm, further up, was the Heaven, the realm of Heavenly Martial, transcending the heavens.

Above the Heavenly Martial Realm were the venerable strong who were acclaimed as the venerable in martial arts. Lin Feng knew it was difficult for him to surpass the Profound Martial Realm, let alone the venerable who was separated from him by an unknown distance.

Turning back, Lin Feng looked at the lifeless body, feeling a sigh in his heart. A generation of the venerable had fallen here. In front of him, he, a Spiritual Martial practitioner, was like an ant, capable of killing countless with a wave of his hand.

The strong in the Profound Martial Realm, placed in kingdoms like the Snow Moon Country and the Moyue Country, were already formidable existences. As for the Heavenly Martial Realm, Lin Feng had never heard of it. The entire Snow Moon Country didn't even know if there was a formidable presence in the Heavenly Martial Realm.

As for the venerable, Lin Feng was certain that people of this cultivation level could wipe out a kingdom with a wave of their hand, which the Snow Moon Country could not accommodate.

In the Venerable Martial Realm, the venerable could turn their blood into the power of their lineage, passing it down. This meant that the mysterious bloodline martial soul in their eyes was created by the venerable. To them, the venerable were legendary strong individuals.

Yet, at this moment, Lin Feng had actually seen a legendary strong individual and even received his inheritance, endowed with memories containing supreme divine powers.

"This giant snake is actually the Purple Serpent Demon Venerable."

Lin Feng glanced at the purple serpent. If it were placed outside, the Demon Venerable alone would be enough to terrify a country.

His blood turned into lakes, still vibrant after hundreds of years, still possessing life, and could invade into people's bodies, bestowing upon them the power of bloodline and martial soul.

Unfortunately, that purple blood lake was forcibly absorbed by him.

"Elder, I have received your inheritance, which is also considered inheriting your mantle. Elder, you are my teacher."

Lin Feng looked at the statue, then actually knelt down on both knees, respectfully performing the ritual of kneeling before the corpse statue. A teacher was naturally worthy of this respect.

After all, the other had turned the essence of his memories into three segments of inheritance and passed them on to him. This bow was well deserved, and Lin Feng knelt down with sincerity.

If this expert, or anyone like him, becomes Lin Feng's mentor, he could walk sideways in the Snow Moon Country.

Seeing Lin Feng's gesture, Duan Xinye also walked to his side and knelt down respectfully towards the statue, bowing. In return, she was given a segment of memory, comprising powerful techniques and martial skills, making the giver her mentor.

"Elder, the first segment of memory you bestowed upon me will be etched in my mind. If I ever have the chance to meet your acquaintances, I will surely inform them of your deeds."

Lin Feng spoke again, recalling that among the memories bestowed upon him was the life story of the elder and some unresolved matters. Although centuries had passed, reaching the realm of venerable allowed for a long life span. The elder's acquaintances might have entered even deeper realms.

Standing up, Lin Feng sighed inwardly. What is love? Even the mighty presence of a venerable martial artist can be entangled in emotions. Remembering for centuries is why he insisted that only lovers could enter here, for he himself was a romantic at heart.

"Lin Feng, when shall we leave?" Duan Xinye asked softly at this moment. They couldn't stay in this forbidden place forever; it would drive them mad.

Lin Feng's gaze turned pensive. Surely, Grand Patriarch Zi would be waiting outside now. If he rushed out, the patriarch might launch an attack on him. With his current strength, he could barely contend with someone in the Profound Martial Realm.

"The experts in the Profound Martial Realm possess the power of True Yuan. I suffered a great loss that day. My strength is a level lower than theirs in terms of True Yuan," Lin Feng murmured to himself. However, he was confident in his abilities. That day, he left a cross-shaped wound on Grand Patriarch Zi's chest, nearly killing him on the spot. After bathing in the Purple Blood Lake, tempering his body, and devouring the lake, his Heavenly Devourer Martial Soul grew stronger, giving birth to a new martial soul. With this, Lin Feng felt more confident. Although he couldn't slay Grand Patriarch Zi of the Profound Martial Realm, he still had the power to fight, but to what extent remained uncertain.

"Xinye, let's go and check if we can leave at any time," Lin Feng said to Duan Xinye. Naturally, Duan Xinye had no objections and nodded.

"Let's go."

Lin Feng and Duan Xinye retraced their steps. The light dimmed gradually, and the path narrowed. Before long, they arrived at the forbidden gate where they had entered.

"You stay behind me; I'll check first," Lin Feng said, then approached and placed his hand on the forbidden gate.


A thunderous sound rang out as the forbidden gate slowly opened. Anyone within the forbidden grounds who touched the gate would open it.

Lin Feng's gaze hardened, and a cold aura emanated from him. With a light hum, a sword appeared in his hand, gleaming with sharpness.

As the forbidden gate opened fully, an intense cold enveloped the space, making Lin Feng's heart tense. Something was wrong; how could it be so cold, especially since Grand Patriarch Zi shouldn't emit such a powerful chill?

However, as Lin Feng sensed the outside world with his consciousness, his eyes immediately froze. The battle intent on his body disappeared in an instant.

The forbidden gate finally opened completely, revealing a stunning face. It was Dream Qin, waiting for him instead of Grand Patriarch Zi.

Dream Qin naturally also saw Lin Feng. Their eyes met in the air, stirring up some strange emotions.

"Dream Qin."

A smile spread across Lin Feng's face.

But Dream Qin remained cold, showing no change in her expression. Her gaze shifted to Lin Feng after a glance, then settled on Duan Xinye who had emerged behind him.

Seeing the men's clothing on Duan Xinye, Dream Qin's eyes flickered slightly with emotion, but it was soon concealed by indifference.

Duan Xinye also looked at Dream Qin, unable to help but marvel at her beauty. Not only beautiful but also cold.

Duan Xinye had always been confident in her appearance. She had never seen a woman who surpassed her in beauty, but today, she had, and this woman seemed to have an extraordinary relationship with Lin Feng.

"As long as you're fine, let's go," Dream Qin said faintly, then turned around and walked slowly, a chill emanating from her, making Lin Feng frown.

No, something's wrong. Why is Dream Qin so cold?

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the cold aura that had once appeared on Dream Qin. His face slightly froze, then he called out, "Wait, Dream Qin."

But Dream Qin seemed not to hear his call and continued to step forward, her figure seeming somewhat lonely.


Lin Feng took a step forward, exiting the forbidden gate. This bold act startled everyone; Lin Feng dared to address Dream Qin in such a manner.

Dream Qin was not only beautiful like a celestial being but also possessed extraordinary strength.

Yet, Lin Feng's shout made Dream Qin's steps actually halt. She turned around, looking at Lin Feng.

"Come here."

Lin Feng commanded, his voice tinged with some displeasure, causing Dream Qin's eyes to flicker. She dared not meet Lin Feng's gaze, but under the astonished gaze of the crowd, she actually walked slowly towards Lin Feng, obediently.

Lin Feng scolded her, but she not only didn't resist but also obediently approached him.

What kind of relationship did they have?

Why would someone as beautiful and powerful as Dream Qin obey Lin Feng like this?

"Xinye, you go out first." Lin Feng walked into the forbidden area and said to Duan Xinye, who was a bit stunned. She looked at Lin Feng with a charming and moving gaze, then nodded silently and walked out of the forbidden area, glancing at Dream Qin passing by her.

At that moment, she felt an endless chill, hastily avoiding it. Her heart pounded, feeling the extreme coldness around the stunning woman, as if she wanted to freeze her to death.

"Come in." Lin Feng pulled Dream Qin, who was standing at the door of the forbidden area, his voice sounding somewhat displeased.

The doors of the forbidden area closed again, and the figures of Lin Feng and Dream Qin disappeared from view. The crowd's gaze stayed fixed on the closed door, curious about what would happen inside.